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Branches (Huauchinango - Morelia)


Nacional 10 1893861


Nacional 5 M5 1696890

Nacional 10 1893861

Irapuato was opened as a branch in 1907.


Jalapa was opened as an agency in 1905 and a branch in 1908.


Nacional 10 M4 912047

La Piedad

La Piedad was opened as an agency in 1905 and a branch in 1907.


León was opened as an agency in 1902.


Matehuala was opened as an agency in 1905.


Banco Nacional 10 754108

The Banco Nacional de México was the first bank to be established in the state of Sinaloa in 1889 with a branch in the port of Mazatlan under its manager, Antonio Pratts. For ten years it was the only one with credit operations in the region until the Banco Occidental de Mexico and the branch of the Banco de Londres y Mexico appeared on the scene.


Banco Nacional Merida

Banco Nacional 2 26497

Nacional 20 176428

The bank inherited the branch of the Banco Nacional Mexicano at 2a. calle de Regil y Estrada 2, with Cárlos Varons as the first manager. In 1906 it acquired offices at the corner of calle 56 and calle 59.

On 23 May 1895 an audit showed that subcajero B. Castilla had stolen $1,500, including two $500 notes. Then, on 14 november 1895 cajero Max Willkomm made off with $160,000, $110,000 in notes of the Banco Yucateco and $50,000 in notes of the Banco Nacional de México itself, when an investment he had made in henequén failedABanM, Libros de Actas, 1895.


Banco Nacional 20 305293

The Banco Nacional de México opened a branch in Monclova in July 1906. The Consultor was Fernando Cantú Cárdenas; Gerente Francisco M. González and Cajero-Contador Alfredo M. GarzaEl Tiempo, Año XXIV, Núm. 7714, 7 July 1906.


Nacional 5 M3 801379

Nacional 20 171034

The branch was established in January 1890, with Valentín Rivero y Gaja as President and Francisco Armendaiz as Vicepresident of the Junta de Vigilancia and Francisco Oliver as the first manager.


On 10 March 1902, a branch was founded in Morelia, in which Feliciano Vidales Ortega, great landowner of the state, and Dante Cusi and Luis Brioschi, Italian settlers who carried out important tasks within Michoacan agriculture, participatedLa Libertad, Morelia, tomo 10, Núm. 11, 14 March 1902.

The branch was located at Portal de Aldama 29. This building, the Casa del Diezmo, was constructed at the end of the 17th century as a residence for capitán Miguel de Uribe. It was sold to the Cathedral in 1789 to be used as a storeroom for tithes, and then to individuals, becoming a hotel before it was acquired by the Banco Nacional de México for its branch.