Counterfeit $5 sábanas Type 5
counterfeit $5 note with counterfeit Ciudad Juárez resello
On 30 January 1915 Jesús Ramos, the Tesorero General of Sonora, issued a notice on counterfeit sábanas. The characteristics he listed for a counterfeit $5 note were:
letters 'O' of 'VALIDO AL PORTADOR POR' are incomplete with a twirl towards the centre |
letters are closed and completely round |
comma after 'Chihuahua' |
no comma after 'Chihuahua' and full stop at end missing |
'Gobernador Provisional del Estado' |
'Gobernador Provisional del Estada' |
inkspot in front of the 'S' of Vargas'signature is much smaller |
no full stops at end of 'Tesorero Gral del Estado' and in the 'M' of Chao's signature |
One of the notes with 'Estada' (Series B 4291) was marked 'COUNTERFEIT SOLD FOR SOUVENIR'