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Other counterfeits from Parral

During the rest of 1914 various people were arrested in Parral for possessing or attempting to circulate counterfeit sábanas, mainly ten pesos. The cases recorded in the local archivesAMP, Judicial. The references are Luis Fuon no ref; Juan Martín Santillana caja 4, exp 76, rollo 307, toma 499; Antonio Amparan caja 3, exp 30, rollo 306, toma 634; David Reyes caja 4, exp 77, rollo 307, toma 516; Aida Zaravia caja 3, exp 34, rollo 306, toma 666; Nicolás Renteria caja 3, exp 37, rollo 307, toma 8; Enrique Woo caja 3, exp 40, rollo 307, toma 28; Antonio Ontiveros caja 3, exp 43, rollo 307, toma 73; Guadalupe Chavez caja 3, exp 45, rollo 307, toma 90; Ramón Terrazas caja 3, exp 47, rollo 307, toma 101; Angel Flores caja 4, exp 49, rollo 307, toma 116; Jesús Saenz caja 4, exp 51, rollo 307, toma 135; Trinidad Felix caja 3, exp 56, rollo 307, toma 213; and Pedro Zubiate caja 3, exp 66, rollo 307, toma 335 are:

Date case openedAccusedNote(s) reported to authorities bySeriesNumber(s)
7 May Luis Fuon Manuel Servin A 35830
8 May Juan Martín Santillana Felipa Antón de Mora A 35357, 35365, 35382, 35384
18 May   Antonio Amparan A 35859
23 May David Reyes   A 21133, 35586, 35588, 35599, 21114, 9115
24 May   Aida Zaravia A 35557
3 June   Nicolás Renteria A 35854
10 June   Enrique Woo A 35865
15 June   Antonio Ontiveros A 13183
17 June   Guadalupe Chavez A 35748
9 July   Ramón Terrazas A 35739, 35935
11 July   Angel Flores A 11728
13 August   Jesús Saenz A 35932
5 September   Trinidad Felix A 11130
25 November   Pedro Zubiate A 20853, 21016, 40770, 57153, 57165, 58845, 58555, 84704
B 11600, 11603, 11604, 11605, 11606, 11607, 11608, 11609, 13397, 13402, 14270, 14274


In the investigations most witnesses claimed ignorance and were released after they demonstrated how they came by the notes: Santillana and Reyes were released into the custody of the local Jefe de Armas, presumably as either willing or reluctant recruits.

Counterfeits were obviously widespread. When Reyes was told in the Dulceria de Atenas that his notes were counterfeit, he still gave some to his sister who spent them on a case of Carta Blanca beer. Reyes claimed that he did not believe that the notes were counterfeit, because the proprietor of the dulceria had pointed out the gaps in the corners and the abbreviation 'No.' but he supposed that these notes were legitimate and still accepted them in his own shop.

sabanas 10 A 35588

sabanas 10 A 35588 reverse

Most of these notes were the same type of counterfeit, and the distinguishing features were

SERIE A in smaller type


SERIE A notably larger
Numbers stamped in red ink Number stamped in pink (solferino carmesí)
Black 'Núm.' at right sab10counta3dRed 'Nº.'


'Gral Francisco Villa' in smaller type


'F' of 'Francisco' has a simple crossbar


'F' has a downstroke


'V' of 'Villa' is a Roman letter


'V' is manuscript letter
Point at centre of the five rays on either side of DIEZ PESOS


Corners lightly separated Corners more widely separated (bastante desprendidas)

Tesorería General seal at least 40mm in diameter
Eagle is quite detached (bastante desprendida)
Small space between “ESTADO LIBRE Y SOBERANO DE CHIHUAHUA” and “TESORERIA GENERAL” in seal on reverse

sab10counta3tSeal is 39½mm in diameter
Eagle is very (arrimada en la poste de arriba)


These are counterfeit Type 2.

Three of Reyes’ notes were a different type of counterfeit, namely counterfeit Type 1. These were numbers 16551, 8115, and 11845

sabanas 10 A 8115

sabanas 10 A 8115 reverse

There were also a couple of instances of false $20 sábanas. On 22 May Miguel Tinoco tried to pay his taxes in the Recaudacion de Rentas with a Series A, 2111. He did not know where he obtained it but probably from the Ketelsen and Degetau store in ChihuahuaAMP, caja 3, exp 33, rollo 306, toma 655.

sabanas 20 A 2111

sabanas 20 A 2111 reverse

Two points in 'El presente es valído al portador' Only a comma
  Lettering of VEINTE PESOS thicker
No. No abbreviation
Chao’s signature ends in a (puntilla medianamente gueza) Chao’s signature ends in a (bolita)
  Lettering is thicker
Tesorería General seal at least 40mm in diameter Seal is 39½mm in diameter
Seal is rubber Seal is infuezo (?)


This was counterfeit Type 1.

On 28 August Manuel Reyes handed in $20 A 8978AMP, caja 3, exp 54, rollo 307, toma 196, which was counterfeit Type 1a.

sabanas 20 A 8978

sabanas 20 A 8978 reverse