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Other military issues

Sinaloa Mazatlan

Los Conchis

4o. Batallón, Regimiento de Sinaloa

Los Conchis was a section of Mazatlán. In 1911 the Maderistas had established their headquarters there during their siege of Mazatlán and presumably did the same in 1914.

  from to total
$5         includes number 405


A cream pasteboard  with ‘4/o. Batallón Reg. de Sinaloa / Este Comandancia pagará / al portador la cantidad de: / $.5.00 CINCO PESOS. / Los Conchis, Sin. Julio 14/94/ P. El Coronel Jefe del B. / El Teniente Ayudante.’ and handwritten signature of [ ] Mazzarino.

[ ] Mazzarino sig Mazzarino



  series from to total
$5 B         includes number 237


Another typewritten voucher from the P. B. R. de Sin., 'Vale por $5.00 CINCO PESOS', dated 6 July 1914, issued by the paymaster of the brigade commanded by General Macario Gaxiola. This appear to come from the time that the Constitucionalists were besieging Mazatlán.

GaxiolaMacario Gaxiola Urías was born in Angostura, Sinaloa, in 1890.

He fought against Huerta, taking Los Mochis for the Maderistas on 5 April 1913, and rose to be a general and jefe of the Primer Batallón in Obregón’s Cuerpo de Ejército del Noroeste. He was a delegate to the Aguascalientes Convention in October 1914, where he voted for Carranza’s retirement, and followed Buelna and Riveros in supporting Villa. He was finally defeated by the Constitutionalists at Ocolome on 5/6 November 1915. After a few years of peace in 1920 he supported the Plan de Agua Prieta against Carranza.

He was governor of Sinaloa from 1929 to 1932 and elected as a senator for Sinaloa. He died in Mexico City on 21 January 1953.

sig Gaxiola
[identification needed] was the paymaster (pagador) of the brigade.
sig Pagador Venadillo


Maclovio Herrera

On 10 October 1914 Carranza wrote to Mariano Arrieta, in Mazatlán, telling him to tell José de la Luz Herrera that he (Carranza) had authorised Maclovio Herrera to issue a million pesos in notes or vales (billetes o vales por valor) for his forces’ expenses. He had likewise given Domingo Arrieta permission to issue a similar amount for his troops. The notes that Herrera and Arrieta issued would be exchanged for Constitutionalist notes that Carranza was going to sendAHSDN, XI/481.5/96 Caja 43.

By this time Maclovio Herrera had come down on Carranza’s side in the conflict with Villa and was holed up in the Sierra Madre with a few men before moving towards Veracruz, so he might not have needed a million pesos.