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$20 notes of the Banco de Sonora

The 20 pesos note has the vignette of Hortensia Corral Vélez while the main vignette represents Agua (water).

Sonora 20 F 6223

Sonora 20 F 6223 reverse

Date of issueDate on noteSeriesfromtoInterventorGerentePresidente 
  1 July 1898 F 0001 7500 Pesqueira Müller Ruiz includes numbers 3115 to 6866
  1 June 1899    R 7501   Pesqueira Müller Ruiz includes number 7839
  1 October 1899 S     Pesqueira  Müller  Castro includes numbers 10331 to 10826CNBanxico #71765
    T     Pesqueira  Müller  Castro    
  1 February 1900 U   15000 Pesqueira Müller Castro includes number 14888


Sonora 20 BC 44177

Sonora 20 BC 44177 reverse

Date of issueDate on  noteSeriesfromtoInterventorGerentePresidente 
  1 July 1901 A1 15001   Pesqueira Müller Castro includes numbers 15865 to 20737
  22500 Pesqueira Müller Bley includes number 21887
  1 July 1902
D 22501 24000 Ainslie


includes numbers 22635CNBanxico #71759 to 23789
  E  24001 26500 includes numbers 24878 to 26368CNBanxico #71761
  G 26501 28500 includes numbers 26633 to 28410CNBanxico #71758
  H  28501 30000 includes numbers 28677 to 29601CNBanxico #71756
  15 November 1904
J 30001 32000 Monteverde Müller Castro  
K 32000 32500
  14 August 1906 / 1 January 1906 L 32501 34500 Monteverde Müller Castro  
1 December 1907 / 1 January 1906    M 34501   Monteverde Müller Bley includes numbers 34521 to 34814CNBanxico #71751
    Castro includes numbers 35237CNBanxico #71748 to 35474
  36500 Bley includes numbers 35608CNBanxico #71755 to 36011
N 36501   Monteverde Müller Castro includes number 36523
  38500 Bley includes numbers 36939 to 38320
O 38501 39500  
  24 November 1909 BA 39501 41500 Monteverde Brauer Bley  
BB 41501 43500
BC 43501 45500
BD 45001 46500
  2 January 1911
DL 46501 48500 Pujol Brauer Bley with 1911-1912 revenue stamp
DM 48501 50500 Monteverde Brauer Bley
DN 50501 52500 Monteverde Brauer Bley
DO 52501   Monteverde Brauer Bley includes numbers 52697 to 53281
with 1911-1912 revenue stamp
  54500 Pujol Brauer Bley includes numbers 54083 to 54353
with 1911-1912 revenue stamp
DP 54501 56500 Pujol Brauer Bley with 1911-1912 revenue stamp
DQ 56501 58500
DR 58501 60500
DS 60501 62500
    DT 62501 64500        not issued
DU 64501 66500
DV 66501 68500
DW 68501 70500
DX 70501 72500
DY 72501 74500
DZ 74501 76500
DA 76501 78500


In October 1913 a $20 note (RD 58567 (sic)) without any signatures had appeared in Altar and was retained by the authorities. Fon Quí (sic, also probably known as Fong Ki) of Magdalena received some such notes and, through the Nogales custom agents, Joffrey y Levin, deposited them in the First National Bank, Nogales, SonoraAGHES, Fondo Oficialidad Mayor, tomo 2971. However, these will have been a few(?) notes that slipped out from the bank’s office in Nogales, suggesting that if they had unsigned notes on the premises they might have still been signing and issuing them.