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Contract for additional infalsificables, New York, 9 May 1916

May 9th, 1916.
American Bank Note Company,
70 Broad Street,
New York, N. Y.
Dear Sirs;
Regarding your letter of yesterday I wish to advise and confirm you that the order for Bank Notes for the Government of Mexico given you in my letter of April 10th, 1916, has been modified by order of Hon. Luis Cabrera, Minister of Finance in Mexico, as follows:
5,000,000 – 5 Peso Notes 25,000,000 pesos
2,500,000 – 10   “       “     25,000,000    “
1,000,000 – 20   “       “     20,000,000    “
   300,000 – 50   “       “    15,000,000     “
   150,000 – 100 “       “    15,000,000     “
                                   $ 100,000,000     “
The payments are to be made in accordance with Paragraph (x) of said contract to wit:
50% of the total value of the order upon acceptance by you $ 53,948.75
25% when the first delivery on account of this order, is made. 26,974,37
25% when half of the order has been completed and shipped. 26,974,38
total value of this order in accordance with prices stipulated in the original contract made by Hon. Luis Cabrera, Minister of Finance on September 15.1915.
In this connection I am enclosing you herewith check #0143 for $26,348.75 which together with $27,600 previously paid to you as per my letter of April 10th last completes the amount of $53,948.75 – 50% of the total value of the order as above mentioned.
Please acknowledge receipt in triplicate of the amount of myu check attached to this, and oblige,
Yours very truly,
Alfredo Caturegli