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La Sociedad Mutualista de Occidente

Sociedad Mutualista de Occidente

Apart from the United Sugar Companies issue no other private issues are known. However, the catalogues do include this constancia de pago from the Sociedad Mutualista de Occidente, dated 1 October 1915.

Sociedad Mutualista

The Sociedad Mutualista was founded on 16 September 1904 by Manual Bonilla to procure and promote benefits for its members. Bonilla was an activist against the Díaz regime. In January 1910 he established the Sinaloan Club Antireelectionista and then served as Madero’s Ministro de Comunicaciones and then Secretario de Fomento. According to the society's statutes to be a creditor it was necessary "... not to have been convicted at any time by the courts for an infamous crime"; to live honestly from their profession; to be a lover of the progress of work, of the arts and of democracy. Practice virtue and flee from gambling, drunkenness and usury. In addition to not having been expelled from this or other companies. Nationality does not matter and you must be in good health and of legal age.”

In 1911 the society's president was Ramón Saavedra Gómez; secretary Jesús M. Burgos and treasurer Amado A. Zazueta.

This constancia does not have a denomination (at least on this side) so more information is needed before we can decide whether and how it should be classified as paper currency.