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Reguladora del Comercio

In various place the Carrancistas established a local Comisión Reguladora del Comercio to control the distribution of goods and to supply the troops.

In Zacatecas the Oficina Reguladora del Comercio predated the Comisión Reguladora as on 9 October 1915 Donaciano López took over as jefe of the OficinaPeriódico Oficial, Año II, Tomo II, Núm. 11, 23 October 1915. A series of cartones issued by the Oficina, exchangeable at sight for legal tender, was obviously to counter the shortage of small change.

  from to total
5c         includes numbers 178198CNBanxico #6594 to 355805CNBanxico #12455
10c         includes numbers 525744CNBanxico #6596 to 529540CNBanxico #12446 
20c         includes number 807021CNBanxico #12447 to 819481CNBanxico #6598
50c         includes number 888390CNBanxico #12448


The Comisión Reguladora del Comercio in Zacatecas was established by governor Carlos Plank on 13 May 1916Periódico Oficial, Año 2, Tomo 2, Núm. 40, 13 May 1916. It was given $50,000 in operating capital by the Dirección General de Rentas and empowered to buy goods at the most favourable prices, which might have been the way its notes entered circulation.

As well as validating Chamber of Commerce notes it issued a series of cartones (10c, 20c, 50c and $1) exchangeable for merchandise in the Comisión’s outlets.

  from to total
10c         includes numbers 059732CNBanxico #12453 to 170733CNBanxico #6589 
20c         includes numbers 14778CNBanxico #12454 to 70841CNBanxico #6590
50c         includes numbers 03396 to 46921CNBanxico #6591
$1         includes numbers 24792 to 24703CNBanxico #12455 


Some are overprinted INFALSIFICABLE.