$5 notes of the Banco de Guerrero
Date of issue | Date on note | Series | from | to | Interventor | Consejero | Gerente | comment |
2 July 1906 | 5 May 1906 | A | 00001 | 00500 | de la Canal | R. Honey | Hershberger |
00501 | 01000 | Velasco | ||||||
01001 | 01500 | Díaz | ||||||
01501 | 02000 | T. P. Honey | ||||||
02001 | 02500 | Lavín | ||||||
02501 | 03000 | Nava | ||||||
03001 | 03500 | R. Honey | ||||||
03501 | 04000 | Velasco | ||||||
04001 | 04500 | Díaz | ||||||
04501 | 05000 | T. P. Honey | ||||||
05001 | 05500 | Lavín | ||||||
05501 | 06000 | Nava | ||||||
06001 | 06500 | R. Honey | ||||||
06501 | 07000 | Velasco | ||||||
07001 | 07500 | Díaz | ||||||
07501 | 08000 | T. P. Honey | ||||||
08001 | 08500 | Lavín | ||||||
08501 | 09000 | Nava | ||||||
09001 | 09500 | R. Honey | ||||||
09501 | 10000 | Velasco | ||||||
10001 | 10500 | Díaz | ||||||
10501 | 11000 | T. P. Honey | ||||||
11001 | 11500 | Lavín | ||||||
11501 | 12000 | Nava | ||||||
12001 | 12500 | R. Honey | ||||||
12501 | 13000 | Velasco | ||||||
13001 | 13500 | Díaz | ||||||
13501 | 14000 | T. P. Honey | ||||||
14001 | 14500 | Lavín | ||||||
14501 | 15000 | Nava | ||||||
15001 | 15500 | R. Honey | ||||||
15501 | 16000 | Velasco | ||||||
16001 | 16500 | Díaz | ||||||
16501 | 17000 | T. P. Honey | ||||||
17001 | 17500 | Lavín | ||||||
17501 | 18000 | Nava | ||||||
18001 | 18500 | R. Honey | ||||||
18501 | 19000 | Velasco | ||||||
19001 | 19500 | Díaz | ||||||
19501 | 20000 | T. P. Honey | ||||||
6 February 1914 | A | 20001 | 40000 | Berriozabal | T. P. Honey | Daza | includes numbers to 39765CNBanxico # 11082 | |
B | 40001 | 90000 | undated, unsigned remainder needleprinted AMORTIZADO includes numbers 40978 to 88322 |
needle-punched 'AMORTIZADO'
By the end of 1911 the public were reluctant to accept some $5 notes because of their state of deteriorationreport at Annual General Meeting, Iguala, 30 December 1911 (AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 2112, libro 3647) and over 10,000 were destroyed on 16 February 1912 and 15 October 1913.