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American Bank Note Company print runs

The ABNC engraved a special vignette of a female head, entitled "Mexico", (C 94) for all the values. The production material in the ABNC archives included two photographs of ladies with notations on the back “this is typically Mexican but not handsome enough” and “This is also Mexican type but not handsome” and the actual vignette was of the leading socialite Manuela García-Teruel y MansoA widely known story is that the President of the bank, Antonio Mier y Celis, was one of Manuela García-Teruel y Manso’s suitors. He asked her for a portrait to carry with him but she refused. Feeling dismayed he obtained her portrait from one of the members of her household and, as a revenge, used it for the vignette for the bank. He argued that if she would not be his, then her portrait would be in the hands of every citizen. A more noble and romantic version states that he did this to gain her favour.. The ABNC used vignette C 231 for the $10 note and vignette C 212 for the $50. Originally the dateline "MÉ 188." was engraved on all banknotes.

Nacional 50 specimen

Nacional 50 specimen

Date Value   Series from to
September 1884 $1 200,000   1 200000
$2 50,000   1 50000
$5 200,000   1 200000
$10 200,000   1 200000
$20 50,000   1 50000
$50 30,000   1 30000
$100 50,000   1 50000
$500 1,200   1 1200
$1,000 600   1 600


On 2 January 1885 José V. del Collado, the director, and Ramón Usandizaga, the cashier (cajero) acknowledged that they had received on the steamship "Capules" the first consignment of $460,000 in notes, viz. 30,000 $1 (000001-030000), 30,000 $5 (000001- 030000), 20,000 $10 (000001- 020000) and 4,000 $20 (00001-04000). The same month the steamship "City of Washington" arrived in Veracruz with another 30,000 $1(030001-060000), 30,000 $5 (030001 to 060000), 28,000 $10 (020001-048000), 12,000 $20 (04001- 016000) and 8,000 $50 (00001- 08000). And on 30 January the director acknowledged receiving another two cases in the "City of Alexandria". Up to March 1885 the bank had received all the notes except for 18,000 $50 notesABNC.

Date Value   Series from to
February 1887 $1 100,000   200001 300000
$20 10,000   50001 60000
$50 12,000   30001 42000
$100 31,000   50001 81000
$500 4,000   1201 5200
$1,000 2,000   601 2600


Date Value   Series from to
November 1888 $1 200,000   300001 500000
$5 120,000   200001 320000
$10 170,000   200001 370000
$20 50,000   60001 110000
$50 30,000   42001 72000
$100 50,000   81001 131000


The dateline "MÉ 189." was engraved on all banknotes

Date Value   Series from to
February 1893 $5 200,000   320001 520000


Date Value   Series from to
September 1896 $5 100,000   520001 620000
$10 300,000   370001 670000
$20 25,000   110001 135000
$50 20,000   72001 92000
$100 30,000   131001 161000
$500 2,000   5201 7200
$1,000 1,000   2601 3600


The dateline was changed once again to "MÉXICO.................".

Date Value   Series from to
February 1900 $5 200,000   620001 820000
$10 100,000   670001 770000
$20 50,000   135001 185000
$50 20,000   92001 112000
$100 20,000   161001 181000
$500 4,000   7201 11200
$1,000 2,000   3601 5600


Date Value   Series from to
March 1902 $5 300,000   820001 1120000
$10 150,000   770001 920000
$20 25,000   185001 210000
$50 10,000   112001 122000
$100 20,000   181001 201000
$500 4,000   11201 15200
$1,000 2,000   5601 7600


On 22 February 1905 the bank ordered another 1,602,000 notes with a total value of $20,000,000ABNC, folder 158, Banco Nacional de México (1904-1912).

Date Value   Series from to
March 1905 $5 900,000   1120001 2020000
$10 450,000   920001 1370000
$20 225,000   210001 435000
$50 10,000   122001 132000
$100 10,000   201001 211000
$500 4,000   15201 19200
$1,000 3,000   7601 10600


On 25 May the ABNC shipped to the Veracruz branch, on the S.S. “Monterey”, 24,000 $5 (1120001-1144000) 4,000 $50 (122001-126000) and 1,000 $500 (15201-16200). On 8 June it sent on the steamer “Vigilancia” 48,000 $5 (1144001-1192000). 18,000 $10 (920001-938000), 6,000 $50 (126001-132000). 8.000 $100 (201001-209000), 2,000 $500 (16201-18200) and 2.500 $1,000 (7601-10100). On 15 June it sent on the S. S. “Yucatan” 64,000 $5 (1192001-1256000), 80,000 $10 (938001-1018000), and on 22 June, on the “Monterey”, 64,000 $5 (1256001-1320000) and 48,000 $10 (1018001-1066000). On 29 June it sent, via the S, S, “Esperanza” 48,000 $5 (1320001-1368000), 68,000 $10 (1066001-1132000), 12,000 $20 (210001-222000) and 1,000 $500 (18201-19200). On 6 July the “Vigilancia” carried 40,000 $5 (1368001-1408000) 48,000 $10 (1132001-1180000). 60,000 $20 (222001-282000) and 2,000 $100 (209001-211000).

On 13 July the ABNC sent, on the steamer “Yucatan” 16,000 $5 (1408001-1424000), 18,000 $10 (1180001-1198000) and 18,000 $20 (282001-300000) and on 27 July, via the “Esperanza” 56,000 $5 (1424001-1480000) 12,000 $10 (1198001-1210000) 63,000 $20 (300001-363000). On 10 August the “Yucatan” carried 150,000 $5 (1480001-1630000), 50,000 $10 (1210001-1260000) and 40,000 $20 (363001-403000). On 22 August, it shipped on S.S. “Esperanza” 250,000 $5 (1630001-1880000) 40,000 $10 (1260001-1300000) and 22,000 $20 (403001-435000). Finally, it completed the order on 15 September by shipping, on the steamer “Yucatan” 140,000 $5 (1880001-2020000) 70,000 $10 (1300001-1370000) and 500 $1,000 (10101-10600). 

The last five boxes arrived by 6 October.

Nacional 1000 specimen reverse

Nacional 1000 specimen reverse

Nacional 1000 specimen reverse

Date Value   Series from to
March 1907 $5 2,200,000   2020001 4220000
$10 500,000   1370001 1870000
$20 250,000   435001 685000
$50 100,000   132001 232000
$100 20,000   211001 231000
$500 2,000   19201 21200
$1,000 1,000   10601 11600


On 27 June 1907 the ABNC shipped, by the S. S. “Esperanza”, 250,000 $5 (2020001-2270000) and on 11 July, again by the S. S. “Esperanza”, another 250,000 $5 (2270001-2520000). On 25 July it sent, via the “Esperanza”, 350 $5 (2520001-2870000) and 150,000 $10 (1370001-1520000) and on 8 August, on S. S. “Monterey”, 300,000 $5 (2870001-3170000) and 150,000 $10 (1520001-1570000).

On 22 August the ABNC sent, per the steamship “Morro Castle”, 400,000 $5 (3170001-3570000), 144,000 $10 (1670001-1814000) 2,000 $500 (19201-212000) and 1,000 $1,000 (10601-116000); on 5 September, per the “Monterey”, 100,000 $5 (3570001-3670000) and 56,000 $10 (1814001-1870000); on 19 September, per the “Esperanza”, 250,000 $5 (3670001-39200000 and 40,000 $20 (435001- 475000); on 3 October, per S.S. “Monterey”, 200,000 $5 (3920001-4120000) and 160,000 $20 (475001- 635000); and on 24 October, by the “Mexico” 100,000 $5 (4120001-4220000), 50,000 $20 (635001-685000), 100,000 $50 (132001-232000) and 4,000 $100 (211001-215000). Finally, it completed the order by shipping. on 31 October, per S. S. “Monterey”, 16,000 $100 (215001-231000).

Date Value   Series from to
April 1910 $5 2,000,000   4220001 6220000
$10 1,000,000   1870001 2870000
$20 500,000   685001 1185000
$50 120,000   232001 352000
$100 100,000   231001 331000
$500 4,000   21201 25200
$1,000 2,000   11601 13600


Because the bank was in urgent need of $500 and $1,000 notes, the ABNC sent, on 1 July, by Wells Fargo & Co’s Express to Mexico City, a box containing 3,500 $500 (21301-24700) and 1,500 $1,000 (11601-12100). The rest of the order was sent, by Ward Line, to the bank’s branch in Veracruz.

On 11 August the ABNC sent, per S. S. “Merida”, 100,000 $100 (231001-3310000) 500 $500 (24701-25200) and 500 $1,000 (15101-15600). On 28 September it shipped, per S. S. “Monterrey”, 50,000 $10 (1870001-192000), 100,000 $20 (685001-785000) and 120,000 $50 (232001-352000). On 28 October it sent, on the S. S. “Monterey”. 200,000 $5 (4220001-4420000), 100,000 $10 (1920001-2020000) and 100,000 $20 (785001-885000).

On 18 November it sent, on the “Mexico”, 500,000 $5 (4420001-4920000) 100,000 $10 (2020001-2120000) and 100,000 $20 (885001-985000); on 2 December, on the S.S. “Mexico” 100,000 $5 (4920001-5020000), 400,000 $10 (2120001-2520000) and 200,000 $20 (985001-1185000); on 29 December, per S. S. “Merida”, 300,000 $5 (5020001-5320000) and 350,000 $10 (2520001-2870000); on 21 January 1911, per S. S. “Morro Castle”, 150,000 $5 (5320001-5470000); on 4 February, per S. S. “Esperanza”, 200,000 $5 (5470001-5670000); and on 23 February, on the “Merida”, 550,000 $5 (5670001-6220000), completing the order.

On 15 April 1913 the bank made a large order of 607,500 notes in four denominations (500,000 $10, 100,000 $50, 5,000 $50 and 2,500 $1,000), with an urgent desire to receive the higher value notes. However, on 10 May, Blackmore wired that the ABNC should cancel this order and substitute one for 20,000 $50, 4,000 $500 and 2,000 $1,000). The ABNC print records has the following:

Date Value   Series from to
April 1913 $10 1,000,000   2870001 3870000
$50 50,000   352001 402000
$500 4,000   25201 29200
$1,000 2,000   13601 15600


but considering that only the higher value notes were delivered to Mexico, and there is no further mention of a reduced order for $10 notes, it is fair to assume that they were never printed. 

On 13 August the ABNC shipped per steamer via Veracruz, 50,000 $50 (352001-402000) and on 28 August, a box containing 4,000 $500 (25201-292000) and 2,000 $1,000 (13601-15600), completing the order.

Date Value   Series from to
September 1913 $500 7,000   29201 36000
$1,000 3,500 0 15601 19100


These were shipped to the bank, via Veracruz, on 8 OctoberABNC, folder 158, Banco Nacional de México (1913).

In May 1913 the ABNC engraved special vignettes of the national coat-of-arms (C 1363) and Chapultepec castle (C 1369) for a $100 note.

Nacional 100 specimen

Nacional 100 specimen

Date Value   Series from to
October 1913 $100 100,000   1 100000


On 9 April the ABNC sent, via S. S. “Mexico”, 16,000 $100 (000001-016000) and on 16 April, via S. S. “Monterey”, 72,000 $100 (016001-088000) but the bank wrote, on 2 July, that they had received no further news of these notes.

On 26 November the bank increased its order by an additional 500,000 $1 (1500001-2000000).

Date Value   Series from to
November 1913 $1 1,500,000   500001 2000000
$2 1,000,000   50001 1050000


On 24 November the ABNC shipped, per S. S. “Esperanza” 50,000 $1 (500001-550000) and 50,000 $2 (50001-100000). On 3 December it sent, per S.S. “Morro Castle”, six boxes containing 150,000 $1 (550001-700000) and 150,000 $2 (100001-250000). The bank then asked that all future shipments be shipped care of the captain of the vessel, as it would save several days in getting the notes from Veracruz to Mexico City. ABNC asked for bank to have a fully authorised representative in Veracruz to meet the steamer. On 5 December Blackmore reported that “The first shipment of bills arrived last Friday in Veracruz and a representative from their branch in that City received the notes and had them shipped through to Mexico City. The notes are now being stamped and having the date and the signatures affixed, and I understand that they will be issued within the next two or three days.”

On 10 December the ABNC shipped, on the S. S. “Esperanza”, 200,000 $1 (700001-900000) and 200,000 $2 (250001-450000); on 18 December, on the S. S. “Mexico”, 250,000 $1 (900001-1150000) and 150,000 $2 (450001-600000); on 24 December, per S. S. “Monterey”, 250,000 $1 (1150001-1450000) and 100,000 $2 (600001-700000); and on 31 December, per the “Morro Castle, 200,000 $1 (1450001-1650000) and 100,000 $2 (700001-800000).

Some 210,000 $1(1650001-1720000) and 120,000 $2 (800001-920000) were taken by the ABNC’s representatives, E. N. Gibbs and H. J. Boulvin, on

Finally, the ABNC completed the order, on 8 January 1914, with 140,000 $1 (1860001-2000000) and 130,000 $2 (920001-1050000) sent on the S. S. “Esperanza”.

Date Value   Series from to
December 1913 $10        
$50 100,000   402001 502000
$500 10,000   36201 46200
$1,000 5,000   19101 24100


Date Value   Series from to
January 1914 $1 500,000   2000001 2500000
$2 500,000   1050001 1550000


The final print run of March 1914 was never delivered and the notes were destroyed in September 1941.

Date Value   Series from to
March 1914 $10 300,000   3870001 4170000
$20 200,000   1185001 1385000
$50 100,000   502001 602000

 Nacional 50c specimen

Nacional 50c specimen

Date Value   Series from to
May 1914 50c 2,000,000   000001 2000000


On 23 July the ABNC sent, per S.S, “Monterey”, 140,000 50c notes (000001-140000); on 6 August, per S. S. “Esperanza”, 280,000  (1400001-420000); on 13 August, per S. S. “Morro Castle”, 560,000 (420001-980000); on 20 August, on the “Monterey”, 420,000 (980001-1400000); and on 27 August, it completed the order with 600,000 (1400001-2000000).