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Counterfeit $20 sábanas Types 2 - 6

Counterfeit $20 sábanas Type 2

The December 1914 notice mentions three counterfeit issues, though with little information to identify them. In the first

the two strokes of the $ on the reverse are thinner and without points strokes are thick and end in thicker points
comma after 'Gobernador Provisional del Estado' no comma


Counterfeit $20 sábanas Type 3

Whilst in the third

  ink is an intenser green (verde más subido)


The notice from Parral adds:

  ink is an intenser green (verde más subido)
  '1' of '10 de Diciembre' lacks serifs
  Larger and more irregular typefaces
  sab20count1jIn the seal the inner and outer circles are perfect, the letters too big and the eagle a little smaller (this will mean that the seal was metal)


Counterfeit $20 sábanas Type 3a

sabanas 20 A 61009

sabanas 20 A 61009 reverse

This counterfeit has a deeper colour and larger typefaces but does not have the other characteristics of Type 3.

  ink is an intenser green


more like periods rather than commas after 'VALIDO' and 'PORTADOR'


no period after 'Estado'


Counterfeit $20 sábanas Type 4

The notice issued in Querétaro on 17 December 1914 lists:

  the paper is thicker
sab20count1iTesorería seal is rubber sab20count1jseal is metal
colour is light brown (café claro) colour is dark brown (café obscuro)
- between ‘veinte’ and ‘pesos’ (?) no - between ‘veinte’ and ‘pesos’ (?)


Counterfeit $20 sábanas Type 5

sabanas 20 A 83705

sabanas 20 A 83705 reverse

Jesús Ramos, the Tesorero General of Sonora, issued a notice in January 1915 which listed:

  the whole impression is coarser
black double edging is composed of sections and one can see joins in the corners and along the sides black double edging is continuous
flourishes (bolitas) on the left and right of the ‘S’ of ‘Serie’ no flourishes on the ‘S’


letters ‘O’ of ‘VALIDO AL PORTADOR POR’ are incomplete with a twist towards the centre


letters are closed and completely round

the horizontal lines in the centre of the green letters ‘VEINTE PESOS’ are well defined and separate the horizontal lines appear as a smudge


These notes have a frame width of 156mm whilst genuine notes have a frame width of 158mm.

These notes are known with the misprint 'VIENTE' for 'VEINTE'.

sabanas 20 A 71079


Counterfeit $20 sábanas Type 6

sabanas 20 A 25912

sabanas 20 A 25912 reverse

 The notice from Parral has this characteristic as a separate item, as though this type of counterfeit had recently been discovered.



In Chao’s signature the stroke of the ‘o’ is just the continuation of the earlier stroke


The stroke of the 'o' begins in the centre of the preceding ‘a’


Counterfeit $20 notes were still being produced in November 1915.

counterfeit 20 sabanas

counterfeit 20 sabanas reverse

This sheet of three notes, overprinted on the reverse ‘REVALIDADO POR DECRETO DE 17 DE DICIEMBRE DE 1914’, has the annotation ‘Recuerdo de la Fábrica de cartones y billetes falsos descubierta por la Policía Especial de la Comandancia Militar, al mando del Mayor de E. M. Manuel Palomar, México, Noviembre de 1915. El Jefe Mayor de E. M.: M. Palomar’ (Souvenir of the factory for counterfeit cartones and notes discovered by the Special Police of the Military Command, under the command of Major E. M. Manuel Palomar, Mexico, November 1915. The Chief of Staff, M. Palomar) and no doubt came from the operation run by Salustio Bárcenas and others.
