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Máximo García

When Secretario de Gobierno Antonio Gaxiola met with Villa in Torreón in March 1915 he had also discussed with Villa an issue which the state was about to launch, but it seems to have taken until September.

On 26 August 1915 in response to an urgent request Escudero told governor Saravia that to issue 25c and 50c notes would take time and a multiplicity of issues was divisive. He was sending $50,000 in 50c notes (these will have been Estado de Chihuahua notes, either the original dos caritas or the simpler notes that date from this time) and asked if this would be enoughADUR, Fondo Secretaría General de Gobierno, Sección Siglo XIX, Serie Correspondencia, Subserie Revolución, gaveta 7, nombre 25. The next day Saravia replied that it was not, and that he could print an issue within four or five daysADUR, Fondo Secretaría General de Gobierno, Sección Siglo XIX, Serie Correspondencia, Subserie Revolución, gaveta 7, nombre 26.

Máximo García was the last Villista governor, from August to October 1915. On 3 September García told Villa in Torreón that the Secretaría de Hacienda had previously authorised his government to print $150,000 in fractional currency (this will have been Carranza's authorisation) and this he would do, unless Villa ordered him otherwise. Villa gave his consentADUR, Fondo Secretaría General de Gobierno, Sección Siglo XIX, Serie Correspondencia, Subserie Revolución, gaveta 7, nombre 29.

Thus García's signature appears on a series of notes, similar to the Saravia issue, together with the Oficial Mayor L. Parra Durán (in the absence of the secretary) and Mariano Varela as Director General de Rentas.

Maximo GarciaMáximo García was born in Ciudad Lerdo, Durango. He joined the revolutionary movement with his brother and both fought against the federal forces in the Comarca Lagunera. When the Huertistas recaptured Torreón Villa, from Ciudad Juárez, ordered García to retake it. García then commanded the Brigada Madero of 400 men and took part in the capture of Zacatecas on 23 June 1914. He was fighting at Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, when Villa was decisively defeated by Obregón at Celaya in April 1915.

In August 1915 Villa's forces took the city of Durango and García was appointed Governor and Military Commander.

During Obregón’s presidency García returned to the army and as a general commanded forces against the Escorbarista rebellion in 1929. He was a senator for Durango from 1940 to 1946 and died in 1964.

 sig Garcia

Lorenzo Parra Durán was a newpaperman who supported the Villistas. His signature appears on these notes because, for some reason, the Secretario, Antonio Dovalí, was absent.

Curiously, every year, on 15 September, the governor of Durango reenacts the Grito de Dolores (Hidalgo's call for independence) from the Palacio de Zambrano. In 1915 matters were so insecure that Máximo García was guarding the city from possible Carrancista attacks, Antonio Dovalí should have replaced him but was ill with laryngitis, and so Parra Durán stepped in.

In 1930 Parra Durán, wrote his memoirs of the revolution in DurangoLorenzo Parra Durán, Cómo empezó la Revolución en Durango hace veinte años, Mérida, Yucatán, 1930.

sig Parra Duran
Mariano Varela sig Varela


These were also printed by Miguel Gómez and complement Saravia’s 50c and $1 notes. All are dated September 1915 (the 50c with the text September 1915, the others with the date 9-915) and have a range of codes. In September Garcia also declared that alongside the Chihuahua issues, notes issued by Pastor Rouaix were still of forced circulation.

The amount authorised was originally given as $100,000ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p454 but the next day given as $150,000, in notes of 25c and 50cADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p455. The Ofical Mayor of the Sección de Hacienda made the following consignments to the Dirección General de Rentas

  25c 50c $2 $5
14 September 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p454 $32,104     $32,104
15 September 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p455 $29,680     $29,680
18 September 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p468   $45,000     $45,000
24 September 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p480  $10,000       $10,000
30 September 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p493 $15,000     $15,000
6 October 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p516 $750   $19,250   $20,000
7 October 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p525     $50,000   $50,000$25,000 was passed on to the Brigada M. García for its expenses (ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p528)
8 October 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p527     $25,000   $25,000
9 October 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p536     $10,000   $10,000
12 October 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p544     $40,000   $40,000
13 October 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p547     $7,000   $7,000
14 October 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p548      $2,500 $7,500 $10,000
16 October 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p555     $3,750   $3,750
16 October 1915ADUR, Libro Copiador 304, Hacienda 20 May 1915 - 1 March 1916, p556        $35,000 $35,000


On 17 October García published details of the amounts that his government had issued through the Dirección General de Rentas between 17 September and 13 October (so not the total ever issued). These were:

  Number Value
25c 189,000 $47,250
50c 155,000 77,500
$2 91,250 182,500


and García also issued $13,800 in notes signed by Saravia, and $8,880 in 5c,10c and 20c notes of Saravia during the same periodPeriódico Oficial, Durango, Tomo XL, Núm. 12, 17 October 1915. In a undated (and certainly incomplete or inexact) note about government issues (Nota que manifiesta las cantidades emitidas por el Gobierno de Durango, en bonos de dos pesos, cincuenta y veinticinco cvos respectivamente, con los comprobantes respectivos, de las personas que intervinieron en la emisión y la que los recibió) it is recorded that the 10c and 20c cartones of Saravia were $8,880 (ADUR, Fondo Secretaria General de Gobierno (Siglo XX), Sección 6 Gobierno, Serie 6.7 Correspondencia, caja 7, nombre 57). Not only is the typed note inexact but it is also covered with other handwritten sums.

In a undated (and certainly incomplete or inexact) note about government issues (Nota que manifiesta las cantidades emitidas por el Gobierno de Durango, en bonos de dos pesos, cincuenta y veinticinco cvos respectivamente, con los comprobantes respectivos, de las personas que intervinieron en la emisión y la que los recibió) it is recorded that the 25c Series A issue was $42,250,50c series F  $76,750 and $2 $182ADUR, Fondo Secretaria General de Gobierno (Siglo XX), Sección 6 Gobierno, Serie 6.7 Correspondencia, caja 7, nombre 57. Not only is the typed note inexact but it is also covered with other handwritten sums.

To summarise

25 centavos

Series from to total
            includes numbers 2347CNBanxico #4012 to 59457CNBanxico # 4013


50 centavos

Series from to total
F           includes number 6752 to 77907CNBanxico #4018 
        2 includes numbers 28558CNBanxico #4020 to 31740CNBanxico #4019 


$2 notes

Series from to total
        TO includes number
        NOR includes numbers 33634CNBanxico #4041 and  63346CNBanxico # 4038
        DO includes number 36848CNBanxico # 10919
        PE includes number 58831CNBanxico # 4039
        RDI includes numbers 64178 and 74509CNBanxico #4042
        DO-ME includes number 65902CNBanxico # 4037
        SE-HA includes number 72468CNBanxico # 4040
        NOS includes number 81758CNBanxico # 4036


$5 notes

Series from to total
          CO includes number 1725
        PA includes number
        NOS includes number 4334CNBanxico # 10920
        MEX includes number 10829

includes number 12135CNBanxico # 4043


The Carrancistas were back in Durango by early November.