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Eduardo J. Creel

Eduardo J. Creel was the son of the legendary hacendado, industrialist, banker and politician Enrique C. Creel. He set up his banking house, Eduardo J. Creel y Compañía, in Mexico City in 1912. The Xalapa branch of this firm produced a series of notes dated 1 June 1914.

  Series from to total
5c AG.01.         includes numbers 23269CNBanxico #6401 to 23336
AH.11.         includes numbers 26819 to 29535CNBanxico #12292
10c AC.05.         includes numbers 21708 to 21968CNBanxico #6402
AD.04.         includes number 29483
20c X.00.         includes numbers 22070CNBanxico #6403 to 24420CNBanxico #12294
50c A.8.         includes numbers 1985 to 4526CNBanxico #6404
E.12.         CNBanxico #12295


These have the printed signature of José Liñeros and the rubber-stamped signature of Eduardo Creel vertically across the vignette of a train.

José Liñeros sig Lineros
Eduardo J. Creel was the son of Enrique Clay Creel and Angela Terrazas. sig Eduardo Creel



On 2 October 1914 the local government gave the company a week in which to call in all its notes, after which they would cease circulatingEl Dictamen, Año XVI, Núm. 1293, 3 October 1914.