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$10 notes of the Banco Mercantil de Veracruz

First design

Mercantil de Veracruz 10 3637

Mercantil de Veracruz 10 3637 reverse

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Interventor Gerente Consejero  
By 31 December 1901informe of interventor Mirón y Mosquera, 30 July 1902 in Memorias de las Instituciones de Crédito correspondientes á los años 1900-1902, vol. I (presented to Oficina Impresora del Timbre for stamping 15 March 1898 letter M. Necoechea to José Brauer, 15 March 1898 AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 249) 15 March 1898 M1 O8 0001 5000 Mirón Ibarguen A. Zaldo         includes number 3637CNBanxico #12214
E2 N7 5001 10000  
J3 A6 10001 15000  
I4 C5 15001 16000  
By 31 December 1901informe of interventor Mirón y Mosquera, 30 July 1902 in Memorias de las Instituciones de Crédito correspondientes á los años 1900-1902, vol. I         16001 20000  
C5 I4 20001 25000  
A6 J3 25001 30000  
N7 E2 30001 35000  
O8 M1 35001 40000  
      40001 67000       not issued



Counterfeit $10 notes appeared in August 1901La Gaceta Comercial, 26 August 1901. One was presented to the American Bank, in the calle de Gante, by a Alfred McColsson and refused. McColsson then had an employee try to encash the note for a second time, as a joke, and this led to a police investigationLa Patria de México, Año XXV, Núm. 7430, 27 August 1901.

The note was a poor imitation but could pass at first sight. The impression was blurred (borrosa) and the paper thinner (el papel pergamino es de menor consistencia y cuerpo, que el usado en los buenos)ibid.. On 29 August Alberto Montiel and Nesto Rivera, two experts appointed by the Oficina impresora de Estampillas, reported that the note from the American Bank was a rough (tosca) imitationEl Popular, Año V, 30 August 1901.

The previous day the bank’s interventor, José Mirón y Mosquera, had reported to the Secretaría de Hacienda that the bank had received six such notes since May, believed that they had been produced in Puebla, and had decided quietly to withdraw their $10 notes. When they had recalled them all they would ask for permission to incinerate them and launch a new issueCEHM, Fondo CDLIV Colección José Y. Limantour, 2a. 1901, carpeta 11, legajo 24207. By 2 September the bank had several thousand pesos in such notes in its strongroomCEHM, Fondo CDLIV Colección José Y. Limantour, 2a. 1901, carpeta 11, legajo 24209 letter Mirón y Mosquera to Limantour, 12 September 1901.

Strangely, it was not until 25 March 1903 that Limantour finally gave his permission for the new issue to replace the notes that had been destroyed. By that time the bank was suffering from the lack of notesCEHM, Fondo CDLIV Colección José Y. Limantour, 2a. 1903, carpeta 9, legajo 65 letters Mirón y Mosquera to Limantour, 26 March 1901 and Limantour to Mirón y Mosquera, 31 March 1901.

Second design

Veracruz 10 C11 113548

Veracruz 10 C11 113548 reverse

The number range for each series is based on the listings in the book recording incinerationsAGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 415, libro 854.

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Interventor Gerente Consejero  
  31 August 1903 C12 Z16 00001 04000 Mirón  Pardo Gutiérrez y Pico   
  A13 I15 04001 08000    
  D14 K00 08001 12000    
  I15 A13 12001 16000 R. Zaldo  
  Z16 C12 16001 20000 Marure  
  14 April 1904 C2 Z6 20001 24000 Mirón     Pardo  R. Zaldo overprinted XALAPA
  A3 I5 24001 28000 Deschamps
  D4 K0 28001 30000 Gutiérrez y Pico  overprinted XALAPA10,000 notes in total
  30001 32000 includes number 31423 overprinted ORIZABA

  I5 A3 32001 36000 González overprinted ORIZABA
  Z6 C2 36001 40000 Marure
  8 February 1905 I5 A8  40001 45000 Mirón   Pardo R. Zaldo  
  X6 I7 45001 50000 Deschamps  
  T7 R6 50001 55000    
  L8 O5 55001 60000 González  
  A9 S4 60001 65000 Marure  
  15 July 1905 B3 O9 65001 68000 Mirón    Pardo R. Zaldo overprinted SAN ANDRES TUXTLA
  R4 D8 68001 71000    
  U5 L7 71001 74000 Gutiérrez y Pico  
  N6 A6 74001 77000    
  O7 Z5 77001 80000    
  8 November 1905 P19 A10 80001 84000 Mirón   Pardo González  
  A18 T11 84001 88000 D. Zaldo  
  R17 S12 88001 92000 Deschamps  
  D16 O13 92001 96000 R. Zaldo  
  O15 C14 96001 100000 Gutiérrez y Pico  
  13 April 1910 M5 A11 100001 104000 Mirón   Pardo A Zaldo  
  S6 P14 104001 108000 de Presno  
  Z8 G17 108001 112000 Gutiérrez y Pico   
  C11 L20 112001 115000    
  L15 C16 115001 118000 Carranza  
  G18 Z12 118001 122000 D. Zaldo includes number 118592
  P20 S8 122001 126004 Sierra includes numbers 124245CNBanxico #75480 to 125080CNBanxico #75479
number 126004 listed as P20 S8 in register of incinerationsAGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 415, libro 854
  A21 M4 126006 130000 Muñoz  
  20 April 1914 L23 O10 130001 145000 Mirón  Pardo de Presno  
  E7 V8 145001 158000 D. Zaldo  
  R12 A1 158001 172000 Carranza  
  D1 R16 172001 180000 Sierra includes numbers 174113CNBanxico #75483 to 179268incinerated (AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 415, libro 854)
      180001 230000       not issuedthe bank kept a register of incinerations which listed issues up to 180000 (AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 415, libro 854)


Mercantil de Veracruz 10 B3 67834
overprinted 'SAN ANDRES TUXTLA'

Mercantil Veracruz 10 31423
overprinted 'ORIZABA'

Mercantil Veracruz 10 24449
overprinted 'XALAPA'

OP Xalapa 10