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Tesorerías Municipales

Jalisco tesorerias

We know of instances of vales with a common design from at least three contiguous districts (Mascota, Talpa and Tomatlán) in the east of the state. All are for local circulation and were redeemable by the local Tesorería Municipal in quantities of five pesos.

This suggests that the authorities in each of these districts might have issue vales in at least four denominations (5c, 10c, 20c and 50c) between November 1914 and June 1915.


Mascota 50c

A 50c dated November 1914.

Mascota 5c

Mascota 50c 1222

Mascota 50c 1222 reverse

Also 5c and 50c notes dated June 1915.

  date on note from to total
5c June 1915         includes number 4564CNBanxico #4596
50c November 1914          
June 1915         includes number 1222CNBanxico #4597



Talpa 20c

  date on note from to total
20c March 1915         includes number 179



Tomatlan 10c

Tomatlan 10c reverse

  date on note from to total
10c July 1915         includes number 1556



Cocula 1c

Cocula 1c reverse

Cocula 5c

Cocula 5c reverse

Cocula 10c

Cocula 10c reverse

Cocula 20c

Cocula 50c

A series (1c, 5c, 20c, 10c and 50c) specifically stated to have been issued to facilitate change but with no indication of date.

The other municipal issues are denominated in billetes infalsificables.


Ayutla 50c50c in infalsificables

Union de Tula

Union de Tula 1

A $1 note, redeemable in billetes infalsificables, printed on pink pasteboard.



Tesorería Municipal

Earlier issues of fichas had been made by Rafael B. Gómez, La Brigada Moreno, various private businesses and a commercial consortium. Finally, at an extraordinary session of the local council (now a Carrancista Junta de Administración Civil) held on 8 June 1916 the members were told that General Melitón Albañez, Jefe de Operaciones in Autlán, had, on 5 JuneAHMAut, Caja 304, Exp. Sección Gobernación (Sección 6, 2/1, 1916, ordered the printing of $20,000 in 20c, 50c and $1 fichas to be guaranteed by a deposit of infalsificables in the Tesorería Municipal, again to address the shortage of small change. To prevent hoarding these notes would be issued each month (so the first stated that they were valid until 30 June) and then exchanged for infalsificables. On 9 June the Tesorero Municipal, Miguel Adame, issued $10,000 of these fichas to the Jefatura de Armas, and the same day, José María Cuellar, Albañez’ Jefe del Estado Mayor, received $5,000 for expenses against the day when the paymasters from Guadalajara could redeem them in infalsificablesAHMAut, Sección Hacienda (Sección 2), 1916);AHMAut, Caja 304, Exp. Sección Gobernación (Sección 6, 2/1, 1916). Cuellar received furher consignments and by 15 June had received the total $20,000 AHMAut, Sección Hacienda (Sección 2), 1916.

Autlan 50c

Autlan 50c reverse

Autlan 1

  from to Total
50c unnumbered    
$1 unnumbered    


We know of 50c and $1 notes, in infalsificables valid until 30 June 1916. The stamp on the reverse reads ‘REPUBLICA MEXICANA – ESTADO DE JALISCO – 6o CANTON – AYUNTAMIENTO CONSTITUCIONAL – AUTLAN’.

Withdrawal and incineration of the fichas of Autlán

When the Carrancista currency arrived these various issues were withdrawn and we have records of various incinerations.

On 29 August 1916 Capitán 2o Fernando González Madrid produced $3,500 in fichas of the first issue in the offices of the Presidencia Municipal, where they were incinerated AHMAut, Sección Hacienda (Sección 2), 1916) and (AHMAut, Caja 304, Exp. Sección Gobernación (Sección 6), 1916). On 20 September José María Cuellar produced another $11,400 of the first issue, which was also destroyed in a similar fashionAHMAut, Caja 304, Exp. Sección Gobernación (Sección 6), 1916) and AHMAut, Sección Hacienda (Sección 2), 1916). On 30 September $3,592 in “Vales de Comercio” were destroyedAHMAut, Sección Presidencia Municipal (Sección 9), 1916). Then, on 20 October Capitán 2o Goméz Flores produced $15,100 of the second issue which were then incinerated.

On 12 September the Secretario General de Gobierno wrote to the Presidente Municipal informing hijm that Capitán Cuellar left Guadalajara four days earlier with sufficient funds to withdraw the $20,000 of Tesorería Municipal fichasAHMAut, Caja 304, Exp. Sección Gobernación (Sección 6), 1916.

San Gabriel

San Gabriel

San Gabriel 10c

San Gabriel 10c reverse

San Gabriel 20c

San Gabriel 50c

  from to total
10c         includes number 3235
20c         includes number 3187
50c         includes number 1942


A local issue dated 23 June 1916 and redeemable in infalsificables. The Presidente Municipal, Librado D. Santana, personally signed the 50c notes.

Librado Díaz Santana Hernández was born in 1878, in Ixtlahuacán del Río, Jalisco, His occupation is listed as tailor (sastre) in San Gabriel. He was Presidente Municipal in June 1916 but on 21 October 21 Manuel M. Diéguez, the Governor and Military Commander of the State, passing through San Gabriel on his way to Ciudad Guzmán, installed Estanislao Vizcayno as Presidente Municipal, something that did not please the town's citizens.

He died on 2 October 1956, in Mexico City, at the age of 78.

sig Santana