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Private issues (Cajas de Comercio)

Puebla cajas

Various issues were made by combinations of businessmen.


Zacatlán is another city in the Sierra Norte.

Caja de Comercio

The Caja de Comercio de Zacatlan issued a $1 note, dated October 1915, with the authorization of the Cuartel General of the third División de Oriente and so of forced circulation within the District. Strangely, these do not seem ever to have been discussed by the town councilArchivo Municipal de Zacatlán “Miguel Galindo y Galindo”, Actas.

  from to total
$1         includes number 2578


The two handstamps were of RAFAEL CANO and MIGUEL ALVAREZ Y HERMANOS. The notes were signed by A. Cano and Miguel Alvarez.

Alfredo Cano sig Zacatlan 1

Miguel de la Soledad Alvarez Barrera was born in Zacatlán on 8 February 1869.

He was running a casa de comercio in Zacatlán by 1905Periódico Oficial, 9 May 1905.

sig Zacatlan 2


Tetela de Ocampo

Tetela de Ocampo is a town in the Sierra Norte region of the state.

Caja de Comercio

The Caja de Comercio de Tetela issued a series of notes dated 26 December 1914.

Tetela 5c

Tetela 20c

  Series from to total
5c A         includes number 722
10c B          
20c C         includes number 1599
50c C         includes number 3383



Abraham Lucas was the son of General Juan Francisco Lucas, the "patriarch of the Sierra del Norte".  


There was also an ornate 50c note dated 20 June 1915.

Tetela 50c

Tetela 50c

  Series from to total
50c B          



Junta Comercial de Chalchicomula

Chalchicomula (now Ciudad Serdán) is a city in the east of the state, just off the route from Puebla to Veracruz.

On 13 June 1916 the Junta Comercial, with the approval of  the Jefatura de Armas and Ayuntamiento[text needed], issued a series of notes to supplement Carranza’s infalsificables.

Some $1 notes are known overprinted ‘Solo Vale CINCUENTA CENTAVOS Papel Infalsificable’.

  from to total
10c         includes numbers 003447 to 095818CNBanxico #5923 
20c         includes numbers 08858 to 73198
50c         includes numbers 06202 to 49115
$1         includes numbers 10501CNBanxico #5920 to 41069CNBanxico #11909


The higher value notes carry the printed signatures of Raymundo Abasolo, as Presidente, José María de la Torre as Tesorero and Ricardo R. Sarmiento as Secretario, whilst the two lower values only had space for de la Torre’s facsimile.

Raymundo Abasolo was listed in a 1903-1904 directory as running a general store (tienda mixta). sig Abasolo
José María de la Torre sig de la Torre
Ricardo R. Sarmiento was a deputy to the state congress in 1917 and helped to draft the new Constitution. sig Sarmiento


Chalchicomula 50c small

Chalchicomula 50c small reverse

 The above 50c note is similar to the 10c and 20c notes but there are various significant differences.
(1) it is of one colour.
(2) it is unnumbered.
(3) the '50' on the coin is poorly executed.
(4) a line on the face and the border on the reverse are composed of 'CINCUENTACINCUENTACINCUENTA' and so on.

These must question the note's authenticity.


Tehuacán is the second largest city in the state, nestled in the southeast Valle de Tehuacán, bordering the states of Oaxaca and Veracruz.

Corporación Mercantil

The Corporación Mercantil de Tehuacán issued a series of notes (5c, 10c, 20c, dated 25 February 1915, and 50c) only for local use.

Tehuacan 5c

Tehuacan 50c

  Series from to total
5c B         includes number 3365
10c C         includes number 1301 to 8797CNBanxico #5948 
20c B         includes numbers 17358
50c A         includes number 2149


The 50c carries the signatures of [                  ][identification needed] as Interventor, [                  ][identification needed] as Tesorero and [                  ][identification needed] as Representante.

  sig Tehuacan 1
  sig Tehuacan 2
  sig Tehuacan 3