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Local municipal issues

Michoacan local issues

The state government of Michoacán only made a couple of issues and so it seems it was left to the municipalities to address the shortage of small change that resulted from hoarding and a breakdown in communications.

Documentation about these various local issues is rare, but we can occasionally draw inferences from the notes themselves, or similarities between notes or with issues from the neighbouring state of Jalisco.

Cotija de la Paz

La Receptoria de Rentas

Cotija 50c

  series from to total
50c A         includes number 7040


This 50c note was issued by the local Receptoria de Rentas in accordance with an agreement[text needed] made on 20 August 1915 and was backed by a deposit in the same Receptoria. It bears the printed names of the Presidente Municipal, Daniel Valencia, the Coronel Jefe de Armas en el Distrito, Manuel Guizar Valencia, and the Tesorero, Abraham Mendoza.

[if correct person]
Daniel Valencia Valencia was born in 1886. He was a distinguished politician and served as president of the Supreme Court (Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación) from 1934 to 1940. He died in 1948.

Manuel Guizar Valencia, a native of Cotija, nicknamed "Mala Alma" (Bad Soul), had first been a Maderista with Sabás Valladares, then as a Huertista toured the districts of Zamora and Jiquilpan alongside Jesús Síntora, committing all kinds of outrages. Later, on 30 October 1914, after proclaiming himself a Villista, he undertook a "clerical" uprising in Sahuyo, through which he intended to take the town of Jiquilpan. However, he was quickly suppressed by the column of General Joaquin Amaro who was in command of the military forces of the northwestern zone of Michoacán.

Guizar Valencia’s exploits continued to be news in the region. On 14 November 1914, accompanied by a group of peasants, he assaulted the main military barracks, located in the Mesón de San José, taking advantage of the fact that the garrison of the Constitutionalist captain Benjamín Novoa were resting at the Hotel México, after an afternoon of jaripeo (bull riding) at the El Paso ranch. The assailants surprised the guard, killing him, and then seized the horde of weapons. When the Carrancistas learned of the events, they besieged the assailants and waged a strong confrontation: some were able to flee through the adjoining houses and others succumbed when the ammunition ran out.

However, during 1914 and 1915 Guizar Valencia continued to mock the Constitutionalist forces, he was even hired by the hacienda of Guaracha as its armed wing to counteract the nascent agrarianism in the district. Finally, in February 1916, his luck ran out: he was apprehended and shot in Sahuayo by Colonel Francisco ZepedaEl Pueblo, 26 March 1916, apparently without justification, since at that time he was pardoned and retired from public life, though he could not really be granted a pardon because of the number of abuses and murders that he had committedJosé Romero Vargas, Cotija durante los revoluciones: 1900-1926, edit. Progreso, 1928.

 Abraham Mendoza Guízar was born in Cotija in 1874 and married Viviana Valencia Bouquete on 15 March 1894.  


"Servicio de cambio local"

Cotija 5c

  from to total
5c         includes numbers 331 to 8[ ]5


This 5c note is dated 15 September 1915 and was only valid for two  months before it needed revalidation..


Uruapan 2c

Uruapan 2c reverse

Uruapan 5c

Uruapan 5c reverse

Uruapan 10c

Uruapan 10c reverse

Uruapan 20c

Uruapan 20c reverse

Uruapan 50c

Uruapan 50c reverse

2c, 5c, 10c, 20c and 50c notes, printed on reused paper, dated 20 April 1915 and bearing the names of the Presidente Municipal, J. Treviño S., and Administrador del Timbre, M. Farías.

J. Treviño S.  
M. Farias  



Taretan 5cA 5c note from the Tesorería Municipal.


Patzcuaro 10c

Patzcuaro 10c reverse

Patzcuaro 20c

Patzcuaro 20c reverse

  from to total
10c         includes numbers 2480CNBanxico #5227 to 4581CNBanxico #5228
20c         includes numbers 0663CNBanxico #11536 to 3821


Known notes issued by the Tesorería Municipal are for 10c and 20c, dated 1 June 1915.


Puruandiro 1c

Puruandiro 1c reverse

Puruandiro 5c

Puruandiro 5c reverse

Puruandiro 10c

Puruandiro 10c reverse

  series from to total
1c A          
5c A          
10c A          


These Tesorería Municipal notes are dated 25 July 1915 and were issued in accordance with an agreement with the government[text needed] and backed by local receipts. They have the names of General Antonio de P. Magaña and Presidente Municipal José Barrera Navarrete.

Antonio de P MagañaAntonio de P. Magaña was born in Michoacán. A newspaperman who supported Madero, he fought with the Constitutionalists and defended Veracruz during the American intervention in 1914. He was Jefe de la Armas in Puruándiro in 1915 and a failed candidate for governor of the state in 1917.  

José Barrera Navarrete was born in Puruándiro. in about 1885.

He ran a factory producing ice and fizzy drinks.

He died about 1965, in his hometown, at the age of 82.




Zinapecuaro 10c

A 10c note. Serie D and with the signatures of the Presidente Municipal, [               ][identification needed], and Tesorero Municipal, Eulogio Martín.

  sig Zinepecuaro Presidente
 Eulogio Martín sig Zinepecuaro Tesorero



Maravatio 2c 3

Maravatio 2c 3 reverse

There was a Serie B, with slight differences in the positioning of the text, and with different numerals.

Maravatio 2c 1

Maravatio 2c 1 reverse

Maravatio 2c 2

Maravatio 2c 2 reverse
larger 'MARAVATIO' and tall, thin ''2'

Maravatio 5c

Maravatio 5c reverse

Maravatio 10c 1

Maravatio 10c 1 reverse

Maravatio 10c 2

Maravatio 10c 2 reverse
larger 'MARAVATIO' and tall, thin '10'

Maravatio 20c

  series from to total
2c           includes numbers 0166CNBanxico #11515 to 7329CNBanxico #11517
B         includes numbers 1018 to 6203
5c B         includes numbers 0368CNBanxico #11518 to 3798
10c B         includes numbers 0253 to 0451CNBanxico #115149
20c B          



Senguio 5c

Senguio 10c

Senguio 20c

  series from to total
5c A         includes number 6719
10c A         includes number 176
20c A         includes number 636



Palacio Municipal Zitacuaro
Palacio Municipal, Zitácuaro

Zitacuaro 5c

Zitacuaro 5c reverse

Zitacuaro 10c

Zitacuaro 10c reverse

Zitacuaro 20c

Zitacuaro 20c reverse

Zitacuaro 50c

Zitacuaro 50c reverse

  from to total
10c         includes numbers 1033CNBanxico #5323 to 1833CNBanxico #5323
50c         includes numbers 65CNBanxico #5318 to 3717CNBanxico #5292


The 50c note is dated 9 March 1915 and is signed by the Presidente Municipal León Rodríguez C. and Tesorero E. P[       ].

León Rodríguez C.

Rodríguez was diputado suplente for Zitacuaro to the XXXVI state legislature (1917-1918).

sig Zitacuaro Presidente
E [identification needed] sig Zitacuaro Tesorero