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Notes in circulation

The monthly balance sheets of the Banco Peninsular Mexicano recorded the following information.

  1908 1909  1910
January                 4,174,762 4,117,994
February                 4,185,714 4,199,813
March                 4,231,124 4,029,656
April               5,348,935 3,972,513 3,961,012
May               5,642,795 4,083,853 4,125,416
June               5,514,385 4,291,178 4,000,276
July               5,313,910 3,797,645 3,909,043
August               5,327,550 3,826,596 3,990,421
September                 3,777,551 4,267,524
October               5,474,662 4,059,821 3,696,577
November               5,460,393 4,084,300 3,572,730
December               5,320,542 4,028,655 3,337,490
Annual average

4,042,809 3,933,996


  1911 1912 1913 1914
January 3,441,720   3,407,673 4,169,928            
February 3,322,900 3,354,635 3,507,666 4,120,306 5,838,916          
March 3,330.909 3,440,335 3,726,331 3,999,690            
April 3,145,015   4,296,916 4,464,541            
May 3,367,639 3,409,440   6,233,143            
June 3,389,347 3,416,615   6,673,576            
July 3,343,247 3,160,634   6,686,196            
August 3,344,132   4,336,827 6,571,849            
September 3,309,880     5,893,425            
October 3,238,074 3,227,583   6,051,369            
November 3,147,721 3,276,111 5,197,496              
December 3.050.394 3,446,849 4,515,706 5,901,043            
Annual average



The bank continued to redeem its notes after the revolution. In February 1928 it still had outstanding $1,065,663The Los Angeles Times, 18 February 1928. The newspaper actually says $1,065,66361.

On 30 June 1908 the bank had 225,774 notes with a value of $10,178,526 in the caja del Banco, 10,090 notes with a value of $91,480 in its branch in Campeche, and 264,196 notes with a total value of $5,514,385 in circulation, making a total issue of 500,000 notes worth $15,784,391 (all being notes of the Banco Yucateco or Banco Mercantil de Yucatan. In addition it had 79,899 notes with a value of $2,234,990 in the caja del InterventorMemoria de las Instituciones de Crédito correspondiente al año de 1908, vol I..

On 31 December 1908 the bank had 213,284 notes with a value of $10,366,952 in the caja del Banco, 9,930 notes with a value of $95,825 in its branch in Campeche, and 276,578 notes with a total value of $5,320,542 in circulation, making a total issue of 499,788 notes worth $15,783,319. In addition there was still 79,899 notes with a value of $2,234,990 in the caja del Interventoribid..

On 30 June 1909 the bank had 299.175 notes with a value of $11,818,711 in the caja del Banco, 4,742 notes with a value of $58,420 in its branch in Campeche, and 253,370 notes with a total value of $4,291,178 in circulation, making a total issue of 557,287 notes worth $16,168,309 (all being notes of the Banco Yucateco or Banco Mercantil de Yucatan. Memoria de las Instituciones de Crédito correspondiente al año de 1909, vol I..

On 31 December 1909 the bank had 291,539 notes with a value of $11,883,365 in the caja del Banco, 5,650 notes with a value of $82,850 in its branch in Campeche, and 234,520 notes with a total value of $4.028,655 in circulation, making a total issue of 531,709 notes worth $15,994,870.ibid..

On 30 June 1910 the bank had 262,361 notes with a value of $10,189,858 in the caja del Banco, 5,274 notes with a value of $48,675 in its branch in Campeche, and 216,171 notes with a total value of $4.000,276 in circulation, making a total issue of 483,806 notes worth $14,238,809, since 47,903 notes,with a total value of $1,756,061had been incinerated. In addition there were 21,400 notes with a total value of $1,850,000 in the caja del Interventor.Memoria de las Instituciones de Crédito correspondiente al año de 1909, vol I...

Number of notes

  30 June 1908 31 December 1908 30 June 1909 31 December 1909 30 June 1910
with Interventor 79,899 79,899     21,400
in bank's caja 225,774 213,284 299,175 291,539 262,361
in Campeche branch 10,090 9,930 4,742 5,650 5,274
in circulation 264,196 276,587 253,370 234,520 216,171
Total 500,060 499,801 557,287 531,709 483,806


  30 June 1908 31 December 1908 30 June 1909 31 December 1909 30 June 1910
with Interventor          
in bank's caja   (12,490) 85,891 (7,636) (29,178)
in Campeche branch   (160) (5,188) 908 (376
in circulation   12,391 (23,217) (18,850) (18,349)
Total   (259) 57,486 (25,578) (47,903)

Value of notes

  30 June 1908 31 December 1908 30 June 1909 31 December 1909 30 June 1910
with Interventor 2,234,990 2,234,990     1,850,000
in bank's caja 10,178,526 10,366,952 11,818,711 11,883,365 10,189,858
in Campeche branch 91,480 95,825 58,420 82,850 48,675
in circulation 5,514,385 5,320,542 4,291,178 4,028,655 4,000,276
Total 15,784,391 15,783,319 16,168,309 15,994,870 14,238,809


  30 June 1908 31 December 1908 30 June 1909 31 December 1909 30 June 1910
with Interventor          
in bank's caja   188,426 1,451,759  64,654  (1,693,507) 
in Campeche branch   4,345 (37,405)  24,430  (34,175)  
in circulation   (193,843) (1,029,364)  (262,523)    (28,379) 
Total   (1,072) 384,990  (173,439)  (1,756,061)