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$1 dos caritas - Maverick-Clarke

These were 750,000 notes printed by Maverick-Clarke and dispatched on 8 May 1914. These were series A and had the red scalloped Ejército Constitucionalista seal and Type 1 vertical control letters on the face and circular black Tesorería seal on the back, applied in Ciudad Juárez in late May. The controls are a Roman numeral and letter on either side, e.g. I-C C-I, II-O O-II. The Roman numeral progresses every 10,000 notes and reaches LXXIV and the corresponding letters spell CONSTITUCION Y REFORMAS CONSTITUCION Y REFORMAS CONSTITUCION Y REFORMAS CONSTUCION Y (The TI of the fourth CONSTITUCION was missed out). At present the lowest known control is XIV-R R-XIV, and notes with serial numbers up to 122266 are known without controls, so the controls probably started with XIV-R R-XIV, some time after 22 May.

dos 1 A 122266

dos 1 A 122266 reverse
$1 Maverick-Clarke note without control letters

dos 1 A 392128

dos 1 A 392128 reverse

Code from to   Code from to   Code from to
    1 10000   XXIV-N N-XXIV 250001 260000   L-U U-L 500001 510000
    10001 20000   XXVI-T T-XXVI 260001 270000   LI-C C-LI 510001 520000
    20001 30000   XXVII-I I-XXVII 270001 280000   LII-I I-LII 520001 530000
    30001 40000   XXVIII-T T-XXVIII 280001 290000   LIII-O O-LIII 530001 540000
    40001 50000   XXIX-U U-XXIX 290001 300000   LIV-N N-LIV 540001 550000
    50001 60000   XXX-C C-XXX 300001 310000   LV-Y Y-LV 550001 560000
    60001 70000   XXXI-I I-XXXI 310001 320000   LVI-R R-LVI 560001 570000
    70001 80000   XXXII-O O-XXXII 320001 330000   LVII-E E-LVII 570001 580000
    80001 90000   XXXIII-N N-XXXIII 330001 340000   LVIII-F F-LVIII 580001 590000
    90001 100000   XXXIV-Y Y-XXXIV 340001 350000   LIX-O O-LIX 590001 600000
    100001 110000   XXXV-R R-XXXV 350001 360000   LX-R R-LX 600001 610000
    110001 120000   XXXVI-E E-XXXVI 360001 370000   LXI-M M-LXI 610001 620000
    120001 130000   XXXVII-F F-XXXVII 370001 380000   LXII-A A-LXII 620001 630000
XIV-R R-XIV 130001 140000   XXXVIII-O O-XXXVIII 380001 390000   LXIII-S S-LXIII 630001 640000
XV-E E-XV 140001 150000   XXXIX-R R-XXXIX 390001 400000   LXIV-C C-LXIV 640001 650000
XVI-F F-XVI 150001 160000   XL-M M-XL 400001 410000   LXV-O O-LXV 650001 660000
XVII-0 O-XVII 160001 170000   XLI-A A-XLI 410001 420000   LXVI-N N-LXVI 660001 670000
XVIII-R R-XVIII 170001 180000   XLII-S S-XLII 420001 430000   LXVII-S S-LXVII 670001 680000
XIX-M M-XIX 180001 190000   XLIII-C C-XLIII 430001 440000   LXVIII-T T-LXVIII 680001 690000
    190001 200000   XLIV-O O-XLIV 440001 450000   LXIX-U U-LXIX 690001 700000
    200001 210000   XLV-N N-XLV 450001 460000   LXX-C C-LXX 700001 710000
    210001 220000   XLVI-S S-XLVI 460001 470000   LXXI-I I-LXXI 710001 720000
XXII-C C-XXII 220001 230000   XLVII-T T-XLVII 470001 480000   LXXII-O O-LXXII 720001 730000
XXIII-O O-XXIII 230001 240000   XLIII-I I-XLIII 480001 490000   LXXIII-N N-LXXIII 730001 740000
XXV-S S-XXV 240001 250000   IL-T T-IL 490001 500000   LXXXIV-Y Y-LXXIV 740001 750000


The numbering did not go completely smoothly. More information is needed to decide what happened between 190001 and 220000. There was a transposition with the numbers 240001-250000 and 250001-26000.

521878 has control letters L-U U-L in place of the expected LII-I I-LII.

dos 1 A 521878

The sequence 740001-750000 has LXXXIV-Y on the left but the correct Y-LXXIV on the right.

dos 1 A 743878

The most noticeable difference between these Maverick-Clarke notes and later notes are that on the back the top border is a mirror image centred on the centre of the note and thus has eleven ‘little flowers’ (florecitas) and the side panels have three pointed designs. Later notes had an asymmetrical top, twelve florecitas and two ‘points’. Surprisingly, it was not until 2 February 1915 that Lázaro de la Garza noticed these differences and wrote to Navarro for an explanation as to why the manufacturers had made these changesLG papers, 6-E-6, letter from de la Garza, El Paso, to Navarro, Washington, 2 February 1915. However, if de la Garza knew he was comparing two different Norris Peters notes (see the second Norris Peters printing), he had more justification.

Maverick Clarke $1 reverse

Norris Peters $1 reverse

These have larger printed signatures of Treasurer Vargas and Interventor Muñoz than later issues.

Maverick Clarke signatures

later signatures

It is presumed that the occasional note that has only a black Tesorería seal on the back were either issued during the middle of May before the Ejército Constitucionalist validation in May and June 1914 or slipped through without receiving the Ejército Constitucionalista overstamp.

These notes with black seals later came under suspicion. On 22 May 1915 the Zacatecas state government sent a circular to all the jefaturas políticas as the general public had been refusing to accept $1, $5, and $10 dos caritas with black rubber seals, on the pretext that they were counterfeit, but the government insisted on their acceptance, on pain of a finePeriódico Oficial, 29 May 1915.

Genuine $1 Maverick-Clarke notes were perforated.

dos 1 A 652772

dos 1 A 652772 reverse
genuine note perforated