The US Mexican Numismatic Association is developing a comprehensive online history of Mexican currency, from the earliest necessity issue at the time of the War of Independence through to other emergency issues caused by the silver shortage in 1943. It includes the various national and state banks of issue, and all the private and factional issues, but not the issues of the Banco de México.
The information is presented in the "The History" section by state and in roughly chronological order. National issues and events can usually be found in the Federal District section.
Sources are, wherever possible, original documentation and so we have included texts of the relevant decrees, circulars and other correspondence in the section headed "Documents". We have also included images of many of the notes, particularly the backs, which are neglected in most catalogues but are not only often pleasing to the eye but also a deep source of information about origins, issuers and dates of use and redemption.
This is a collaborative effort and members are asked to contribute additional information. We particularly hope that other collectors will provide extra details about personnel (particularly signatories), issues, date and signature combinations, number ranges, security marks, branch overprints etc. to fill out the tables for the various banks. All contributors will be acknowledged and, where sizeable, given their own byline.
For further details please see How you can help.