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Comercio de Matamoros

Tamaulipas MatamorosA series of three notes (50c, $1 and $2) from January 1915.

  series from to total
50c B          
$1 A         includes numbers 3064 to 3887
$2 C         includes numbers 336 to 3530


The text on the reverse state that this provisional issue was authorized by the General Jefe de la Linea (Fronteriza). They are known with a facsimile signature of General Emiliano P. Nafarrate.

Matamoros 1 A 3324

NafarrateEmiliano P. Nafarrate had been an adherent of Madero and after the decena tragíca moved from Mexico City to Tamaulipas. A Carrancista loyalist, he fought the Villistas, distinguishing himself in the defense of Matamoros. He was jefe militar de la plaza in Matamoros in 1915.  


The 50c note is dated 22 January 1915 and the other values 28 January. These will have been issued because of the shortage of small notes. In fact, there is a telegram from General Antonio I. Villarreal in Matamoros to Carranza on the very same day as the 50c note (22 January) stating that $1, $5 and $10 (Gobierno Provisional de México) notes were being hoarded by speculators in the United States, leaving only the $50 and $100 notes, with which it was impossible to pay the troopsAHSDN, exp. XI/481.5/294.

On 28 January the Presidente Municipal, Armando Chapa Gómez, reported that Nafarrate had authorized a small issue of 50c and $1 notesAMMat, Archivo General 1915, exp. 1475 letter Presidente Municipal to , 28 January 1915. Does this mean that the $2 notes were issued at a later date?

One of the $1 placings had a typo (OORESPONDIENTE for CORRESPONDIENTE)