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Counterfeit Estado de Sinaloa notes

As Riveros' first notes are so poorly printed counterfeiting was inevitable and by 13 January 1914 Sonora authorities were refusing to accept Sinaloa notes because of counterfeits. On 30 September 1914 state treasurer Meza listed the characteristics of a counterfeit $1 note that had appearedPeriódico Oficial, Sinaloa, Tomo V, Núm. 64, 6 October 1914.

Est Sinaloa counterfeit 1edging is formed by a series of squares separated by white lines


circles with transversal lines

Est Sinaloa counterfeit 2






‘República’ in the seal is missing an accent and the initial letter of ‘Libre’ is lower case

  typeface is different, notable at first glance in the title ‘El Estado de Sinaloa’
either decree 11 of 15 September 1913 or decree 14 of 23 October 1913 decree 14 of 16 September 1913
Est Sinaloa counterfeit 5name of the Secretary is written ‘Schmidt’


 name is written ‘Schmith’

progressive numbering notes lack numeration
  Treasurer General’s signature is very different

Another counterfeit is shown below.

Note the poor (hand drawn) text and design and the error in the date (1914 instead of 1913) and signature.