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$10 Banco Minero note (1888-1912)

Minero 10 B 06265

Minero 10 B 06265 reverse

Date of issueDate on noteSeriesfromtoGerentePresidenteInterventor  
2 January 1889 1888 A 1 2000 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar    
24 January 1889 2001 5000    
18 April 1895 5001 7000   15 April 1895
14 June 1895 7001 9400   30 April 1895
8 July 1897 9401 10000   authorised 28 April 1897
28 August 1897 1897 B 00001 01400 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar G 180 includes number 00765CNBanxico #24115 
1 November 1897 01401      
    V 997 includes number 01891CNBanxico #6854
    L73 24L includes number 03142
    G64 35G includes number 06265
21 February 1898 1898 C 00001   E. Creel Ochoa  CuellarCircular núm. 3 from the Secretaría de Hacienda on 25 October 1897 allowed the Interventor to authorise $5 and $10 notes with a facsimile signature  A10 13A includes number 00278CNBanxico #24449 
    I19 83A includes number 08246CNBanxico #24450 
6 March / 1898     K21 91[  ] includes number 10782
29 December 1899   D 1 5000 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar    
20 March 1900 / 1899     22 O I includes number  02264CNBanxico #24422
    18 Q X includes number  02493CNBanxico #24423
31 August 1900   5001      
3 April 1901 / 1900 / 1899     76 [  ] includes number  07866CNBanxico #24414
    94 HY includes mumber 10147CNBanxico #24416
    126 DB includes 12155CNBanxico #24415
13 January 1903 12 January 1903 / 1903 E 00001 01000 E. Creel



    F 01001 02000    
    G 02001 03000    
  13 January 1903 / 1903 H 03001 04000 105 includes numbers 03737CNBanxico #24446 to 03801CNBanxico #24445 
    J 04001 05000    
    K 05001 06000    
    L 06001 07000    
  7 February 1903 /1903 M 07001 08000 984 includes numbers 07597CNBanxico #24448 to 07770CNBanxico #24447
    N 08001 09000    
  13 February 1903 / 1903 O 09001 10000 685 includes numbers 09278CNBanxico #24468{/footnote
3 February 1903 16 March 1903 / 1903 / 1897 B 09401 10000 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar   includes numbers 09623CNBanxico #24387 to 09968CNBanxico #24433 
20 August 1903 21 August 1903 / 1903  

A 00001 01000 E. Creel Ochoa Cuellar Z285 overprinted HERMOSILLO 
B 01001 02000  
C 02001 03000 M342
D 03001 04000 E146
E 04001 05000 O453
16 February 1904 16 February 1904 / 1903  F 05001 06000 K617  
G 06001 07000 A761  
H 07001 08000    
I 08001 09000 N935  
19 February 1904 / 1903   J 09001 10000 C128  
K 10001 11000 E837  
L 11001 12000 H649  
M 12001 13000 P482  
N 13001 14000 G275  
O 14001 15000 F582  
4 May 1905 4 May 1906 / 1906     P 15001 16000 J. A. Creel Ochoa Cuellar 549D  2 December 1905
Q 16001 17000 182W
R 17001 18000 936B
S 18001 19000 614H
T 19001 20000 258C
1 October 1906 1 October 1906 / 1906 U 20001 21000 425Z
V 21001 22000 761E
W 22001 23000 374A
X 23001 24000 893G
Y 24001 25000 615L
22 March 1907 20 February 1907 / 1906  
Z 25001 26000 158P
A2 26001 27000 582Y
B2 27001 28000 469J
C2 28001 29000 926R
D2 29001 30000 257M
E2 30001 31000 895X
F2 31001 32000 348V
G2 32001 33000 184K
H2 33001 34000 693N
I2 34001 35000 945Q
16 June 1909 14 April 1909 / 1909 J2 35001 36000 J. A. Creel Ochoa Cuellar 245A 4 April 1908
K2 36001 37000 683X
L2 37001 38000 571B
M2 38001 39000 862Y
N2 39001 40000 134D
O2 40001 41000 490C
P2 41001 42000 357H
Q2 42001 43000 716G
R2 43001 44000 948R
S2 44001 45000 529L
17 June 1909 T2 45001 46000 694Z
U2 46001 47000 135E
V2 47001 48000 987M
W2 48001 49000 254W
X2 49001 50000 563P
Y2 50001 51000 280N
Z2 51001 52000 936V
A3 52001 53000 849F
B3 53001 54000 431J
C3 54001 55000 689K
18 June 1909 D3 55001 56000 735X
E3 56001 57000 175I
F3 57001 58000 982O
G3 58001 59000 589Q
H3 59001 60000 368S
30 May 1910 16 March 1910 / 1910 
I3 60001 61000 J. A. Creel L. Terrazas Cuellar 823B 21 February 1910
J3 61001 62000 465D
K3 62001 63000 179M
L3 63001 64000 946C
M3 64001 65000 281X
N3 65001 66000 532Z
O3 66001 67000 314V
P3 67001 68000 657G
Q3 68001 69000 708M
R3 69001 70000 890A


Banco Minero 10 D 03365 HERMOSILLO
overprinted 'HERMOSILLO'

In 1910 The bank issued a special $10 note to commemorate the centenary of Mexican Independence.i

Minero 10 V3 73747

Minero 10 V3 73747 reverse

Date of  issueDate on noteSerfromtoGerentePresidenteInterventorcode 
29 August 1910  1910 S3 70001 71000 J. A. Creel L. Terrazas Cuellar  245 C  
T3 71001 72000 638 G  
U3 72001 73000 371 D  
V3 73001 74000 169 V  
W3 74001 75000 483 L  
X3 75001 76000 514 A  
Y3 76001 77000 726 E  
Z3 77001 78000 892 J  
A4 78001 79000 957 R  
B4 79001 80000 190 T  


Date of issueOther dateSerfromtoGerentePresidenteInterventorcode 
24 February 1911 21 January 1911 / 1911

C4 80001 81000 J. A. Creel L. Terrazas Cuellar 810U dispatched by ABNC 10 December 1910
D4 81001 82000 245X
E4 82001 83000 132A dispatched by ABNC 12 December 1910
F4 83001 84000 368N
G4 84001 85000 457C
H4 85001 86000 521R
I4 86001 87000 673P
J4 87001 87500 784K
10 March 1911 J4 87501 88000 784K
K4 88001 89000 906V
L4 89001 90000 395S
18 March 1912 5 December 1911 / 1912 M4 90001 91000 J. A. Creel L. Terrazas Cuellar 175L

dispatched by ABNC 21 March 1911
The codes spell 'LUIS TERAZ'

N4 91001 92000 264U
O4 92001 93000 391I
P4 93001 94000 452S
Q4 94001 95000 638T
R4 95001 96000 513E
S4 96001 97000 826R
T4 97001 98000 749A
U4 98001 99000 965Z
V4 99001 100000 384V