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Bonds for unpaid salaries

On a couple of occasions, Zacatecas, like other states, lacked the resources to pay its public employees. It therefore issued them with bonds that could be used in future for the payment of taxes or other demands.

As such these are not paper currency, but are included here as they appear in various catalogues.


On 9 December 1918 governor Luis R. Reyes authorised an issue of bonds to cover salaries outstanding from 1917 and 1918Periódico Oficial, Año V, Tomo V, Núm. 47, 11 December 1918. These bore an image of the equestrian statue of General Jesús González Otega.

1919 bond 20 reverse

  series from to total
$1 D         includes numbers 2970CNBanxico #12467 to 36105
$5 C         includes numbers 0044 to 3568CNBanxico #12468
$10 B         includes number 0499 to 3775
$20 A         includes number 0477 to 3571CNBanxico #12470


These bear the signatures of A. Neri as Tesorero and José Cortés as Cajero.

A. Neri

A. Neri was Recaudador de Rentas in April 1904Periódico Oficial, 23 April 1904, then Contador Cajero in the same department, and Tesorero General by March 1918Periódico Oficial, 6 March 1918.

sig 1919 Tesorero
José Cortés sig 1919 Cajero


This decree was adjusted by decree núm. 1, of 3 January 1922, and withdrawn, during the governorship of Donato Moreno, by decree núm. 332Periódico Oficial, núm. 3, 11 July 1923, which established the conditions under which the state undertook to settle unpaid salaries to its different creditors.


On 28 January 1931 governor Luis R. Reyes authorised another issue of bondsPeriódico Oficial, Año XIII, Tomo XXIV, Núm. 9, 31 January 1931. He published the regulations covering the bonds on 1 MarchPeriódico Oficial, Año XIII, Tomo XXIV, Núm. 18, 4 March 1931.

  series from to total
50c A  000001 099999 100,000 $  50,000 includes number 006158 to 023241CNBanxico #12471
$1 B  000001 090000  90,000  90,000 includes number 073817
$5 C 000001 003000  3,000  15,000 includes number 001912
$10 D     1,000 10,000  


These bear the signatures of [                ] Ortega as Tesorero General and [                   ] Santoyo as Cajero.

  sig 1931 Tesorero
  sig 1931 Cajero