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$2 notes of the Banco Nacional de México

(To date I have not expended much energy on reconstructing the tables for the Banco Nacional de México because in the archives of the Banco de  México is a register Actas de Emisión No 1 which records, over 299 pages, 145 meetings of the board from 25 August 1885 to 30 April 1918. These includes 126 lists of dates of issues, covering 51 different dates from 1 January 1885 to 11 December 1913José Antonio Bátiz Vázquez, "Los Billetes de Banamex", in El Boletín Numismático, vol. 183, April-June 1999. I hope that one day I will be able to summarise this record.)

Nacional 2 CB 559005

Date issued Date on note Serie Serie from to Consejero Cajero Interventor Interventor comment
 26 August 1885
1 January 1885
A 00001   Arena Usandiraga Romero Rubio Zenteno 10,000 notes for Chihuahua
includes number 00001 overprinted PAGADERO EN CHIHUAHUA and needleprinted CHIHUAHUA
G     Gargollo includes number 04683 overprinted PAGADERO EN CHIHUAHUA and needleprinted CHIHUAHUA 
P     de Prida  includes number 8778CNBanxico #10484 overprinted PAGADERO EN CHIHUAHUA and needleprinted CHIHUAHUA
27 August 1885 G   10001     10,000 notes for Guadalajara  overprinted and needleprinted Guadalajara
  Z     Zorrilla includes number 15825CNBanxico #1752 overprinted PAGADERO EN GUADALAJARA and needleprinted GUADALAJARA
28 August 1885
L G 20001    Gargollo 3,000 notes for San Luis Potosí
includes numbers 20576 and  20658CNBanxico #10485 overprinted PAGADERO EN SAN LUIS POTOSI and needleprinted SAN LUIS POTOSI
G   23001     3,000 notes for Guanajuato
P     de Prida includes number 24141 (but overprinted illegible and needleprinted CHIHUAHUA)
M  S 26001 29000 Stein

3,000 notes for Mérida
includes number 26407 overprinted MERIDA and needleprinted MERIDA

30 August 1885 V  Z 29001   Zorrilla 10,000 notes for Veracruz
includes number 29322 overprinted PAGADERO EN VERACRUZ and needleprinted VERACRUZ
P     de Prida includes number 34695CNBanxico #1753 overprinted PAGADERO EN VERACRUZ and needleprinted VERACRUZ
G     Gargollo includes number 35698CNBanxico #10486 overprinted PAGADERO EN VERACRUZ and needleprinted VERACRUZ
M       includes number 36631CNBanxico #1751 overprinted PAGADERO EN VERACRUZ and needleprinted VERACRUZ
31 August 1885 P   39001 44000   5,000 notes for Puebla
  M2   44001     6,000 notes
  G   50000 Gargollo includes numbers 49082CNBanxico #10482 to 49487


These $2 notes were withdrawn following the Ley General of 1897.

Then in 1913 after Huerta relaxed the regulations the bank again issued $2 notes.

Date issued Date on note Serie Serie from to Consejero Cajero Interventor Interventor comment
11 December 1913El Diario, 12 December 1913; The Mexican Herald, 12 December 1913 6 December 1913 RO MO     Delille Uhink Fernández de la Barra includes number 61149CNBanxico #1644
RO MC     Delille includes number 96910CNBanxico #1645
JL AG  100001 150000 Signoret includes numbers 114447CNBanxico #70972 to 134056CNBanxico #70974
MM RE 150001  200000 Camacho includes numbers 159691CNBanxico #70970 to 198525CNBanxico #1622
CW RO  200001  250000 Delille includes numbers 203900CNBanxico #1651 to 242642CNBanxico #1625
MC LB  250001  300000 Friederichs includes numbers 264302CNBanxico #1650 to 274934CNBanxico #1631 
JA PL  300001  350000 Gonzalez? includes numbers 301514CNBanxico #1646 to  346501CNBanxico #1649
JB CC  350001  400000 Arellano includes numbers 353594CNBanxico #1642 to  395883CNBanxico #1665
CH AS  400001  450000 P. Macedo includes numbers 423846 to  447525CNBanxico #1663
DS NM  450001  500000 Mancera includes numbers 454050 to  481197CNBanxico #1661
JB GB  500001  550000 M. Macedo includes numbers 507704CNBanxico #1648 to 546824
LC CB  550001  600000 Elguero includes numbers 559416 to 593610CNBanxico #1657
JE EI  600001 650000 Otta includes numbers 606426CNBanxico #1634 to 641283CNBanxico #1635
    650001 700000    
LB CM 700001  750000 Signoret includes numbers 703356 to 742109
NE NE  750001 782000 Delille includes number 777098CNBanxico #10483
782001 785000 First National Bank of El Paso
785001  800000 includes number 795000
EL SA  800001 840000 Friederichs includes number 811338CNBanxico #1660
840001 847000 First National Bank of El Paso
847001  850000  
 ZW XY  850001 854000 Gonzalez? First National Bank of El Paso
854001  900000 includes number 869047CNBanxico #1621 
PD YL 900001  950000 Arellano includes numbers 909717CNBanxico #70968 to 944033CNBanxico #1643
 LF JS 950001 1000000 P. Macedo includes numbers 960982 to 983654CNBanxico #1656 
AM  AR 1000001 1024000 Mancera  
1024001 1033000 First National Bank of El Paso
1033001 1050000  
    1050001 1100000    
 JR EV 1100001 1200000 Delille includes numbers 1142477 to 1114353CNBanxico #1624