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Counterfeit 25c sábanas

Counterfeit 25c sábanas Type 1

counterfeit 25c sabanasIn January 1915 Mexico City police discovered a workshop producing counterfeit sábanasLa Opinión, 27 January 1915. The magazine La Ilustración Semanal  had a picture of the counterfeits, including 25c sábanas series N and K (single No., large numbers)La Ilustración Semanal, Año II, Núm. 70, 2 February 1915.

Counterfeit 25c sábanas Type 2

In June 1915 Leandro Mancillas, Pedro Silva, Ceferino Silva and Subteniente J. Felíx Arévalo, were publicly executed in Aguascalientes for counterfeiting Chihuahua paper currencytwo on 10 June (Prensa, 23 June 1915. In addition to six hundred and ten false 25c notes and some other counterfeits, the authorities recovered two clichés, ink and a “Tesorería General del Estado. Chihuahua” seal.

The notes were poor imitations, particularly the 25c notes which could be recognised by the state of the reverse sealAAG, caja 12-B, exp. 17; Vida Nueva, 13 June 1915; 14 June 1915).

  different colour ink
  different type of paper
  seal on reverse poorly executed