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$20 Banco Minero note

Minero 20 A 3039

Minero 20 A 3039 reverse

Date of issueDate on noteSeriesfromtoGerente Interventorcode 
26 June 1889 1888 A 0001 2500 E. Creel Ochoa Granados    
10 October 1985also reference to 1 December 1895 in AGN, SC224, Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 559, libro 1024 2501   E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar    
    B 222 includes number 3039
    E 228 includes number 3368
    X 252 includes number 4255CNBanxico #13252
21 February 1898 1898 B 1   E. Creel  Ochoa Cuellar    
    N 18 09 N includes number 1271CNBanxico #13259
31 August 1900 1900 / 1899 C 1 2500     Cuellar    
9 July 1906 9 July 1906 /1906 /1903 A 0001 1000 J. A. Creel Ochoa Cuellar G125Z    
B 1001 2000 H832M
C 2001 2500 L576B
24 December 1908 24 December 1908 / 1908 / 1903 C 2501 3000 J. A. Creel Ochoa Cuellar    
D 3001 4000 Y258E
E 4001 5000 Z461A
21 February 1910 27 January 1910 / 1910 F 5001 6000 J. A. Creel Prieto Cuellar B183N 13 January 1910
G 6001 7000 V347C
H 7001 8000 A925G
I 8001 9000 L258Y
J 9001 10000 R715C
21 March 1911 18 January 1911 / 1911 K 10001 11000 J. A. Creel Prieto Cuellar D910X 10 December 1910 
L 11001 12000 T325B
M 12001 13000 A168Y 12 December 1910  
N 13001 14000 C476N
O 14001 15000 L253V
27 February 1912 30 December 1912 / 1913 P 15001 16000 J. A. Creel L. Terrazas hijo Aguirre H. J 258 The code for these notes reads 'JUAN Y JESUS'
21 March 1911        
Q 16001 17000 U 971
R 17001 18000 A 643
S 18001 19000 N 869
T 19001 20000 Y 135
8 August 1912 24 March 1913 / 1913 U 20001 21000 J .A. Creel L. Terrazas hijo Cuellar J 427
V 21001 22000 E 312
W 22001 23000 S 584
X 23001 24000 U 796
Y 24001 25000 S 619


After the 1908 robbery the bank recalled its $20 notes and revalidated them.

Banco Minero 20 A 0129
a $20 note revalidated on 23 March 1908

Banco Minero 20 C 2261
a note revalidated (rather enthusiastically) on 21 October 1908

Some were revalidated by the Gómez Palacio branch.

Banco Minero 20 A 0124 GOMEZ PALACIO
revalidated in the Gómez Palacio branch, 21 March 1908

The bank kept the record of which notes were restamped, and on which date, in a book now in the Archivo General de la NaciónAGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 768, libro 1403. However, as some serial letters had been used twice, there are many errors and most of these notes will subsequently have been incinerated. Known survivors are:

Series original date revalidated
C 1900 / 1899 6 April 1908
A 9 July 1906 / 1906 / 1903

GOMEZ PALACIO 19 March 1908CNBanxico #13254
GOMEZ PALACIO 21 March 1908
23 March 1908
31 March 1908
GOMEZ PALACIO 3 June 1908CNBanxico #6864
3 July 1908
9 July 1908CNBanxico #13253
23 July 1908
B 9 July 1908CNBanxico #13255
C 21 October 1908


Date of issueDate on noteSeriesfromtoGerente Interventorcode 
28 May 1914 21 April 1914 A10 25001 26000 J. A. Creel L. Terrazas Casa Madrid   dispatched by ABNC on 29 January 1914ABNC (CEHM, Fondo Creel, 92, 23566 has 15 February);authorisation requested 21 AprilCEHM, Fondo Creel, 85, 22002, authorised 21 AprilCEHM, Fondo Creel, 92, 23560
B10 26001 27000  
C10 27001 28000   dispatched by ABNC on 5 February 1914ABNC (CEHM, Fondo Creel, 92, 23566 has 15 February);authorisation requested 21 AprilCEHM, Fondo Creel, 85, 22002, authorised 21 AprilCEHM, Fondo Creel, 92, 23560
D10 28001 29000  
E10 29001 30000  
F10 30001 31000  
G10 31001 32000  
H10 32001 33000  
J10 33001 34000  
K10 34001 35000  
24 July 1914 3 July 1914 A11 35001 36000 J. A. Creel M. Falomir Casa Madrid 515 dispatched by ABNC on 15 April 1914ABNC; authorisation requested 2 JulyCEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22029, authorised 7 JulyCEHM, Fondo Creel, 92, 23566
B11 36001 37000 471
C11 37001 38000 378
D11 38001 39000 200
E11 39001 40000 172
F11 40001 41000 666 dispatched by ABNC on 21 May 1914ABNC; authorisation requested 2 JulyCEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22029, authorised 7 JulyCEHM, Fondo Creel, 92, 23566
G11 41001 42000 783
H11 42001 43000 815
J11 43001 44000 999
K11 44001 45000 125
25 July 1914 7 July 1914 L11 45001 46000 J. A. Creel M. Falomir Casa Madrid 222

dispatched by ABNC on 21 May 1914ABNC; authorisation requested 6 JulyCEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22030, authorised 7 July, prepared for reopening of Chihuahua branchCEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22031

M11 46001 47000 344
N11 47001 48000 478
O11 48001 49000 816
P11 49001 50000 132
Q11 50001 51000 717
R11 51001 52000 277
S11 52001 52000 333
T11 53001 53000 939
U11 54001 55000 001
  25 July 1914 A12 55001 55500 J. A. Creel M. Falomir Martínez 123

dispatched by ABNC on 21 June 1914ABNC; authorisation requested 6 JulyCEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22030, authorised 7 July, prepared for reopening of Chihuahua branchCEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22031

B12 55501 56000 232
C12 56001 56500 381
D12 56501 57000 615
E12 57001 57500 722
F12 57501 58000 818
G12 58001 58500 727
H12 58501 59000  
J12 59001 59500 414
K12 59501 60000 535
L12 60001 60500 663
M12 60501 61000 424
N12 61001 61500 537
O12 61501 62000 854
P12 62001 62500  
Q12 62501 63000 833
R12 63001 63500  
S12 63501 64000 862
T12 64001 64500 873
U12 64501 65000 889


Two tint plates (#1 and #2) made on 3 August 1888, one face plate (#2) made on order F2265 and one back plate (#3) made on order F4107 were all cancelled on 13 April 1932ANBC.