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$50 Banco Minero note

Banco Minero 50 A 0382

Minero 50 A 0382 reverse

Date of issueDate on noteSeriesfromtoGerentePresidenteInterventorcode 
9 January  1889 1888 A 0001 0100 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar    
12 January  1889 0101 1000    
24 December  1896 1001 2000    
21 February  1898 1 October / 1898 B 0001 0050 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar    
0051 0100    
0101 0150    
0151 0200 745 W Y 810 includes number 0179CNBanxico #14614 
0201 0250    
0251 0300    
0301 0350 323 I K 678 includes number 0318CNBanxico #14612
0351 0400 544 M O 890 includes number 0394CNBanxico #14616
0401 0450 367 P R 654 includes number 0432CNBanxico #14615
0451 0500    
0501 0550    
0551 0600    
0601 0650    
0651 0700    
0701 0750    
0751 0800    
0801 0850    
0851 0900    
0901 0950    
0951 1000    
30 June 1900 26 June 1900 / 1899 C 0001   E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar [  ] 943 C 734 includes number 0236CNBanxico #14626  
    D 124 V 362 imcludes number 0362 overprinted GOMEZ PALACIO
    F 567 T 127 includes number 0503CNBanxico #14627 overprinted GOMEZ PALACIO 
  0700 S 671 G 418 includes numbers 0611CNBanxico #14628 to 0700 overprinted GOMEZ PALACIO  
    H 785 G 84[  ] includes number 0777CNBanxico #14629 overprinted GOMEZ PALACIO  
4 July 1900 5 December 1900 / 1899 1001 2000    
V 354 X 276 includes number 1181
Z 453 B 727 includes number 1239
H 424 J 849 includes number 1554
18 January  1902 6 February 1902 / 1901 D 1   E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar H 432 X 204  
    Y 366 D 366 includes number 0805
5 February  1902 22 February 1902 / 1901 1001   176 E 218 B includes number 1046
    318 Z 293 Y includes number 1391CNBanxico #7151
    717 F 745 K includes number 1541
    537 M 517 R includes number 1704
    382 S 238 T includes number 1869CNBanxico #14631
  2000 219 M 105 H includes number 1989CNBanxico #14632
22 March 1907 20 February 1907 / 1903  A 1 500 J. A. Creel Ochoa Cuellar 125 H 402  
B 501 1000     689 X 275  
24 December 1908 24 December 1908 / 1908 / 1903 C 1001 1500 J. A. Creel Ochoa  Cuellar
D 1501 2000 314A356  
E 2001 2500 431M514  
F 2501 3000 542V631  
21 February 1910 27 January 1910 / 1910 G 3001 3500 J. A Creel L. Terrazas Cuellar 432E295 13 January  1910
H 3501 4000 178B843
I 4001 4500 356W164
J 4501 5000 241O972


Banco Minero 50 C 0362 GOMEZ PALACIO
overprinted 'GOMEZ PALACIO'

After the 1908 robbery the bank recalled its $50 notes and revalidated them.

Banco Minero 50 C 1181
a $50 note revalidated on 26 March 1908

Banco Minero 50 C 0700 GOMEZ PALACIO
a $50 note with a 'GOMEZ PALACIO' overprint revalidated on 17 March 1908

Banco Minero 50 D 0805
a $50 note revalidated in an unidentified branch on 12 June 1908

It kept the record of which notes were restamped, and on which date, in a book now in the Archivo General de la NaciónAGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emisión, caja 776, libro 1411 though it contains errors as the serial letters had been used twice, and many of these notes will subsequently have been incinerated. However, known survivors are:

Series original date revalidated
B 1 October 1898 GOMEZ PALACIO 18 April 1908CNBanxico #14615
3 May 1908CNBanxico #14616

26 June 1900 / 1899 17 March 1908
GOMEZ PALACIO 30 April 1908CNBanxico #14626
5 December 1900 / 1899

12 March 1908
26 March 1908

6 February 1902 / 1901 2 April 1908CNBanxico #14630
22 February 1902 / 1901

13 April 1908CNBanxico #7151
25 May 1908
6 June 1908CNBanxico #14631
14 July 1908
A 20 February 1907 / 1903 9 March 1908CNBanxico #14600
2 April 1908
B 20 February 1907 / 1903 13 April 1908


Some of the $50 notes issued in 1914, after Huerta's coup, had been printed before 1913.

Date of IssueDate on noteSeriesfromtoGerentePresidenteInterventorcode 
19 February 1914 31 January 1914 K 5001 5500 J. A. Creel L. Terrazas Cuellar 192L986 authorisation requested
12 January 1914. as "notes needed for Gómez Palacio and Torreón"CEHM, Fondo Creel, 85, 21986; authorised
31 JanuaryCEHM. Fondo Creel, 92, 23566
L 5501 6000 273U549
M 6001 6500 864P158
N 6501 7000 538E691
O 7001 7500 346A283
P 7501 8000 451Z372
Q 8001 8500 619B415
R 8501 9000 725T824
7 August  1914 17 July 1914 A7 9001 9100 J. A. Creel L. Terrazas Martínez 777 dispatched by ABNC 21 May 1914CEHM, Fondo Creel, 92, 23566;
authorisation requested 6 July 1914CEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22030;
authorised 7 JulyCEHM. Fondo Creel, 92, 23566, prepared for reopening of Chihuahua branchCEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22031
B7 9101 9200 666
C7 9201 9300 888
D7 9301 9400 999
E7 9401 9500 101
F7 9501 9600 175
G7 9601 9700 281
H7 9701 9800  
J7 9801 9900 417
K7 9901 10000 533
L7 10001 10100  
M7 10101 10200  
N7 10201 10300  
O7 10301 10400  
P7 10401 10500  
Q7 10501 10600  
R7 10601 10700 525
S7 10701 10800 637
T7 10801 10900 794
U7 10901 11000 385
    A8 11001 11500         dispatched by ABNC 5 August 1914ABNC
not issued, and incinerated in Veracruz in June 1919CEHM, Fondo Creel, 219, 56245
B8 11501 12000  
C8 12001 12500  
D8 12501 13000  
E8 13001 13500  
F8 13501 14000  
G8 14001 14500  
H8 14501 15000  
J8 15000 15500  
K8 15501 16000  
L8 16001 16500  
M8 16501 17000  
N8 17001 17500  
O8 17501 18000  
P8 18001 18500  
Q8 18501 19000  
R8 19001 19500  
S8 19501 20000  
T8 20001 20500  
U8 20501 21000