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Signatories of the Banco de Zacatecas


Luis Macías was a businessman, of the Sociedad Mercantil Luis Macías é Hijosthey were Flavio, José, Constantino and Emilia Macías Torres, who later married Pedro Larrassiette, another investor in the bank. He owned a sumptuous grocery store called La Bufa, located on the calle de la Merced Nueva.

He held public office under governor Jesús Arechiga and was regidor of Zacatecas for 1889-1890 and for 1895-1896. As well as the bank he was involved in the Casino Zacatecano (a location where the elite could meet), Compañía Eléctrica de Zacatecas, Compañía Telefónica Zacatecana and Negociación Minera San Rafael, Vetagrande y San Marcos.

He was 2º vocal propietario 1891 and 1er vocal propietario in 1895. He signed notes dated from 1891 to 1899.

sig Macias

Rafael Villalpando was the owner of the hacienda La Pimienta located in the municipality of Zacatecas, and of the hacienda La Salada in the district of Fresnillo, producing corn, beans, barley, cattle, and tequesquite, and of Peña Blanca hacienda, in Valparaíso that produced corn, beans, barley, wood, and cattle.

He was regidor of the town council of Zacatecas in 1882 and 1886-1887, and a deputy in 1900-1902.

Villalpando was the major shareholder of the Banco de Zacatecas, with 630 shares. He was 1er vocal propietario in 1891, 2º vocal propietario in 1895, and 1er vocal propietario in 1897. He signed notes dated from 1891 to 1899.

sig Villapando

Cayetano Arteaga was a lawyer by profession. He was married to Clotilde Rosso García, one of the heirs to the hacienda San Nicolás de Quijas and a cousin of Genaro, Antonio, Jesús and José León García. Arteaga and his family benefitted from the marriage as they appear as board-members and shareholders in the Banco de Zacatecas and other companies that the Garcías promoted. He was a partner in the Company Telefónica de Zacatecas.

Cayetano was a local deputy from 1900 to 1902, vice-president of the Club Reeleccionista in 1909, and regidor for 1907-1908 and 1910-1911.

Cayetano was secretario in 1891, 1895, 1897, 1903 and 1904, 3o vocal in 1906, and secretario in 1907. He signed notes dated from 1891 to 1909.

sig Arteaga

Francisco Hinojosa was married to Genaro G. García's niece.

As well as the bank his interests included Compañía Eléctrica de Zacatecas, Compañía Telefónica de Zacatecas, Casino Zacatecano, Negociación Minera Vetagrande y San Rafael, Hacienda de Pozo Hondo.

He was a local deputy in 1900-1902 and interim governor in 1901. In 1909 he was a member of the Club Reeleccionista.

Francisco Hinojosa was a vocal suplente in 1897, vocal propietario in 1902 and 1903, and presidente in 1904. He signed notes dated 1892.

sig Hinojosa

Genaro GarcíaGenaro García Valdez was born in Fresnillo on 17 August 1867, the son of Trinidad García and a descendant of Francisco García Salinas. He arranged the concession, convened the first meeting and arranged matters with the central institutions. His family held a majority of the shares and rented the bank its offices. He was president from the bank’s establishment until 1900, when he handed over to his brother Antonio. He resumed the presidency in 1906.

He owned the hacienda San Marcos y Tacoaleche and had interests in the Cámara Agrícola del Estado de Zacatecas, the Compañía Eléctrica de Zacatecas and the Compañía Telefónica Zacateca.

Genaro was an alternate federal deputy for Zacatecas from 1892 to 1894, deputy from 1894 to 1912, and governor from 1900 to 1904.

In 1913, faced with the revolution, he left for Europe. He died on 26 November 1920.

He signed notes dated 1892 to 1894.

sig Genaro Garcia 

José L. GarcíaJosé León García was a wealthy Zacatecan landowner established in Aguascalientes and shareholder in the Compañía Telefónica de Aguascalientes, which established a line between Zacatecas and Aguascalientes in 1901.

He signed notes dated from 1892 to 1914.

sig J Garcia

Enrique Aubert

Enrique Aubert was a business of French origin who owned the hardware store "El Globo" in the Portal de Rosales, and the department store, "La Ciudad de Londres" in the calle de la Caja. He also had interests in the Casino Zacatecano and the Compañía Eléctrica de Zacatecas.

Enrique Aubert was vocal propietario in 1897, 1903, 1904, 1906, and 1907. He signed notes dated from 1899 to 1914.

sig Aubert

Edmundo von Gehren

Edmundo von Gehren was an American who owned the hardware and haberdashery store "La Palma" situated in the calle de la Caja. He also had interests in the Casino Zacatecano and the Compañía Eléctrica de Zacatecas.

Edmundo von Gehren was vocal propietario in 1897, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1906 and a vocal suplente in 1910. He signed notes dated from 1900 to 1914.

sig Consejero q

Antonio GarcíaAntonio G. GarcÍa was the brother of Genaro García, and president of the bank from 1900 to 1906.

He signed dated from 1906 to 1914.

sig A Garcia

Julián Torres was born in the city of Zacatecas but was orphaned at the age of 10. He subsequently served as a notary. Julián was a member of the Sociedad de Geografía y Estadística and a member of the Academia de Legislación y Jurisprudencia. In 1884, he was appointed Secretary of Government and served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Justice from 1886 to 1908. He died on 27 November 1909 while still President of the Supreme Court of Justice.

As well as the bank, he had interests in the Casino Zacatecano, Compañía Eléctrica de Zacatecas, Compañía Telefónica Zacatecana, Compañía Guanajuatense Zacatecana and Negociación Minera San Rafael, Vetagrande y San Marcos.

He was comisario 2º suplente in 1891, presidente suplente in 1895, secretario suplente in 1897, 3º vocal in 1902 and 1er vocal suplente 1906. He signed notes dated 1906 to 1908.

sig Torres

Enrique E. Hatchandy served as manager of casa “Viudas de Hatchandy y Ferrán”. This company was formed by Manuela Agüero de Hatchandy and María C. de Ferrán, whose legal representative was Enrique.

The Hatchandys owned a grocery called "La Mexicana" located in front of the cathedral at No 111. As "Viudas de Hatchandy y Ferrán", it also ran a grocery store in front of the Caja, offering a great choice of imported goods, both wholesale and retail.

This firm had previous experience in being subscribers of 50 shares in the Banco Mercantil MexicanoAHBanamex, Banco Mercantil Mexicano, copiador de comunicaciones, inició el 6 de abril de 1882, pp. 106-119.

At the time of the bank’s foundation Enrique Hatchandy represented Leandro Sánchez and Jesús Aguilera as founding partners and shareholders of Banco de Zacatecas.

sig Hatchandy 

[identification needed]

He signed notes dated 1895 and 1897.

sig consejero Zacatecas 1897


M. A. de la Pascua was cajero from 1891 until 1897.

He signed notes dated from 1891 to 1895.

sig Cajero v

Genaro E. Kimball was cajero from 1897 to 1900.

Kimball took over as manager (where?) just before Christmas 1899 and served until 30 June 1903AGN, SC224 Antiguos Bancos de Emision, caja 1716, libro 2835. He then resigned as manager of the Aguascalientes branch, to be replaced by Charles RiefkholThe Mexican Herald, 8 June 1903. He had obviously been “head hunted” to be the manager of the local branch of the Banco de Londres y MéxicoEl Minero Mexicano, 25 June 1903 which opened on 20 October 1903El Popular, 23 October 1903.

In November 1912 Kimball was appointed Director General de Rentas for the state of ZacatecasPeriódico Oficial, Zacatecas, Tomo XLIX, Núm. 45, 4 December 1912.

He signed notes dated from 1898 and 1899.

sig Kimball

Luis P. Ibargüengoytia was cajero from 1900 until 1903.

He signed notes dated 1900.

He later went on to be manager of the branch of the Banco de Zacatecas in AguascalientesThe Mexican Herald, 23 July 1909.

sig L Ibarguengoytia

Heriberto de Santiago was cajero from 1903 to 1906.

In September 1908 Vicente Enciso, a customer of the bank, accused it of defrauding him of $23,000El Tiempo, 10 September 1908. De Santiago was arrested on 14 SeptemberEl Tiempo, 19 September 1908. It appeared that the dapperTipo elegante, peinado “Pompadour,” corbata, “fleche,” mirada arrogante, bigotes á la Kaiser ((La Opinión, 29 September 1908) de Santiago had for some time had a deficit in his books and had been covering it up at the end of each month by falsifying the accountsEl Diario, 15 October 1908: La Voz de México, 16 October 1908.

He signed notes dated from 1903 to 1906.

sig Santiago

Eduard Maubach

He signed notes dated 1908.

sig Cajero t

Enrique Reyes was cajero from 1906 to 1914.

He signed notes dated from 1909 to 1914.

sig Reyes


Francisco de P. ZarateFrancisco de Paula Zárate was a mining engineer who in 1884 wrote Apuntes sobre la minería del Estado de Zacatecas. He served as Assayer at the Zacatecas mint from 1886 to 1887.

He was regidor of the town council from 1883 to 1894 and governor of the state in 1908 to 1910.

He had interests in the Casino Zacatecano and the Compañía Metalúrgica y Beneficiadora de Zacatecas.

He was interventor from 1891 until 1899 and signed notes dated from 1891 to 1899.

sig Zarate

Joaquín Ismael Ibargüengoytia

Joaquín was elected president of the Casino Zacatecano for 1881La Libertad, 15 January 1881.

He took over as interventor in 1899 and signed notes dated from 1900 to 1903. He died in April 1905 while still InterventorCEHM, Fondo CDLIV, Colección José Y. Limantour, 2a.1905, carpeta 19, legajo 175 letter Vicente Reyes, Zacatecas, to José Y. Limantour, 16 Abril 1905.

sig J Ibarguengoytia

Marcial Esparza was appointed Contador of the mint in Guanajuato in 1899, and when that closed in 1900, moved to the same position in the mint at Zacatecas. The Zacatecas mint closed in 1905 and in May 1905 Esparza was given the job of Interventor at the Banco de ZacatecasCEHM, Fondo CDLIV Colección José Y. Limantour, 2a. 1907, carpeta 7, legajo 29.

He was interventor until 1914 and signed notes dated from 1906 to 1914.

sig Esparza