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Private issues

Guanajuato privates


Casino de León

Casino Leon 10c

Casino Leon 10c reverse

The Casino was part of a 1905 development in the Plaza Principal by the architect Luis Long in the neoclassical style with a neo-Mudéjar façade. It housed a shopping centre (under an advanced concept for the time) with the inclusion of the Lonja Mercantil (Commercial Market), also known as El Casino, which was established as a meeting space for the economic and social elite of León until the 1950s.

This 10c note was issued by the cantina.

Hotel “Mexico”

On 23 February 1916 the Presidente Municipal wrote to Guillermo Vera, the owner of the Hotel “Mexico”, that he had learnt that the hotel had issued fichas in various denomination to facilitate change, but as Vera had no authority to issue them, if the Presidencia found out that they were still circulating, it would impose a heavy fineAHMLeón, Fondo Jefatura Política, Sección Jefatura Política, Series Comunicaciones, caja 6, exp. 28.

Guillermo Vera was the son of Spaniards but born in Mexico who opened his first hotel, the Hotel México, on calle Juárez facing the Plaza Principal. The building is now the Casa de Cultura.

Dolores Hidalgo

Hacienda Cerro Blanco y Anexas

Cerro Blanco 5c

Cerro Blanco 20c

Sebastián Sainz was a Spaniard who was involved in the Compañía de luz EléctricaLa Patria, 7 October 1904 and ran the “San Rafael” corn mill.


Josefa S. de Hordieres e Hijo

Hordieres 5c

Hordieres 5c reverse

This note has a handstamp dated 19 May 1915 on the reverse.

Circulo Constitucionalista Guanajuatense

Circulo Constitucionalista 10c

Circulo Constitucionalista 10c reverse

At the beginning of 1916, the state government, presided over by Colonel José Siurob, tried to reactivate social life, but accompanied by social reforms such as agrarian reform, based on Carranza’s Ley Agraria, and educational reform. So Siurob announced the inauguration of a "Círculo constitucionalista guanajuatense", designed for the recreation of public servants, as well as for the middle classes who did not exactly work in the public administration. It was to be located in the premises previously occupied by the Casino of Guanajuato, since these had apparently been abandoned during the armed struggle “Nuevo centro de reunión”, La Idea Libre, (AGuan, caja 532, exp. 13, foja, 11, 1916).

“Our congratulations to the State Government, for its efforts, we repeat, in rebuilding and amalgamating the healthy elements of a society that will know how to respond to the efforts of the triumphant Revolution“Nuevo centro de reunión”, La Idea Libre, (AGuan, caja 532, exp. 13, foja, 11, 1916).

The enterprise was called the Casino Constitucionalista"Casino constitucionalista”, El Heraldo (AGuan, caja 489, exp. 8, foja 36, 1916). .

However, José Siurob was dismissed a few months later, because Carranza felt that he was not showing a strong enough impulse towards the agricultural sector. The projects that Siurob had started were discontinued by the new interim governor, General Fernando Dávila, who argued that that these social programs would impose a great burden on the treasury.

This was for use only within the club.


La Compañía de Tranvias

In [ ] 1915 the Presidente Municipal of Pénjamo, Capitán de la Peña, authorised the Compañía de Tranvias to issue $300 in fichas, to ease the shortage of change. This issue was guaranteed by a deposit in the Tesorería Municipal.

Augelio [              ]

De la Peña also authorised five casas comerciales to issue valesAHEG, Fondo Secretario de Gobierno, Secciones de Gobierno, Primer Departamento, 1915, caja 9 informe of Teniente Coronel Gilberto Navarro, Inspector de Presidencias Municipales, 7 December 1915.

One of these might have been Augelio [                ][identification needed].

  from to total
5c         includes number 6694
10c         includes number 3055
20c         includes numbers 157CNBanxico #11038 to 4809


These have a  stamp reading 'MUNICIPIO DE PENJAMO – EMISION GARANTIZADA' on the reverse and the facsimile signature of Augelio(?) [       ][identification needed] on the face.

  sig Pejamo


[                                 ]

Penjamo 5c 2

This 5c note, because of its date, 15 September 1915, was probably a private issue, even though it states that it will be payable on demand in the Tesorería Municipal and so is catalogued as a municipal issue. The validating stamp on the reverse no doubt was of the issuer.

These issues were withdrawn when the new Presidente Municipal, Angel G. Bravo, replaced them with a municipal issue in November 1915AHEG, Fondo Secretario de Gobierno, Secciones de Gobierno, Primer Departamento, 1915, caja 9 informe of Teniente Coronel Gilberto Navarro, Inspector de Presidencias Municipales, 7 December 1915.


El Caballo de Bronce

Caballo 1c

Caballo 1c reverse

Caballo 2c

Caballo 2c reverse

These were notes issued by "El Caballo de Bronce",a grocery owned by Patricio Hernández. Some of these were dated 15 February 1915.


Casino Velasco

Casino Velasco 10c

Casino Velasco 10c reverse

Ignacio Velasco was jefe político of Celaya in 1914-1915.


Hacienda de el Pintor

El Pintor

Valle de Santiago

El Centro Mercantil

Centro Mercantil 1c

Centro Mercantil 3c

These might be vales for 1c and 3c but since they do not have a centavo symbol they are more likely to be numbers 1 and 3 in a series of adjoined coupons.

Basilio Ramírez Ruiz, proprietor of "El Centro Mercantil", was presidente municipal in 1928.


El Golfo de México

Golfo de Mexico 50c


J. Jesús Gómez

Gomez 3c

Specifically issued to counter a shortage of small change.

Jesús Echeverria

Echeverria 10c

A rose-purple. undated, note for 10c. issued because of the lack of small change.


Antonio Ortega

Ortega 10c

Ortega 10c reverse

J. Ines Castro

Castro 20c

Maria Trinidad A. Vda. de Ortiz

Trinidad 10c

Trinidad Ortiz 10c reverse

Trinidad Ortiz 20c

Trinidad Ortiz 20c reverse10c and 20c notes.


La Luz del Siglo

Luz del Siglo 1c

Rafael L. Mendoza

Mendoza 10c

Mendoza 10c reverse

San Nicolás Tarimoro

Hacienda de San Nicolás Tarimoro

San Nicolas 1

San Nicolas 1 reverse

  to from total
$1         includes numbers 3 to 113CNBanxico #11071


Puroagua is in the municipio of Jerécuaro.

Hacienda de Puroagua

Puroagua 10c

Puroagua 10c reverse

José C. Torres

Torres 5c

Torres 5c reverse

The name of the Tesorería Municipal that authorised this issue is illegible, at least to me.

In the catalogues are various issues from tram companies. Some of these could have been used as small change.


Cia. Limitada de Tranvías del Centro

Tranvias Guanajuato 5c


Cia. Limitada de Tranvías del Centro

Tranvias Leon 1c

This was issued while the company had been taken over by the government (Intervenida por el Gobierno).


Tranvías Urbanos

Tranvias Moroleon 10c 1

Tranvias Moroleon 10c 2

Tranvias Moroleon 10c 2 counterfoil



Ferrocarril Urbano S.A.

[image needed]