$50 sábanas
The first notes were Series A, 'Núm.' with two handwritten signatures. These notes has a typo - 'Diciemhre' for 'Diciembre' which was repeated on counterfeit notes. So the December 1914 notice informs us that if Vargas and Chao’s are handsigned, the notes with ‘Diciemhre’ are genuine.
(with Torreón resello)
Series letter | Imprint | Abbreviation | Size of numbers (left, right) | Type of seal on face |
A | IMP DEL GOBIERNO, CHIH. | Núm. | large, large | black |
The next issue had two printed signatures. The typo had been corrected.
Series letter | Imprint | Abbreviation | Size of numbers (left, right) | Type of seal on face |
A | IMP. DEL GOBIERNO, CHIH. | Núm. | large, large | black |
Then as with the other denominations, 'Núm.' was removed from the plate and 'No. No.' added to the numbering machine. This issue had a major variety. First, the final 'h' in 'Chihuahua' was different from the first two, as occurred in the 'Núm.' issues.
The phrase 'General Francisco Villa' is 71mm in width.
Series letter | Imprint | Abbreviation | Size of numbers (left, right) | Type of seal on face |
A | IMP. DEL GOBIERNO, CHIH. | No. No. | large, large | black |
The other variety has the three 'h's the same.
and the phrase 'General Francisco Villa' is 67mm in width.
Series letter | Imprint | Abbreviation | Size of numbers (left, right) | Type of seal on face |
A | IMP. DEL GOBIERNO, CHIH. | No. No. | large, large | black |
A notice from Hermosillo might suggest that the having three 'h's the same indicated a counterfeit, but it is just that the counterfeit note (Type 3) had this (and other) legitimate distinctions but also a missing full stop from Chao's signature.
There are certain small differences which might be due to the position on the plate. Both 'Núm.' and 'No. No.' are known with and without a dot after ‘GOBIERNO’ in the printer’s imprint. With these 'No. No.' three 'h's the same notes we can also distinguish two different varieties in the arrangement of the middle of the last line of the green underprint. One, which was also used for 'Núm.' notes, was the expected PESOS. 50. CINCUENTA
whilst another had the space between PESOS and the period, namely PESOS .50. CINCUENTA
which may be related to the position on the printed page.
Incidentally, a third arrangement, without the period, namely PESOS 50. CINCUENTA
was an indication of a counterfeit (Type 4).
A table of known resellos is given here.
These $50 notes were revalidated in accordance with the Convention's decree of 17 December 1914. By 3 May 1915 8,353 notes, totalling $417,650, had been revalidatedLa Convención, 3 May 1915.
Various counterfeits are detailed here.