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Higher value notes of the Banco Oriental de México

$100 notes

Oriental 100 PP 51258

Oriental 100 PP 51258 reverse

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Gerente Interventor Consejero code comment
 28 June 1900AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1408, libro 1900 11 June 1900
1 167 Meyer  Cortina  Rivero XXI also known overprinted TEHUACAN
168 333 Desdier XXII
334 500 Gómez XXIII
501 667 Rivero XXIV
668 833 R. Gavito XXV
834 1000 Couttolenc XXVI
20 August 1901AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1408, libro 1900     12 June 1901printed date of 1 June 1901 altered by addition of handwritten 2 G 1001  1250 Rangel  González Rivero Collada LXXXI also known overprinted TEHUACAN
1251 1500 Palacios LXXXII
1501 1750 Hidalga LXXXIII
1751 2000 de la Fuente LXXXIV
17 December 1901AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1408, libro 1900    30 June 1901 H 4001   Meyer González Rivero Collada XCVIII includes numbers 4048CNBanxico #65488 to 6764CNBanxico #65397
      includes number 6880CNBanxico #65482
overprinted TEZUITLAN
    7000 includes numbers 6883CNBanxico #11873 to 6984CNBanxico #65411
1 August 1902AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1408, libro 1900 2001 3000 Villar XCVI  
3001 4000 Solana XCVII  
5 November 1902AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1408, libro 1900 I 7001 8000 Meyer González  Palacios CV  
9 December 1909AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1408, libro 1900. A total of $1,000,000 in five values ($5 - $100) was issued in December 1909, authorised by the Secretaría de Hacienda in oficio núm. 223 of 7 July 1909. This $1,000,000 was exchanged for incinerated notes of the Banco de Oaxaca and Banco de Chiapas (Memoria de las Instituciones de Crédito, 1909)  1 September 1909 L 8001 13000 Rangel González Rivero Collada CILIII  
17 April 1912AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1407, libro 2283)    3 February 1910  S 13001 14000 Rangel González Solana CCXXVII   
 14001  15000 Letona CCXXVIII
15001  16000 Solana CCXXIX
16001 16500 Letona CCXXX  
23 September 1912AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1407, libro 2283 minutes of board meeting 23 September 1912     3 February 1910 V 16501 18000 Rangel González Letona CCLXII  
12 January 1914    3 January 1914 II 18001 19000 Rangel Christlieb Letona CCCIV  
19001 21000 de la Fuente
21001 23000 Letona
19 January 1914 23001 24000
24001 25000 Solana
20 January 1914 25001 26000 Letona
21 January 1914 26001 27000 de la Fuente
22 January 1914 27001 28000 Grandison
13 March 1914 10 March 1914 PP 28001 29000 Rangel Christlieb Solana 4 CCCXV   
23 March 1914 29001 30000
24 March 1914        30001 31000
31001 32000 Letona
32001 33000 de la Fuente
33001 34000 Letona
34001 35000 Solana
35001 36000 de la Fuente
 36001 37000 Letona
37001 38000 Solana
38001 40000 Letona
25 March 1914     40001 42000 de la Fuente
42001 43000 Solana
43001 47000 Letona
47001 48000 de la Fuente
48001 50000 Letona
  50001 53000 Solana
22 July 1914
(in Mexico City)  
1 April 1914 27 WW 53001 54000 Rangel Christlieb Solana CCCXXVI  
54001 55000 Letona
55001 56000 Solana
56001 57000 Letona
57000 58000 Solana
13 October 1914
(in Mexico City)
19 CX 58001 59000 Rangel Christlieb Rivero Collada CCCXXXII  
      59001 78000         ready for circulation but incinerated on 9 August 1918AGN, SC244 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1405, libro 2272


Oriental 100 6880
overprinted TEZUITLAN

$500 notes

Oriental 500 OO 5104

Oriental 500 OO 5104 reverse

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Gerente Interventor Consejero code comment
28 June 1900AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1408, libro 1900 11 June 1900
D 1 34 Meyer
Gómez XXVII  
35 67 Rivero XXVIII  
68 100 Couttolenc XXIX  
101 134 R. Gavito XXX  
135 167 Mora XXXI  
168 200 Desdier XXXII  
27 December 1902AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1408, libro 1900   30 June 1901 I 201 500 Meyer González Hidalga CVI  
501 1000 Villar  
6 January 1914 3 January 1914 HH  1001 1400 Rangel Christlieb Letona CCCIII  
16 January 1914 12 January 1914 LL 1401 1500 Rangel Christlieb Letona CCCVII  
21 February 1914
14 February 1914 OO 1501 2500 Rangel Christlieb de la Fuente 444 CCCXII  
2501 3500 Letona  
3 March 1914 3501 5500 Grandison  
6 June 1914 1 April 1914 UU 5501  7500 Rangel Christlieb Letona CCCXV  
      7501 8500         without signatures etc. and incinerated on 9 August 1918AGN, SC244 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1405, libro 2272


$1,000 notes

Oriental 1000 OO 1676

Oriental 1000 OO 1676 reverse

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Gerente Interventor Consejero code comment
28 June 1900AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1408, libro 1900       11 June 1900 D 1 17 Meyer Cortina Couttolenc XXXIII  
18 33 Gómez XXXIV  
34 50 Rivero XXXV  
51 67 Desdier XXXVI  
68 83 Mora XXXVII  
84 100 R. Gavito XXXVIII  
27 December 1902AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1408, libro 1900 30 June 1901
I 101 200 Meyer González


1 September 1905AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1408, libro 1900   201 400 Meyer González  Solana CVII

401 500 Villar  
501 700 de la Fuente  
  17 June 1913  CC  0701 1200 Rangel   Letona CCI  
6 January 1914 3 January 1914 HH 1201 1300
Rangel Christlieb  de la Fuente  CCCIII includes numbers 1205CNBanxico #67203 to 1294CNBanxico #67202
number 1295CNBanxico #67398 signed but undated
16 January 1914 12 January 1914 LL  1301 1450 Rangel  Christlieb  Letona CCCVII  
14 February 1914  14 February 1914 OO  1451 2450 Rangel Christlieb Letona 444 CCCXII  
26 February 1914 2451 3450  
3 March 1914 3451 4450 Solana  
6 June 1914 1 April 1914 TT  4451  5450 Rangel Christlieb Letona CCCXIV  
      5451 6450         without signatures etc. and incinerated on 9 August 1918AGN, SC244 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1405, libro 2272


In addition to the notes numbered 5451 to 6450 the bank recorded that it also incinerated the notes numbered 1001 to 4000, without signatures etc. on 9 August 1918AGN, SC244 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 1405, libro 2272 but these were certainly issued.

In his informe of 31 December 1904 (in Memoria de las Instituciones de Crédito, 1904) interventor González Pavón reported that by 30 June 1904 the bank had issued $4,000,000. This agree with the tables above. By 30 June 1907, and by 31 December 1908, according to the MemoriaMemoria de las Instituciones de Crédito, 1908 the bank had issued $5,300,000. This again agrees with the tables above.

By 30 June 1909 the bank had issued $7,000,000 and issued another $1,000,000 in December 1909, to be exchanged for incinerated notes of the Banco de Oaxaca and Banco de ChiapasMemoria de las Instituciones de Crédito, 1909. By 30 June 1910 the bank had issued $7,000,000 (including $300,000 of the Banco de Chiapas and Banco de OaxacaInforme of interventor in Memoria de las Instituciones de Crédito, 1910. By 30 December 1911 the bank had issued $7,000,000 (including $90,000 of the Banco de Chiapas and Banco de OaxacaInforme of interventor in Memoria de las Instituciones de Crédito, 1911. To reconcile these figures more information is needed on the issue of $500 and $1,000 notes.