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Zacatecas haciendasVarious haciendas used vales to pay their employees during this period, though no examples are known.

In 1916 a finca rustica in Juchipala was paying its workers in valesAMZac, Ayuntamiento 1 (1916-1929), Gobierno del Estado, caja 1, exp. 11, folio 45 letter governor Estrada to Presidente Municipal, Zacatecas 24 November 1916. This could have been one of three hacienda in Juchipila:  the hacienda mezquitera of Catarino Luna, the hacienda mezquitera of Hipólito Meza or the Hacienda Remolino of Luis ReinosoPeriódico Oficial, Zacatecas, Año I, Tomo I, Núm. 2, 22 August 1914.

On 24 November the state government wrote to the owners of the haciendas of La Pimienta, Cieneguilla and El Maguey, three haciendas located just to the west of the city of Zacatecas, that although this practice had been declared illegal, expressly through the decree of 22 September 1915[text needed], it recognised that this form of payment may have be necessary because of special circumstances and so would not punish it. However, owners must now redeem these vales. They should be withdrawn from circulation by 1 January 1917, after which the Ejecutive would severely punish violators of the lawibid..

Governor Estrada sent similar letters to the owners of the Hacienda de Cofradía y Anexas and the Hacienda de Villalobos y Anexas, both located in the municipio of TlaltenangoAHMTlal, Correspondencia General del Municipio Noviembre 1916 letter no. 817 governor to presidente municipal, Sánchez Román, 24 Hovember 1916. We do not know if the government was specifically aware that these five haciendas, at least, had used vales or if it was sending a general circular to all the haciendas in the state. A Periódico Oficial of August 1914Periódico Oficial, Zacatecas, Año I, Tomo I, Núm. 2, 22 August 1914 lists 142 haciendas intervenidas, including all three in the capital but an extra one, José Landeros y Cos’ Pinos Cuates, in Sánchez Román, which is not mentioned by Estrada.

Hacienda La Pimienta

La Pimienta was owned by Rafael and Herlina Villalpando.

Hacienda La Cienguilla

This hacienda was owned by Luis and Angela Gordoa.

Hacienda El Maguey

El Maguey was owned by Manuel Gordoa.

Hacienda de Cofradía y Anexas

San Antonio de la Cofradia is five kilometres southeast of Tlaltenango. The hacienda was owned by the Castañeda Hermanos

Hacienda de Villalobos y Anexas

Villalobos is two kilometres west of Tlaltenango. The hacienda was owned by Ramón V. Ortega.