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$10 Ejército Constitucionalista notes

The 30,000 $10 notes were overprinted with the code (of C with a number) twice on the back. This alternated between a leading C and a trailing C.

Ejercito 10 C 37698

Ejercito 10 C 37698 reverse
leading C (C-I I-C)

Ejercito 10 C 47171

Ejercito 10 C 47171 reverse
trailing C (I-C C-I)

The codes are printed twice horizontally in black on the back. Again there were two sequences, with leading C and trailing C.

C-I I-C 0001   includes numbers 21586 to 37698
I-C C-I     ncludes numbers 42763 to 79556
C-II II-C     includes numbers 91112 to
II-C C-II     includes numbers 104076 to 130893
C-III III-C     includes numbers 147466 to 187166
III-C C-III     includes numbers 187320 to 226584
C-IV IV-C     includes numbers 227756 to 239131
IV-C C-IV     includes numbers 247964 to 248566
C-V V-C     includes numbers 261030 to 267041
V-C C-V     includes numbers 270224
C-VI VI-C     includes numbers 266022 to 281465
VI-C C-VI   30000 includes number 293751


The V-C C-V and VI-C C-VI notes were overprinted vertically.

Ejercito 10 C 270224

Ejercito 10 C 270224 reverse
(V-C C-V vertically)

Ejercito 10 C 293751

Ejercito 10 C 293751 reverse
(VI-C C-VI vertically)