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$20 dos caritas

The sequence was:

Maverick-Clarke printing

dos 20 E 25208

dos 20 E 25208 reverse

37,500 notes printed by Maverick-Clarke and dispatched on 8 May 1914. These were Series E, numbered 1 to 37500 and had a black circular rubber Tesorería seal, scalloped red Ejército Constitucionalista seal and Type 1 vertical control letters on back. The four control letters spell AMOR and the sequence is:

I-A R-I 0001 10000
II-M O-II 10001 20000
III-O M-III 20001 30000
IV-R A-IV 30001 37500


These have large hand signatures of Treasurer Vargas and Interventor Muñoz, whilst later issues have smaller signatures.

dos 20 large sigs
large signatures

dos 20 small sigs
smaller signatures

The February 1916 report to the Carrancista government, which only listed the Maverick-Clarke issues, states that the Villistas began to overstamp the $20 notes on 23 June 1914 and finished on 19 July 1914AGN, Fondo Gobernación Periodo Revolucionario, caja 61, exp 24.

First Norris Peters printing

dos 20 E 45592

dos 20 E 45592 reverse

75,000 notes printed by Norris Peters under the 18 July 1914 contract and dispatched on 1 (or 10) September. These were also Series E, numbered 37501 to 112500, and had a black circular Tesorería seal and horizontal Type 2 control letters on back

  G-B-P N-R-S O-C-Q      


Second Norris Peters printing

75,000 notes printed by Norris Peters under the 8 October 1914 contract and dispatched on 26 October 1914LG papers, 2-F-36, letter from S. C. de la Garza, Washington, to L. de la Garza, El Paso. 23 October 1914: 6-C-28, letter Navarro, Washington to Luis Gaxiola, El Paso. 9 December 1914. These were Series E, numbered 112501 to 187500, and had red circular Tesorería seal and horizontal Type 3a control letters on back. The only known code is P-VLM.

 dos 20 E 112606 reverse

Third Norris Peters printing

225,000 notes printed by Norris Peters under the 16 November 1914 contract and dispatched on 8 December 1914LG papers, 6-C-28, letter Navarro, Washington to Luis Gaxiola, El Paso. 9 December 1914. These were Series E, numbered 187501 to 412500, and had black circular Tesorería seal and Type 3b horizontal serif letters

S-LXII (?)


Fourth Norris Peters printing

1,000,000 notes printed by Norris Peters under the 21 December 1914 contract and dispatched in three consignments. 360,000 notes (Series K, 1 to 360000) were dispatched on 26 December 1914. These had black scalloped Tesorería seal and Type 5 sans-serif letters



600,000 notes (Series K, 360001 to 960000) were dispatched on 16 January 1915 and 40,000 (Series K, 960001 to 1000000) dispatched on 27 January and received in Chihuahua on 11 February 1915LG papers, 2-F-51, letter from S. C. de la Garza, El Paso, to L. de la Garza, Torreón,19 March 1915; LG papers, 2-F-52/3-H-24, letter from S. Vargas, Chihuahua, to L. de la Garza, El Paso, 8 March 1915. These also had black scalloped Tesorería seal and Type 5 sans-serif letters

dos 20 K 810492

dos 20 K 810492 reverse

  E-GCRalso known E GCR (no hyphen) I-NTV        
  S-ECAalso known S ECA (no hyphen) T-ECA


and some had black scalloped Tesorería seal and vertical Type 5v sans-serif letters.

  T-ECA U-ROG Y-NTV      


In the group of notes numbered 360001 to 960000 the replacement notes (for printing errors) were from Series E. De la Garza asked Vargas to extract them before all the notes were stamped so that these replacements could be returned and replaced by the printers LG papers, 3-G-41, telegram L. de la Garza, Ciudad Juárez, to Vargas, Chihuahua. 26 January 1915: 3-G-44, letter L. de la Garza, El Paso, to. Vargas, Chihuahua. 28 January 1915. This would have been a major task so it is possible that some Series E notes slipped through.

Fifth Norris Peters printing

5,000,000 notes, printed by Norris Peters under the 18 January contract. These were Series K, 1000001 to 6000000. These were ready by 15 February but de la Garza was complaining that he could not get them released until he paid Norris PetersLG papers, 3-H-11, letter from de la Garza, El Paso, to Vargas, Chihuahua, 15 February 1915. By 20 April 1915 these last hundred million in notes had been sent to the Tesorería in Chihuahua, the plates were held in the Agencia Comercial and the staff withdrawnLG papers, 1-J-9. letter from de la Garza to Villa, 20 April 1915 .

These had black scalloped Tesorería seal and horizontal Type 7, Type 8 or Type 9 sans-serif control letters and date.

dos 20 K 3637933

dos 20 K 3637933 reverse

4-1-15 W-XLT X-YTL Y-ZLM Z-BMValso known Z BMV (no hyphen) JLH-A IPR-B
4-20-15 MAR-I          
5-1-15 QKG-J          
5-20-15 CGD-P          
6-10-15 CAS-Q ATA-R MIN-S MAR-T    
7-1-15 LUZ-C          
7-10-15 CON-V          
E-NC IO-N        
7-20-15 MM-AR NN-FV OO-GT PP-NA    


One error had W-XLT with the transposed date 1-4-15.

Some had vertical Type 7v, Type 8v or Type 9v sans-serif control letters and date.

dos 20 K 3637933 reverse

3-27-15 P-WRU          
1-4-15 W-XLT          
4-1-15 JLH-A          
4-12-15 CGA-D MDV-E        
4-20-15 MAR-I          
6-20-15 SIR-V          
7-20-15 OO-GT