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$1, $5 and $10 notes of the Banco Peninsular Mexicano

The bank originally used notes $5 and $10 of the Banco Yucateco, which it overprinted "Banco Peninsular Mexicano". Some of these were recycled, including notes had already been overprinted for use in Campeche and Ciudad Carmen, and some brand new issues. It is probable that it restamped noted from all the original issue dates.

$5 Banco Yucateco overprinted "Banco Peninsular Mexicano"

Peninsular Mexicano 5 HC 152950

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Interventor Cajero Director  

29 June 1901              
  1 October 1903 HC     Sânchez Castellanos Ponce known overprinted Sucursal en Campeche
                known overprinted SUCURSAL EN CAMPECHE and needlepunched LAGUNA


$10 Banco Yucateco overprinted "Banco Peninsular Mexicano"

Peninsular 10 MH 137220

Peninsular 10 MH 137220 reverse

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Interventor Cajero Director  
  9 August 1898             known overprinted Sucursal en Campeche

6 October 1898 LA     Sânchez Juan Castellanos known needleprinted CAMPECHE and known overprinted Sucursal en Campeche
  5 December 1898 LA     Sânchez  Juan Castellanos  
  9 January 1899              
  1 November 1899 EC           known needleprinted CAMPECHE
  20 November 1899              
  24 January 1900              
  13 October 1900              
  26 June 1901              
  29 June 1901 CA     Sânchez  Ponce Castellanos  
  2 August 1901              
  2 December 1901             known overprinted Sucursal en Campeche
  12 August 1903 MH     Sánchez Ponce Castellanos  
  1 October 1903 MH     Sánchez  Ponce Castellanos  


$1 Banco Peninsular Mexicano

Peninsular 1 A 422801

Peninsular 1 A 422801 reverse

The bank had a $1 note produced by the American Book and Printing Company soon after Huerta relaxed the restrictions of the Ley General, adapted from the earlier $1 Banco Yucateco note.

El Imparcial reported on 15 November 1913 that the bank, through José Rosado, had asked permission to issue 50c and $1 notes, which was likely to be granted, though given the amount of 50c tostones being minted at the Casa de Moneda, the lower value would probably not be neededEl Imparcial, México, 15 November 1913. Later it was reported that the bank had received permission from the Secretaría de Hacienda to issue $500,000 in $1 notesEl Economista Mexicano, 25 July 1914.

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Interventor Director Cajero  
27 December 1913El Pais, 24 December 1913 30 November 1913 A 1 500000 Rendón Marín Cáceres  


$5 Banco Peninsular Mexicano

Peninsular 5 A 219197

Peninsular 5 A 244267 reverse

Date of issue Date on note Series from to Interventor Director Consejero  
  1 April 1914             A   000001   Rendón Marín Juanes includes number 000132CNBanxico #75634
      includes number 042810CNBanxico #75565
stamped "P. A. C." 
      includes number 069437CNBanxico #75725
stamped "A. A. P."
        includes numbers 072769CNBanxico #75559 to 079549CNBanxico #75664
stamped "M. M. P." 
        includes number 088145CNBanxico #75657
stamped "J. J. G."
        includes numbers 093619CNBanxico #75698 to 095028CNBanxico #12365
stamped "A. C. Z."
        includes numbers 105917CNBanxico #75638 to 109863CNBanxico #75664
stamped "J. B. G."
        includes number 117703CNBanxico #75587
stamped "P. A. H." 
        includes numbers 133429CNBanxico #75572 to 139164CNBanxico #75661
stamped "A. O. P."
        includes number 157620CNBanxico #75594
stamped "A. Z. C."  
        includes number 163728CNBanxico #75692
stamped "F. E. F." 
        includes number 272864


Some of these notes have a three-letter code stamped in purple in the top right, just above the dock scene. These could refer to an employee in the bank or the person or company to which the notes were consigned (though the range of letters seems limited).

Peninsular 5 A 042810

Peninsular 5 A 009437

Peninsular 5 A 072769

Peninsular 5 A 088145

Peninsular 5 A 093619

Peninsular 5 A 105917

Peninsular 5 A 117703

Peninsular 5 A 134234

Peninsular 5 A 157620

Peninsular 5 A 163728