$100 sábanas
The sequence for the $100 was the same as for the $50 notes. The first were 'NÚM.' with two handwritten signatures.
Series letter | Imprint | Abbreviation | Size of numbers (left, right) | Type of seal on face |
A | IMP. DEL GOBIERNO, CHIH. | NÚM. | large, large | black |
Next, the $100 had two printed signatures.
Series letter | Imprint | Abbreviation | Size of numbers (left, right) | Type of seal on face |
A | IMP. DEL GOBIERNO, CHIH. | NÚM. | large, large | black |
Then 'NÚM.' was removed and 'No. No.' added to the numbering machine. The first variety, like the earlier notes, had a tail to the third ‘h’ of ‘Chihuahua’ and a space between 'Francisco' and 'Villa'.
Series letter | Imprint | Abbreviation | Size of numbers (left, right) | Type of seal on face |
A | IMP. DEL GOBIERNO, CHIH. | No. No. | large, large | black |
whilst others have three identical ‘h’s
Series letter | Imprint | Abbreviation | Size of numbers (left, right) | Type of seal on face |
A | IMP. DEL GOBIERNO, CHIH. | No. No. | large, large | black |
A table of known resellos is given here.
These $100 notes were revalidated in accordance with the Convention's decree of 17 December 1914. By 3 May 1915 701 notes, totalling $70.100, had been revalidatedLa Convención, 3 May 1915.
Though we have no warnings of counterfeit $100 notes we can note different types of ‘SERIE’ in the 'No. No.' last h different issue, though both are known with resellos and REVALIDADOs.