Record núm. 69 on issue of $20, Series C, Comisión Reguladora notes, Mérida, 26 February 1915 (English translation)
From volume first B, number 69, in the city of Merida, capital of the state of Yucatan, United States of Mexico, on the twenty-sixth of the month of February of the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, before me, Licentiate Domingo Berney Diego, supernumerary notary public of the department of Merida, acting on account of leave of absence granted to the proprietary licentiate Jesus Palma y Palma and in the presence of the instrumental witnesses, Messrs. Alberto Escalante Gonzalez, twenty-five years of age, residing in the house number five hundred and eighty-nine of the Sixtieth Street, and Carlos Patron Sosa, twenty-four years of age, residing in the house number five hundred and fifty-nine C, Seventieth Street, both single, private employees, known to me, the notary, without legal impediments and of this neighborhood and domicile, wherof I certify, appeared:
I. Mr. Tomas O. Waterland de Vignier, married, public employee, fifty-nine years of age, residing in the house number four hundred and twenty-one Sixty-first Street;
II. Mr. Ignacio Magaloni, married, public employee, fifty-four years of age, residing in the house one hundred and four Seventeenth Street of Chuminopolis;
III. Mr. Juan Cirerol, married, proprietor, sixty-five years of age, residing in house number five hundred Sixty-second Street;
IV. Mr. Pedro Guerra Jordan, married, photographer, fifty-eight years of age, residing in the house number five hundred and fourteen Sixty-third Street; and
V. Mr. Jose Maria Espinosa, married, public employee, fifty-seven years old, residing in the house number four hundred and one Forty-seventh Street.
All deponents known to me, the notary, which I certify, as also that they are legally capable to bind themselves and to contract, neighbors of this city, wherein they are domiciled.
Deponent Mr. Thomas O. Waterland de Vignier declared that he is acting manager of the Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen, which being a public office he need not prove, and declares that he now exhibits a copy of Diario Oficial (Official Gazette), number five thousand two hundred and seventy-two, of January eleven of the current year nineteen hundred and fifteen, wherein decree number fifty-seven of Eleuterio Avila, then provisional governor and military commander, is published, which decree I, the notary, certify to have before my sight, and literally reads, as follows:
“Decree number 57. – Eleuterio Avila, provisional governor and military commander of the State of Yucatan, to the inhabitants thereof be it known that, making use of the extraordinary powers wherewith I am invested by the citizen first chief of the constitutionalist army, in charge of the executive power of the nation, I have deemed it expedient to decree as follows:
ARTICLE 1st. With the purpose of helping the Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen to the attainment of its object, it is (hereby) empowered to put in circulation the checks of (the denomination of) twenty pesos which on the 20th day of November, 1914, it ordered to be printed, with a total value of four million pesos.
ARTICLE 2nd. The expressed titles will be put in circulation when the market needs so determine and in accordance with the opinion of the executive and will be exchanged with the notes of the Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen may issue in accordance with the terms of the decree of December 12th, 1914, given by the citizen first chief of the constitutionalist army, which empowered it to effect an issue of ten million pesos.
ARTICLE 3rd. The checks referred to in the present decree will not pay the stamp tax, and the cost of the issue will be charged to general expenses of the Comision reguladora. On being withdrawn from circulation the checks will be incinerated in the presence of the president, of two directors, and of the manager of said commission, making a record thereof.
ARTICLE 4th. The checks referred to bear the printed signature in facsimile of the president, of the manager, and of the cashier of the Comision Reguladora. Given in the executive palace, Merida, on the eleventh of January, nineteen hundred and fifteen. Constitution and reforms. The provisional governor and military commander, E. Avila. The secretary general as interim, Alvino Acereto. I, the notary, do certify that this transcription agrees with the original. The same Mr. Tomas O. Waterland de Vignier continues saying: That in accordance with what is ordered by the preceding decree herein copied, the Comision Reguladora wherof deponent is acting manager has issued series C of the checks of said commission, of the denomination of $20 each, up to the amount of one hundred thousand checks, progressively numbered from 1 to 100,000, which he exhibits, and turns over the check marked number 1 to the acting notary to be attached to the appendix, and that in accordance with a resolution of the board of the Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen said checks have the following features: Front side – background color sepia with dark edges, on the left-hand side the building of the executive mansion; on the right-hand side, a section of a machine for decorticating hemp and a farm hand in the moment of gathering up the fiber which falls on the receiver, and the following inscription: “Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen (Merida, Yuc.). November 20th, 1914.The general treasury of the State will pay to the bearer the sum of twenty pesos, for the account of the ‘Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen.” The president, E. Avila. Fco. Rejon Tejero, cashier. Ildefonso Gutierrez, general manager.” In each one of the angles of this side the number 20 is printed. In the lower side. No 0001. In the two angles, series C. Reverse side – Light-blue color; in the center a circle, and in the center of this an engraving which represents the chapel of the nuns in the ruins of Chichen-Itza. On the right and left hand side of this circle there are two smaller semicircles; in each one of the angles of this side the number 20. In the upper and lower part “twenty pesos,” twice on each side, and on the right and left hand sides also “twenty pesos.” Between the larger circle and the right-hand semicircle a seal which reads: “Comision Reguladora 3/6 twenty pesos.” Mr. Ignacio Magaloni being present does say that he is the general treasurer of the State, which office on account of its public character he does not have to prove, and acting under oral orders received from the governor of the State to be present at this act declares that he agrees to this issue of twenty-peso checks, and that the amount of one hundred thousand checks exhibited by Mr. Waterland de Vignier, series C, is the only one that appears to have been delivered to said gentleman up to this date for circulation. Mr. Juan Cirerol does say that he is supervising member of the Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen, which office on account of its public character he does not have to prove, and as such he states that he is in accordance with the issue of twenty-peso checks, and that the amount of one hundred thousand checks, series C, is the only one that has been delivered to Mr. Thomas O. Waterland de Vignier up to this date for circulation, and that these checks have been printed with all the annotations determined for that purpose. Mr. Pedro Guerra Jordan does say that the one hundred thousand checks of the denomination of twenty pesos each exhibited by acting manager Tomas O. Waterland de Vignier, series C, and which he has delivered up to this date, were printed in the deponent’s plant of photography and photoengraving. Mr. Jose Maria Espinosa does say that he is the manager of the State public beneficence lottery, which office he does not have to prove on account of its public character, and as such declares that in the printing plant of the lottery wherof he is manager the checks exhibited by acting manager Mr, Tomas O. Waterland de Vignier were countersigned with the seal which appears on the reverse side of said checks, one hundred thousand checks of the denomination of twenty pesos, series C, having been sealed and delivered up to date for circulation. I, the attesting notary, herein declare that I called the attention of the deponents to the convenience of immediately paying the stamp tax corresponding to this act; that I previously ascertained regarding the legal capacity of said deponents whom I informed of the legal significance and effect of the act referred to, and after being convinced of their free will so to act, in accordance with their will and at their request, I, the undersigned notary, read to them the present record with whose terms they declared they agreed and ratify its terms subscribing for record before me and the aforementioned witnesses. To the appendix of this notarial book, two documents, contained in two folios, which I duly seal and sign, are attached, vid. one check of the Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen of the denomination of twenty pesos and the corresponding patent. I certify. Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen, T. O. Waterland de Vignier, acting manager. J. Cirerol. Pedro Guerra. Jose Ma. Espinosa. Ignacio Magaloni. Alberto Escalante G, Carlos Patron S. Having received to-day the note from the stamp-tax office with the legal stamps thereon, I attach same to the appendix on page III and certify in Merida on the eleventh of the month of March, of the year nineteen hundred and fifteen. I certify. One seal: Licentiate Domingo Berny Diego. Notary public. Department of Merida. Yucatan. Mexico. Domingo Berny Diego. Patent: Republic of Mexico. School of Jurisprudence of the State of Yucatan. Merida. Fourth series. Patent No. 5138. Merida. Decree of the twenty-fourth of August, 1905. Fees: four pesos. Revised. A. Monsreal Gomez. Secretary Benito Ruz. Administrator of the funds, Jose Millet Hubbe.
NOTE. – To the head administrator of the stamp revenue: In compliance with articles 144, 147, and 148 of the law on the matter in force, I beg to inform you that before me a public instrument with the following circumstances has been signed: Public notarial office in charge of the undersigned notary. Order number 60. Its date, to-day’s. Contract: Record pertaining to the issue of one hundred pesos checks, series C, of the Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen. (Three folios of the notarial book were written.) Impost quota due $6.00 in accordance with fraction 31 of the stamp-tax law in force. Merida, February 26th, 1915. The notary, Domingo Berny Diego. The head administrator of the stamp revenue does certify that on this date stamps for a value of $6.00 six pesos no cent have been affixed and canceled by this office, in accordance with the proceeding liquidation, made and presented under the responsibility of the notary who subscribes it. Merida, March 11, 1915. The accountant in charge of the main office, M. S, Fortunat. Seal: Main office of the stamp revenue. Merida. Yucatan.
These documents herein copied have a seal and signature that read: “Licentiate Domingo Berny Diego. Notary public. Department of Merida. Yucatan. Mexico. Domingo Berny Diego.
It does so appear and is set in the notarial record number sixty-nine, which I refer to. And in compliance with an order from the citizen first civil judge of this capital, according to a resolution of date twenty-first of the present month, which was transmitted to me in note number thirty-one of the same date, I issue this first copy, three folios having been used, and the legal stamps having been affixed to, in Merida, on the twenty-second day of the month of January, of year nineteen hundred and sixteen.
Notarial seal as follows: Licentiate Domingo Berny Diego, notary public, Department of Mexico, Yucatan, Mexico. (Signed) Domingo Berny Diego.