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Private issues

Estado de Mexico privates


Hacienda de S. Miguel Solís y Anexas

The Colonial Hacienda de San Miguel Solís is located about 18 kilometres from the municipal seat in the northwest of the state. It has a natural spring of volcanically-heated water which forms a pool of water with a high mineral content.

  date on note from to total
5c           remainders
includes numbers 2227 to 5442
10c 31 October 1915         includes numbers 9001 to 9498
20c 3 October 1915         includes number 78CNBanxico #114872
includes numbers 2978 to 4471
50c 4 October 1915         remainders
includes numbers 292 to 1967
$1           remainders
includes numbers 1270 to 1329


A hoard of these notes turned up a few years ago. They are signed by Domingo [         ][identification needed] as Administrador and José Gutíerrez as Cajero and were for internal use only (BUENO SOLAMENTE COMO CONTRASEÑA PARA USO INTERIOR DE LA HACIENDA). The known datestamp is of 4 October 1915.

Domingo [   ] sig Solis Admor
José Gutíerrez sig Gutierrez


Santiago Quintana

  date on note from to total
1c 18 April 1915         includes number 1029
2c 5 February 1915         includes numbers 1452 to 1806


Jorge A. Chaparro

  from to total
1c         includes numbers 847CNBanxico # 11490 images are misplaced to 1662
2c         includes numbers 1126CNBanxico #4672 to 1494



Tlalnepantla is on the outskirts of Mexico City.

Calleja Hermanos

Calleja Hermanos dated back to the colonial past and had one of the largest grocery stores in Veracruz. It was an importing and exporting house that had several warehouses in that port where it concentrated large volumes of grocery products and liquors that it imported and had commercial links with a good part of the country.

  from to total
5c         includes number 2543
10c         includes number 2268
20c         includes number 1213


These notes are dated 20 May 1914 and have the signature of Pablo de [             ][identification needed].

  sig Calleja Hermanos


Tienda de San Javier

These are catalogued as "of unknown origin" but the Hacienda de San Javier was in the municipio of Tlalnepantla. Dated 2[ ] June 1915.


Cantina Alemana / Club Alemán

Two values (5c and 20c) are known with slightly different titles.


Francisco Pérez Carbajal

In August 1915 Eduardo Martínez wrote to the governor that in Sultepec, from Villa Allende to Almoloya (de Alquisiras), the casa of Francisco Pérez Carbajal held a monopoly in cereals, which it sold at double the price. It had hoarded all the small notes and cartones that were in circulation, leaving only the large notes. When someone offered a $5 note, they took it and did not give any change, but a vale so that the person had to shop for everything else there, at an extremely high price. These caciques were extorting the people, with the help of the presidente municipal, who was a shareholder in the casa comercial, and the Comandantes de la Plaza, who tolerated it as they were friendsAHEM, Serie Seguridad Pública, vol. 150, exp. 29 letter Eduardo Martínez, Sultepec, to Governor, 26 August 1915.



Bernardino Castañada Escobar

castanedaFelis Bernardo Castañeda Escobar was born in Zacualpan on 17 May 1859. He died there in 1919.

These two values, for 10 and 20 centavos, both have a central vignette of a miner,  which might be relevant. Zacualpan was the first mining town established in the New World and mining is still an important economic activity in the life of its inhabitants