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Counterfeit $20 notes

On 15 June 1915 Luis Pruneda, the Inspector at the government printing works, reported that they knew of two types of counterfeit $20 Monclova notesCEHM, Fondo XX1, carpeta 43, legajo 4641. Bogus $20 notes had been mentioned in the Cinco de Mayo affairTucson Daily Citizen, 8 March 1914.

  signatures lithoprinted
  smaller sized numerals in corners


Counterfeit $20 notes - Type 1

Some of these were marked 'FALSO' by the authorities.

Monclova 20 D 1316425

Monclova 20 D 1316425 reverse



poorer detail in frame


Counterfeit $20 notes - Type 2

Monclova 20 D 1323574

By early March 1914 counterfeits with the corrected 'VEINTE' had appearedTucson Daily Citizen, 8 March 1914. A notice from Parral dated 6 November 1914 said that the $20 notes with the correct spelling 'VEINTE' were falseAMP, Tesorería, Tesorería, Correspondencia, caja 168, exp 3.



heavy print in frame, and 'VEINTE' corrected


We can also add

The ‘D’ of “Serie D’ is larger and narrower

  '20' is wider


On 12 September 1914 the presidente municipal interino of Magdalena reported that he had confiscated fifteen $20 notes from Quirino Miranda in the belief that they were counterfeit. He marked them ‘no sirve’ on the face and reverseinformation and images from Guzman Sanchez-Schmitz.

Monclova 20 D 1324962

Monclova 20 D 1341201 reverse

Counterfeit $20 notes - Type

Another notice lists the following indications of counterfeit $20 notes:

  The 'o' of 'No.' is larger
  The accent of the 'é' of 'México' is shorter and wider
The ornaments in the frame are very clear The ornaments are almost black
The numbering is totally uniform and clear Numbering is imperfect and smudged
The dots of the 'i's in 'que la Tesorería recibirá y pagará de acuerdo con el Decreto del 26 de abril de 1913' are further from the letters The dots are very near the letters
The second '1' of '1913' is separate from '9' '1' is joined to '9'

The ‘D’ of “Serie D’ is larger and narrower

On the back the accent of 'É' of "MÉXICO' has a little line or shadow under it No shadow
On the back predominately white tones green tones, and impression very imperfect and smudged


Counterfeit $20 notes - Type

 In a notice published in Baja CaliforniaABCS, Gobernación, vol. 642, exp. 150 there is the  following characteristic:


The details (adornitos) of the bottom frame are formed of very fine and visible curved lines

The adornitos are formed by a series of small dots