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Chamber of Commerce notes


On 18 July 1915 the governor Pánfilo Natera authorised the local Chamber of Commerce in Zacatecas[text needed] to issue fractional notes to the total of $50,000. The four denominations (5c, 10c, 20c and 50c) were dated 21 July 1915.

Five centavos

date on note Series from to total
21 July 1915 A          
F         includes number 48367CNBanxico #12449
M         includes numbers 7860CNBanxico #6580 to 22531


Ten centavos

date on note Series from to total
21 July 1915 A         includes numbers 47259CNBanxico #12450 to 70248
E         includes numbers 82553CNBanxico #6581 to 98951CNBanxico #6582


Twenty centavos

date on note Series from to total
21 July 1915 H         includes numbers 28897 to 29635CNBanxico #6586
V         includes number 38134


Fifty centavos

date on note Series from to total
21 July 1915 F         includes numbers 19254CNBanxico #12452 to 21331CNBanxico #6588
G         includes number 7112
M         includes number 41701


These were signed by F. H. Valle, president, and J. A. Espino, secretary of the Chamber and Mayor F. Arratia as Interventor.

Francisco H. Valle

In December 1915 Francisco H. Valle, with Pascual Valle, applied for a mining concession called “La Soledad”Periódico Oficial, 18 December 1915.

sig Valle
J. A. Espino sig Espino
F. Arratia sig Arratia


On the reverse, besides referring to the military decree, the notes stated that they were a temporary issue solely for the purpose of facilitating the making of change.

The Carancistas recaptured Zacatecas in August 1915. General Francisco Murguía with the support of the generals Cesáreo Castro and Benjamín Hill took the town and immediately named General Rómulo Figueroa as Interim Governor. On 27 August the Jefe Político, L. T. Villaseñor, put out a flyer, reminding the public that, amongst others, the notes issued by the local Cámara de Comercio were of forced circulationAMZac, Jefatura Política, caja [ ], exp. 92, folio 1.

A Comisión Reguladora del Comercio in Zacatecas was established by governor Carlos Plank on 13 May 1916Periódico Oficial, Año 2, Tomo 2, Núm. 40, 13 May 1916. This validated some of these Chamber of Commerce notes.

Comercio 10 reverse with seal
with seal


By February 1916 the need for these notes had passed and Figueroa ordered their withdrawal. Holders could present them for exchange at the Oficina Reguladora del Comercio.