The revolution in Tepic

On 23 December 1915 Subsecretario de Hacienda Rafael Nieto reminded the Administrador de Rentas, A. G. Guzmán, that according to circular núm. 48 holders of sábanas and dos caritas, among others, had to hand them in to the Jefatura de Hacienda or Administracion Principal de Timbre in exchange for a receipt. On 19 January 1916 Guzmán told Mexico City that they had not yet received copies of the circular and therefore holders had missed the deadline of 31 December. On 22 January Nieto extended the deadline to 31 January, but on 29 January Guzmán asked for a further extension until the end of February, which was agreed by the Secretario de Hacienda, Luis Cabrera, on 2 FebruaryEl Bien Público, 5 February 1916.

On 4 May 1917 Andrés G. Guzmán, the Administrator de Rentas of the former territory reluctantly handed over his office to the newly designated Director General de Rentas of the state of Nayarit, Antonio de la Torre. There was $3,521,469.55 in notes withdrawn from circulation, composed of

Infalsificables $ 391,185.13
Ejército Constitucionalista, Gobierno Provisional de México and other issues 3,058,529.81
Ejército Constitucionalista and Gobierno Provisional de México ($384,546.10 taken in in the current fiscal year at a rate of 10:1) 38,454.61
In documents of the Brigada Carrasco (en documentos pendientes de datar, por ministraciones a la fuerzas de la Brigada Carrasco) 33,330.00
  $ 3,521,469.55

In addition there were

deposits of sábanas and dos caritas, made in accordance with Carranza’s circular núm. 48 $    571,338.20
a deposit made by Miguel Salazar of notes of the Gobierno Provisional de Veracruz in accordance with Carranza’s decree withdrawing high value notes 2,383.00
notes collected by the Jalisco public and withdrawn to help with the amortization of the National Debt  4,183.90
two sealed boxes submitted by the Proveedor General. Eduardo Díaz, containing notes that had been withdrawn from circulation 313,751.50
a packet of withdrawn notes, the result of an exchange made by the pagador of the Brigada Carrasco, Rodolfo Bazúa, on 8 July 1915 (procedente de reintegro que hizo el pagador del Brigada Carrasco, C. Rodolfo Bazúa por igual suma que le ministró la Tesorería Municipal de esta ciudad en Julio 8 de 1915 de órden del entonces Jefe Político General Ernesto Damy h; suma que devolvió la expresada Tesorería Municipal con oficio No 364 de 29 de diciembre de 1916, de lo que se dio cuenta a la Secretaría de Hacienda en oficio número 392 de 22 de enero 1917) 5,180.00

All these were contained in 35 strongboxes and one packetPeriódico Oficial, Tomo 1, Núm. 3, 13 May 1917 and Núm. 4, 20 May 1917.