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Tranvias de Querétaro

We know of cartones for 1c and 2c from the local tram company dated 10 April 1915. Given their denominations and date these were issued in response to a shortage of small change.

Tranvias 1c

  to from total
1c         includes numbers 16268 to 18978
        slightly different design
includes number 19175
2c         includes number 10104


On 5 June 1915 the Tesorero Municipal, Francisco Zubieta, reported that to date he had issued $525 in vales of the empresa de Tranvías S.A.AQ, Fondo Poder Ejecutivo Sec 2ª Hacienda C-1 Año 1915 Exp. 170 letter Zubieta to Secretario General, 5 June 1915

When on 10 July 1916 the first incineration of local issues was held in the main patio of the Palacio Municipal, they also burnt $3.20 in these vales (vales expedidos por la Compañía de Tranvías) which suggests that they were limited both in total amounts issued and in time in circulationLa Sombra de Arteaga, Año XLVIV, Núm. 29, 15 July 1916.