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Remainder dos caritas

Total issued

The total value of legitimate dos caritas printed was $225,775,000.

Denom.   Series from to total
50c Maverick Clarke U 1 50000 50000 25,000 25,000
Norris Peters (first) 500001 1500000 1000000 500,000 525,000
Norris Peters (second) 1500001 2500000 1000000 500,000 1,025,000
Norris Peters (third) 2500001 3300000 800000 400,000 1,425,000
Norris Peters (fourth) 3300001 5500000 2200000 1,100,000 2,525,000
$1 Maverick Clarke A 1 750000 750000 750,000 3,275,000
Norris Peters (first) 750001 2250000 1500000 1,500,000 4,775,000
Norris Peters (second) 2250001 3750000 1500000 1,500,000 6,275,000
Norris Peters (third) 3750001 8250000 4500000 4,500,000 10,775,000
Norris Peters (fourth) L 1 10000000 10000000 10,000,000 20,775,000
$5 Maverick Clarke C 1 200000 200,000 1,000,000 21,775,000
Norris Peters (first) 200001 600000 400,000 2,000,000 23,775,000
Norris Peters (second) 600001 1000000 400,000 2,000,000 25,775,000
Norris Peters (third) 1000001 2200000 1,200,000 6,000,000 31,775,000
Norris Peters (fourth) H 1 4000000 4,000,000 20,000,000 51,775,000
  M 1 3000000 3,000,000 15,000,000 66,775,000
$10 Maverick Clarke D 1 150000 150,000 1,500,000 68,275,000
Norris Peters (first) 150001 450000 300,000 3,000,000 71,275,000
Norris Peters (second) 450001 750000 300,000 3,000,000 74,275,000
Norris Peters (third) 750001 1650000 900,000 9,000,000 83,275,000
Norris Peters (fourth) J 1 200000 200,000 2,000,000 85,275,000
Norris Peters (fifth) N 1 400000 400,000 4,000,000 89,275,000
$20 Maverick Clarke E 1 37500 37,500 750,000 90,025,000
Norris Peters (first) 37501 112500 75,000 1,500,000 91,525,000
Norris Peters (second) 112501 187500 75,000 1,500,000 93,025,000
Norris Peters (third) 187501 412500 225,000 4,500,000 97,525,000
Norris Peters (fourth) K 1 1000000 1000000 2,000,000 117,525,000
Norris Peters (fifth) 1000001 600000 5000000 10,000,000 217,525,000
$50 Maverick Clarke F 1 15000 15,000 75,000 218,275,000
Norris Peters (first) 15001 45000 30,000 150,000 219,775,000
Norris Peters (second) 45001 75000 30,000 150,000 221,275,000
Norris Peters (third) 75001 165000 90,000 450,000 225,775,000


On 29 August 1915 there were $26,106,648.38 in the treasury, viz.

5c 18,100 $             905.00
50c 30,000 15,000.00
$1 392,000  392,000.00
$5 354,000 1,770,000.00
$10 132,000 1,320,000.00
$20 1,122,000 22,440,000.00
various   168,743.38

plus two packets containing $87,650 in withdrawn sábanas and $3,125 in withdrawn dos caritas.


In January 1916 the Carrancistas calculated that Villa had issued $274,173,096 in different denominations, including $14,476,000 that the last Villista governor, General Fidel Avila, had taken to Ciudad Juárez that lacked seals and control letters (resellos y contraseñas). In Ciudad Juárez there may have been $12,475,000 in strongboxes that Avila was unable to get into the United States in timeAGN, Fondo Gobernación Periodo Revolucionario, caja 61, exp. 24, report 10 January 1916.

Some of the remainders were used as movie money or curios. In May 1935 35 pounds of this currency was imported into El Paso for shipment on to Los Angeles. Most of the notes were of the 50 centavos denomination though a few were of higher denominations. F. V. Sorrels, the agent in charge of the El Paso office of the U. S. Secret Service, tried to obtain a court order to confiscate the money on the grounds that it would fall into the hands of counterfeiters who would use the numerals in raising genuine money or counterfeiting good bank notesThe El Paso Times, 10 May 1935. However, he was advised by Assistant U. S. District Attorney W. S. Howe that this would not be possibleThe El Paso Times, 11 May 1935.

Finally, as a footnote to the Villista issues, we can note that when Roberto Fierro Villalobos took over as governor of Chihuahua in 1935 he found in the state treasury just seven pesos, and half a million in Villista notesRoberto Fierro Villalobos, Esta es mi vida, Mexico, 1964.


These are very crude, and the central section has a single type of background shading without the horizontal lines and denomination behind the signatures. These cannot have been intended for circulation, or as movie money, so must have been prepared as curios and souvenirs.

One complete set of values had ‘No’, ‘No’ and two red serial numbers:

souvenir 1 55442

souvenir 1 55442 reverse

souvenir 5 179022

souvenir 5 179022 reverse

souvenir 10 76818

souvenir 10 76818 reverse


souvenir 50 83741

souvenir 50 83741 reverse

  Series  ‘Control letters’  
$1 M NSHM Red scalloped seal: red serial number, No No
$10 M NSHM
$20 N NSHM
$50 M NSHM

Other notes might also be parts of complete series.

souvenir 10 M 209937

souvenir 10 M 209937 reverse

souvenir 20 32996

souvenir 20 32996 reverse

souvenir 50 M 50782

souvenir 50 M 50782 reverse

  Series  ‘Control letters’  


RKOT Black scalloped seal: blue serial number
Black scalloped seal: red serial number
TRO (inverted) Black scalloped seal: red serial number
$10 M NSHM Black scalloped seal: red serial number
Black scalloped seal: red serial number (different style)
Black scalloped seal: red serial number (different style)
$20 N NSHM Black scalloped seal: red serial number
$50 M SHM N Red scalloped seal: red serial number
XAD M Red scalloped seal: red serial number

The ‘control letters’ RKOT and NSHM might be some clue to authorship.