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Notes in circulation

The monthly balance sheets of the Banco Mercantil de Yucatán recorded the following information.

March                   -
April                   108,635
May                   174,370
June                   229,865
July                   284,525
August                   274,335
September                   313,295
October                   384,950
November                   371,010
December                   408,830
Annual average  


   1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900
January 388,060 334,105 505,806 576,656 766,132 908,191 904.436 1,088,139 1,313,880 1,541,991
February 357,380 330,932  488,502 594,621  776,402 949,831 962,750 1,054,274 1,354,662 1,525,376
March 307,325 355,500  509,719 606,097  779,745 971,675  984,506 1,079,628 1,407,079 1,673,468
April 325,850 315,817  484,898    787,077  915,281 972,241 1,105,233 1,423,143 1,781,203
May 329,690 366,168  565,696    769,754  957,248 995,470 1,154,749 1,454,452 1,708,582
June 354,240 392,875  548,910 611,977  755,314 974,324 998.074 1,177,568 1,473,787 1,821,119
July 339,590 453,819  537,455 527,633  721,676  917,547 992,382 1,274,479 1,475,878 1,916,537
August 341,880 491,595  474,766 570,774  778,149  943,768 1,051,797 1,256,626 1,475,531 1,990,270
September 357.805 485,916  478,914 436,986  910,716 981,797 1,073,305 1,284,910 1,458,383 2.033,842
October 305,200 481,779  438,564    825,043  905,081 1,048,156 1,282.486 1,450,347 2,087,382
November 332,330 507,391  432,409 524,880  797,899  984,865 1,012,424 1,261,159 1,511,762 2,101,740
December 328.865 507,675  513,263 658,312  823,525  976,371 1,089,159 1,283,257 1,527,071 2,141,608
Annual average 339,013
418,631 498,241 569,104 790,952 953,831 1,007,058 1,191,875 1,443,914 1,858,009


  1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908
January 2,096,814 1,835,496 2,425,142 1,591,322 3,113,579 2,879,453 2,284,836 1,883,787    
February 1,948,536 1,986,353 2,464,425 1,875,721 3,100,974 2,914,261 2,373,627 1.860.948    
March 1,893,798 1,798,588 2,386,198 2,131,734 3,148.194 2,811,292 2,216,662 1,837,019    
April 1,949,564 1,981,876 2,464,944 1,924,695 2,991,158 2,822,331 2,054,211      
May 1,906,216 1,638,475 2,466,069 1,869,041 3,161,344 2,603,592 2,429,400      
June 1,864,670 1,588,146 1.027,639 1,835,012  2,961,593 2,217.097 2,576,710      
July 1,972,560 1,676,882 1,393,358 1,897,486 2,849,280 2,256,027 2,175,855      
August 1,903,082 1,737,502 1,384,523 2,128,254 2,646,725 2,169,040 2,124,031      
September 2,014,927 1,844,297 1,376,492 2,292,158 2,697,252 2,022,824 2,205,440      
October 1,783,776 2,107,680 1,615,451 2,421,447 3,037,241 1,949,822 2,031,484      
November 1,561,099 2,418,723 1,776,394 2,740,305 2,992,554 2,127,118 1,893,154      
December 1,721,689 2,311,582 1,750,658 2,964,906 2,888,223 2,437,083 1,866,949      
Annual average 1,884,727
1,910,466 1,873,441 2,139,340 2,965,684 2,436,661 1,866,949      


Up to 31 December 1899 the bank had issued $1,799,000 and amortised $49,000.00, leaving $1,750,000 ($1,527,071 in circulation and $222,929 in its vaultsMemorias de las Instituciones de Crédito correspondientes á los años de 1897-1899, tomo II.

On 31 December 1904 the bank had 43,200 notes with a value of $1,630,000 in the caja del Interventor, 5,602 notes worth $365,020 in the caja del Banco, 4,967 notes worth $40,074 put aside as imperfect, and 96, 224 notes with a total value of $2,964,906 in circulation (so 149,993 notes for $5,000,000)Memorias de las Instituciones de Crédito correspondientes á los años de 1904-1906, vol. I, tomo 1. On 30 June 1905 the figures were 40,000 notes with a value of $1,230,000 in the caja del Interventor, 9.006 notes worth $757,155 in the caja del Banco, 6,209 notes worth $51,252 put aside as imperfect, and 94, 778 notes with a total value of $2,961,593 in circulation (so still 149,993 notes for $5,000,000)ibid.. On 31 December 1905 the figures were 24,500 notes with a value of $1,230,000 in the caja del Interventor, 18.807 notes worth $809,210 in the caja del Banco, 8,376 notes worth $72,567 put aside as imperfect, and [ ] notes with a total value of $2,888,223 in circulation (so still 149,993 notes for $5,000,000)ibid.. On 30 June 1906 the figures were 24,500 notes with a value of $1,230,000 in the caja del Interventor, 30,009 notes worth $1,459,630 in the caja del Banco, 4,062 notes worth $43,273 put aside as imperfect, and 85,403 notes with a total value of $2,217,097 (so now 143,974 notes for $4,950,000 since 6, 019 notes worth $50,000 had been incinerated on 21 June)ibid.. On 31 December 1906 the figures were 43,900 notes with a value of $[ ] in the caja del Interventor. 3,812 notes worth $[ ] in the caja del Banco, 5,808 notes worth $65,607 put aside as imperfect, and 90,454 notes with a total value of $2,437,083 in circulation (so still 143,974 notes for $4,850,000)ibid.. On 30 June 1907 the figures were 33,150 notes with a value of $2,000,000 in the caja del Interventor,18,014 notes worth $295,565 in the caja del Banco, 7,013 notes worth $77,725 put aside as imperfect, and 85,797 notes with a total value of $2,576,710 in circulation (so 143,974 notes for $4,950,000)Memoria de las Instituciones de Crédito correspondiente al año 1907. On 31 December 1907 the figures were 32,150 notes with a value of $1,500,000 in the caja del Interventor, 20,447 notes worth $1,501,450 in the caja del Banco, 7,472 notes worth $81,601 put aside as imperfect, and 83,905 notes with a total value of $1,866,949 in circulation (so 143,974 notes for $4,950,000)ibid..

Number of notes

  31 December 1904 30 June 1905 31 December 1905 30 June 1906 31 December 1906 30 June 1907 31 December 1907
with Interventor 43,200 40,000 24,500 24,500  43,900   33,150 32,150
in caja del Banco  5,602  9,006 18,807 30,009 3,812 18,014 20,447
awaiting destruction 4,967  6,209 8,376  4,062 5,808 7,013 7,472
in circulation 96,224  94,778 98,310 85,403 90,454  85,797 83,905
Total 149,993 149,993 149,993 143,974 143,974 143,974 143,974


  31 December 1904 30 June 1905 31 December 1905 30 June 1906 31 December 1906 30 June 1907 31 December 1907
with Interventor   (3,200) (15,500)   19,400 (10,750) (1,000)
in caja del Banco   3,404 9,801 11,202 (26,197) 14,202 2,433
awaiting destruction   1,242 2,167 (4,314) 1,746 1,205 459
in circulation   (1,446) 3,532 (12,907) 5,051 (4,657) (1,892)


 Value of notes

  31 December 1904 30 June 1905 31 December 1905 30 June 1906 31 December 1906 30 June 1907 31 December 1907
with Interventor 1,630,000  1,230,000 1,230,000 1,230,000 1,330,000 2,000,000 1,500,000
in caja del Banco 365,020 757,155 809,210 1,459,630 1,117,310 295,565  1,501,450
awaiting destruction 40,074 51,252 72,567 43,273  65,607 77,725 81,601
in circulation 2,964,906 2,961,593 2,888,223 2,217,097 2,437,083 2,576,710 1,866,949
Total 5,000,000  5,000,000  5,000,000  4,950,000 4,950,000 4,950,000  4,950,000



  31 December 1904 30 June 1905 31 December 1905 30 June 1906 31 December 1906 30 June 1907 31 December 1907
with Interventor   (400,000)     100,000 670,000 (500,000)
in caja del Banco   392,135 52,055 650,420 (342,320) (821,745) 1,205,885
awaiting destruction   11,178 21,315 (29,294) 22,334 12,118 3,876
in circulation   (3,313) (73,370) (671,126) 219,986 139,627 (709,761)