Advertisements on Chihuahua notes - Miscellaneous
Advertising Club of El Paso
'Compliments of the / ADVERTISING CLUB OF EL PASO, TEXAS / DELEGATES: / E. W. d'Allemand, Sec'y. / J. Arthur Tobias / A. E. Ryan / Lee Davis' known on $5 dos caritas.
The Advertising Club of El Paso was formally organised at the Chamber of Commerce on 1 December 1913, with J. Arthur Tobias as first vice presidentEl Paso Morning Times. 34th year, 2 December 1913.
E. W. d’Allemand was secretary by 31 January 1917El Paso Herald, 31 January 1917. He was in the brokerage firm of Palmer, d’Allemand & Peterson, but became a junior member of the firm of J. S. Curtiss & company on 8 April 1919El Paso Herald, 9 April 1919.
Will Brumbalow
'VOTE FOR / WILL BRUMBALOW / FOR / COUNTY CLERK' known on $5 dos caritas.
National Convention
Loew's Theatre
'YOU TOO CAN WIN PLENTY OF MONEY!/Learn to pick eight straight winners/See/”IT HAPPENED TOMORROW”/STARRING/Dick Powell . Linda Darnell . Jack Ockie/plus “HEY ROOKIE”/NOW – Loew’s Theatre - NOW', known on $5 Banco del Estado
Loews Theatres, founded in 1904 by Marcus Loew, was the oldest theatre chain operating in North America until it merged with AMC Theatres in 2006. From 1924 until 1959, it was also the parent company of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios. Loew's theatres were found in cities from coast to coast, but primarily in East Coast and Midwest states.
'It Happened Tomorrow' is a 1944 fantasy film starring Dick Powell, Linda Darnell and Jack Oakie, which was nominated for two Oscars. Powell plays a reporter who is given, by a ghostly deceased newspaper man, a newspaper that has tomorrow's news. He uses the paper to write stories and get the 'scoop' on other newspaper men. In addition, he uses the power to bet on horses he know will win and gains considerable wealth. He and new girlfriend Sylvia enjoy the power for a while until the paper predicts his own death.
Mammy´s Delicious Seasoning
'MAMMY’s Delicious Seasoning' / New, zestful flavor. / puts pep into tired menus … meats, stews, gravies, soups, etc. Affords greater economy. Used by leading hotels, restaurants, colleges and railroads. For recipes and 2-oz pkg. send 10c. / HUSSMANN-HOLMES Co. P. O. Box 185 El Paso, Texas.' known on $20 Banco del Estado.
Américo Montemayor
'Américo MONTEMAYOR / Para Presidente Municipal de / Cadereyta Jiménez, N. L. / VOTA POR EL', known on $5 dos caritas
Américo Montemayor Garza was Presidente of Cadareyta Jiménez, Nuevo León in 1970-71 and 1980-82.
Ojo Caliente
'OJO CALIENTE / Taos Co. N. M' (twice) on $5 dos caritas.
Ojo Caliente is an unincorporated community in Taos County, New Mexico, along the Rio Ojo Caliente, approximately 50 miles (80 km) north of Santa Fe, the state capital. It is known for its Ojo Caliente Hot Springs, is one of the oldest health resorts in North America. Frank Mauro purchased the springs in 1932, and it remained a family business for three generations.
Park of Red Rocks
The Park of Red Rocks is a wonderful aggregation of moss-grown cliffs and massive sandstone formations, with caves and cool grottoes, in Jefferson County, Colorado, just west of the city of Denver.
'PARK OF RED ROCKS / RED ROCKS PUEBLO IN / COLORADO' known on $10 dos caritas.
Juan Sáenz Avalos, "El Alacrán"
'AL SON DE LAS "MAÑANITAS", POR "CAPRICHO" / Y "SOBRE LAS OLAS" DE LAS APACIBLES AGUAS / DEL "DANUBIO AZUL" DEDICO EN EL "SECRETO / ETERNO" MI "RECUERDO" DE AÑO NUEVO. / Juan Sáenz Avalos / Director de "El Alacrán" / Enero 1958 Cd. Juarez, Chih.' known on $5 dos caritas
"At the sound of the Mañanitas , on a whim and on the waves of the placid waters of the Blue Danube I dedicate in the eternal secret my memory of the New Year."
A seasonal greeting from the director of El Alacrán, a semi-weekly Ciudad Juárez newspaper that ran from August 1932 until 1999. There are several musical allusions. "Las Mañanitas" is a traditional Mexican birthday song written by Mexican composer Alfonso Esparza Oteo. A capriccio is a piece of music, usually fairly free in form and of a lively character. and could refer here to Bach, Brahms, Handel, Rimsky-Korsakov ("Capriccio Espagnol", 1887) or Tchaikovsky ("Capriccio Italien", 1880) amongst others. “Sobre las Olas” is a waltz composed around 1885 by the Mexican composer, Juventino Rosas Cadenas and “The Blue Danube” ("An der schönen blauen Donau", Op. 314) is a waltz by the Austrian composer Johann Strauss II, composed in 1866. As for "Secreto Eterno" and "Recuerdo" [ ].
Tri-State Convention
'TRI-STATE CONVENTION / DRUGGISTS OF TEXAS - ARIZONA - NEW MEXICO / JUNE 14-15-16-17', known on $10 dos caritas
El Zaribah
'EL ZARIBAH (in Masonic device)/VIC E. HANNY/REPRESENTATIVE/ PHOENIX, ARIZONA', known on $5 dos caritas
'EL ZARIBAH TEMPLE / Phoenix, Arizona / 1921 / Potentate / Vic Hanney / Representatives / Shirley Christy / Jack Sweeney / Henry Morgan', known on $20 dos caritas
Shriners are members of the Masonic Order. In 1896 a group of Masons was issued a dispensation to form the nucleus of a new Shrine Temple and on 24 June a charter was issued to El Zaribah Shrine Temple in an area identified as the Arizona Territory During its early years El Zaribah operated out of the Berryhill Building, located near First Street and East Washington, Phoenix but on 22 February 1921.
On February 22, 1921 a new Shrine Temple was dedicated. at 15th Avenue and Washington. Vic E. Hanny was the Potentate at that time.
Hanny, whose slogan was "If you don't know Vic Hanny you ought to," ran one of the best known and most popular men's clothing and furnishing stores in Arizona. All his prosperity he attributed to advertising, and “not a week passes that he does not let the people hear something about Vic Hanny, who sells furnishings and clothes for men”.
Another claim to fame was that, as a leading Republican, he was one of President McKinley's party when the President was shot.
本 色 書 生
This stamp, in a very traditional calligraphic style, literally translates as 'original colour book person/student' and appears to refer to 'somebody who tries to understand and appreciate the original meaning of text or bookstranslation thanks to my neighbour Yin.
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'VOLVERAN / PERO ESTOS / NO VOLVERAN' on $10 dos caritas.
"They will return but these will not return". Presumably the revolutionary notes will not be making a comeback, but what will remains a mystery.