50c notes of the Estado de Sonora
(This section is the result of research by Robert Perigoe. The information originally appeared in the March 2018 issue of the Journal of the U. S. Mexican Numismatic Association).
The 25c and 50c notes appear to have been printed together, judging by the apparent consistency in seal placements and numbering patterns. They still differ in their basic printing characteristics.
First Series
50c - 1st Series -Position A - Hand seal 5 - Small seal, with spot
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50c - 1st Series - Position B - Hand seal 2 - Small seal, no spot
50c - 1st Series - Position C - Hand seal 3 - Large, normal 'C'
50c - 1st Series - Position D - Hand seal 1 - Large, broken 'C'
The identifying characteristic of the four printing positions is virtually the same as for the 25 centavos in its first series. In Position B, the uprights of the ‘P’ in ‘PAGARA’ and the ‘D’ in ‘ESTADO’ are aligned on both sides. In Position C, the diagonal stroke of the ‘R’ in Sonora does not extend below the print line whereas it does in the other positions. And only in Position D is the comma after ‘HERMOSILLO’ centred above the space to the left of the ‘S’ in ‘DE LA S.’.
Once again, the hand seals used are types 5, 2, 3, and 1, appearing in Positions A through D respectively.
On the reverse, in Position A, the eagle seal is Small – With Spot. In Position B, it is Small – No Spot. In Position C, it is Large – Normal ‘C’. In Position D, it is Large – Broken ‘C’.
Presumably, the print runs also mirror those set out for the 25 centavos note.
Second Series through the Fourth
Apparently, the final three of the four series were also produced in lockstep with those of the 25 centavos issue.
Again, the print area in these series was extended sufficiently to accommodate the series number. All of the other attributes of the 25 centavos enabling the distinction between the four print positions are shared by the 50 centavos issue, and the hand seals are located in the same way.
Second Series
There is one minor glitch in the serial numbering that shifts within the second series. For some reason, the serial numbering devices themselves became transposed after the first 8,000 notes were printed. (The change did not affect the type of number sign or hand seal used.) The sample strongly suggests that the devices moved in such a way that the top and upper middle ones appeared in the lower middle and bottom spots, and vice versa. This aberration is evidence of the fact that there may well be others, and numbering is not a reliable position indicator.
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50c - 2nd Series - Position A/C - Hand seal 2 - Large, broken 'C'
50c - 2nd Series - Position B/D - Hand seal 3 - Large, normal 'C'
50c - 2nd Series - Position C/A - Hand seal 4 - Small seal, with spot
50c - 2nd Series - Position D/B - Hand seal 1 - Small seal, no spot
Third Series
50c - 3rd Series - Position A - Hand seal 2 - Large, broken 'C'
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50c - 3rd Series - Position B - Hand seal 3 - Large, normal 'C'
50c - 3rd Series - Position C - Hand seal 4 - Small seal, with spot
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50c - 3rd Series - Position D - Hand seal 1- Small seal, no spot
Fourth Series
For the fourth series, the same four hand seals are used, but transposed. Types 4, 1, 2, 3 are now found in Positions A through D respectively.
50c - 4th Series - Position A - Hand seal 4 - Large, broken 'C'
50c - 4th Series -Position B - Hand seal 1 - Large, normal 'C'
50c - 4th Series -Position C - Hand seal 2 - Small seal, with spot
50c - 4th Series -Position D - Hand seal 3 - Small seal. no spot
In summary:
Series | Position | Hand Seal Type |
Seal on reverse |
A | 5 | Small, with spot | |
B | 2 | Small, no spot | |
C | 3 | Large, normal 'C' | |
D | 1 | Large, broken 'C' | |
2 | A | 2 | Large, broken 'C' |
B | 3 | Large, normal 'C' | |
C | 4 | Small, with spot | |
D | 1 | Small, no spot | |
3 | A | 2 | Large, broken 'C' |
B | 3 | Large, normal 'C' | |
C | 4 | Small, with spot | |
D | 1 | Small, no spot | |
4 | A | 4 | Large, broken 'C' |
B | 1 | Large, normal 'C' | |
C | 2 | Small, with spot | |
D | 3 | Small, no spot |