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Contract for additional infalsificables, New York, 18 August 1916

August 16, 1916
Dr. Alfredo Caturegli,
Agencia Financiera del Gobierno de Mexico,
Room 3145, Equitable Building, New York
Dear Sir,-
In answer to your verbal inquiry of this afternoon at our office, and confirming our telephone message, we beg to say that we will begin delivery in New York on an order of:-
10,000,000 Notes of the denomination of 5 Pesos
  5,000,000     “      “                 “                10    “
in three weeks from the time the order is placed, and complete the whole order in from nine to ten weeks thereafter.
The terms and conditions under which this order would be executed to be the same as the one enumerated in our contract of Sept. 15, 1915, between Sr. Luis Cabrera, Minister of Finance of the Mexican Government, and ourselves.
We shall be pleased to hear from you at an early date, understanding that your Government is urgently in need of these notes, in order to save all the time possible.
Yours very truly,
Vice President.

August 18, 1916
Dr. Alfredo Caturegli,
Agencia Financiera del Gobierno de Mexico,
Room 3145, Equitable Building, New York
Dear Sir,-
We beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of August 18th, confirming your telephonic order for bank notes for the Mexican Government, as follows:-
10,000,000 Notes of the denomination of 5 Pesos
  5,000,000     “      “                 “                10    “
We also beg to acknowledge receipt of your check on Royal Bank of Canada, for Eightyeight thousand Dollars ($88,000), being 50% of the total value of the order; the balance to be paid in accordance with the stipulated conditions in the contract made between Hon. Luis Cabrera, Minister of Finance of Mexico, and ourselves, dated Sept. 15th. 1915.
Thanking you for the same, and assuring you that we shall do everything in our power to expedite the order, we beg to remain
Yours very truly,
Vice President.