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Revalidations on Gobierno Provisional notes (Aguascalientes - Jalisco)


The decree of 17 December 1914 disowning Carranza and ordering the revalidation of the Gobierno Provisional notes, along with the subsequents clarifications of 17 and 22 December, were published in Aguascalientes on 28 December Periódico Oficial, Aguascalientes, Tomo I, Num. 2, 28 December 1914.


GPM 5 B 104202

GPM 5 B 104202 reverse

The legend 'REVALIDADO / por acuerdo del departamento / de Hacienda / AGS , FEBRERO 22 DE 1915' with signatures on the face and a red seal with [                    ] on the reverse. The date might have changed and the signatures are [                 ][identification needed] and [                 ][identification needed].

  GPM sig Aguascalientes


On 27 February 1915 Villa wrote from Guadalajara in response to an enquiry from the governor, Benito Díaz, listing the notes in forced circulation, including the Gobierno Provisional notes which, if they had not been revalidated, needed to be revalidated straightaway in the Oficinas del Timbre of the statePeriódico Oficial, Aguascalientes, Tomo I, Núm. 11, 6 March 1915. This reiterated the decree núm. 4 that he had issued in Guadalajara on 13 February.

Baja California

The Departamento de Hacienda y Fomento of the Gobierno Convencionista authorised the Administradores Principales del Timbre in Baja California to revalidate the Gobierno Provisional de México issue, with a timelimit of 25 April 1915 was set for such revalidations.

Some businesses received the corresponding sellos, including Antonio Ruffo, Miguel González e hijos, Sucs., the "República China" of León Yuen, Carlos S. Carrillo, Aparicio Contreras, the "Gran fábrica de calzado y ropa" of Quong Yuen y Cía., Felipe R. Cota, , the "La Sirena del Golfo" of Manuel P. Estrada, and the Customs (Aduana Marítima) of La PazABCS, Gobernación, vol. 646, exp 16 Informe relativo al resello de billetes por comerciantes, 26 March 1915.


Because of the difficulties with communcations with the central government on 2 February 1915 Villa created three departments of state based in Chihuahua. On 17 February 1915 Francisco Escudero, in charge of the Departamento de Hacienda informed the public that they had until the end of the month to present their notes for revalidationVida Nueva, Chihuahua, Núm. 263, 18 February 1915; La Prensa, 24 February 1915.


GPM 5 B 237359 reverse

An oval violet seal with'ADMON. PRAL. DEL TIMBRE - CHIHUAHUA' and dateCNBanxixo #2703.

GPM 5 OP Chihuahua

An oval stamp with 'ADMINISTRACION PRAL. DEL TIMBRE - CHIHUAHUA' and a red legend 'REVALIDADO / Por acuerdo del Departamento de Hacienda / Chihuahua febrero 27 de 1915 / El Admor. Pral. de Timbre El Contador' and the signatures of Eduardo González as Administrador Principal and E Medrano as Contador.

Eduardo González  
E Medrano  


On 17 February González had given notice to people who had deposited their Gobierno Provisional notes in the Administración that they could collect them, so presumably the date on the overprint was changeable.


GPM 100 F 152984


On 16 March the Departamento de Hacienda in Chihuahua told the Jefaturas de Hacienda and Administraciones del Timbre to exchange Gobierno Provisional notes with Chihuahua notes, as far as their resources allowed, and in the meantime to suspend the revalidation of the Gobierno Provisional notesAQ, Fondo Poder Ejecutivo Sec 2ª Hacienda C-1 Año 1915 Exp. 139 telegram Escudero, Chihuahua 16 March1915.

On 31 March, following Villa’s banning of Carrancista issues, the military governor of Chihuahua, Fidel Avila, prohibited the circulation of all such issues except for those that had been revalidated by the state governmentPeriódico Oficial, Chihuahua, Año II, Num 14, 4 Abril 1915.



In Saltillo on 20 January 1915 the Jefe de Armas, Santiago Ramírez, included the Gobierno Provisional notes in a list of those of forced circulationPeriódico Oficial, Coahuila, Tomo XXIII, Núm. 47, 23 January 1915. On 2 February he informed the public that the Oficina reselladora de billetes had reopened and would stay open until 10 FebruaryPeriódico Oficial, Coahuila, Tomo XXIII, Núm. 50, 3 February 1915 but this seems to have been in connection with revalidating Chihuahua notesThe opening was later extended until 25 February (Periódico Oficial, Tomo XXIII, Núm. 55, 20 February 1915 and Núm. 56, 24 February 1915.

It was only on 5 March that D. Ramos, the Administrador Subalterna del Timbre in Saltillo stated that a department would be open from 8 March to revalidate the notes listed in the 17 December decree. The department would stay open until 31 MarchPeriódico Oficial, Coahuila, Tomo XXIII, Núm. 59, 6 March 1915 and Núm. 60, 10 March 1915.

The Presidente Municipal of Monclova wrote on 23 March that there were enough such notes (needing revalidation) in Monclova and asked whether people had to go to the capital or whether they would establish an office in his townAMonclova, Fondo Presidencia Municipal, caja 414, Libro copiador de oficios, pag. 121.


GPM 50 OP Torreon

'PAGADURIA GENERAL - TORREÓN, COAH.' and the signatures of Pedro López Negrete and Romulo Rodríguez of the Comisión Revisadora

Pedro López Negrete GPM sig Lopez Negrete
Romulo Rodríguez GPM sig Rodriguez


This resello is included here but it will not have been part of the general progam to revalidate the Gobierno Provisional notes but applied to a particular high-value note. It might be of interest that the resello does not include the usual legend 'Este Billete es de circulación forzosa por ser auténtico. LA COMISION REVISADORA' (as here).

Torreón, near the southwest border of Coahuila and separated from Gómez Palacio, Durango, by the Nazas river, was a vital junction throughout the revolution. Villa occupied Torreón in April 1914, driving the Federal troops and six to seven thousand Spaniards out of the city. The authorities in Torreón were already restamping Chihuahua notes by November 1914ADur, Sección de Hacienda p178, telegram of Governor Saravia of Durango to Villa, 17 November 1914. By March 1915 because of the overwhelming number of forgeries in circulation Villa set up an office under control of the Comandancia Militar de la Comarca to sort out the genuine from the counterfeit with dramatic effectsACoah, sección 31a, exp. 11735 correspondence between Governor and Comandante Militar Ramírez, Mayor Jefe de Estado Mayor Rodolfo Farías Flores and Francisco Escudero, Chihuahua, 6 March and 8 March 1915.

Torreón was retaken by the Carrancistas on 29 September 1915.


On 20 October the Presidente Municipal of Colima, Carlos G. Rosaldo, published a flyer that the period for depositing notes had been extended until the end of the monthAMCol, 61,exo. 3.


The notice that the Tesorería de la Federación had designated the Jefaturas de Hacienda and Administraciones Principales Subalternas de la Renta del Timbre as offices for revalidating was published on 31 DecemberPeriódico Oficial, Guanajuato, Tomo LXVIII, Núm. 10, 31 December 1914 and the extension until 26 January on 7 January 1915Periódico Oficial, Guanajuato, Tomo LXVIII, Núm. 12, 7 January 1915.


GPM 5 OP Celaya

OP Celaya

Revalidado por orden del Departa / mento de HACIENDA / CELAYA MARZO DE 1915 with a circular seal of the ADMOR. PRINCIPAL DEL TIMBRE - CELAYA and the signatures of [              ][identification needed] and [                 ][identification needed].




GPM 5 B 58043

GPM 5 B 58043 reverse

'Administración Pral. del Timbre León, Gto.'

In March 1915 the Administrador Principal de la Renta del Timbre, A. M. Ugarte, asked Francisco Escudero, of the Departamento de Hacienda y Fomento, for a extension and Escudero replied by granting an extension until 15 MarchEl Barratero, Guanajuato, 4 March 1915.

On 15 March 1915 notices were posted in the usual places that by order of the government all Gobiero Provisional notes ought to circulate, even when they were not revalidatedCrispín Espinosa, Efemérides Guanajuatenses, 1917. The next day A. M. Ugarte, the [                     ] confirmed this.

San Miguel de Allende

GPM 1 OP San Miguel

GPM 1 OP San Miguel reverse

'REVALIDADO / conforme a la circular del Departa- / mento de Hacienda de 17 de / febrero de 1915. / SAN MIGUEL ALLENDE, MARZO 8 DE 1915. / EL ADMOR. PRA'. and signature of [                     ][identification needed] on the face and a red circular seal on the reverse.

  GPM sig San Miguel


This revalidation refers to Escudero's decree from the Departamento de Hacienda in Chihuahua of 17 February 1915.

The Presidente Municipal of Salvatierra, Guanajuato, published a circular reminding holders of Carranza's circular núm. 48 on 10 January 1916ASalvatierra, Municipal, caja 1915. On 21 March 1916 Oficial Mayor Juan Araujo, noting that businesses and the public were refusing to accept Constitutionalista and Gobierno Provisional notes with red and blue backs that had not been revalidated instructed the various offices of the Administración General de Rentas to take them as being of forced circulation, thus derogating his disposition of 12 Februaryibid.. This was acknowledged by the Administración Subalterna del Timbre in Salvatierra on 28 Marchibid. and copied to the Presidente Municipalibid..

On 23 March the Presidente Municipal of Tarimoro reported that people were refusing to accept Veracruz notes of five pesos or greater, even if they were revalidated C. Paredas, Tarimoro to Presidente, Municipal, Salvatierra, 23 March 1916. On 29 March Salvatierra sent him a copy of their recent circular.

On 4 March 1916 the Guanajuato government reiterated the paragraph in circular núm. 48 that notes that lacked resellos were still forcedPeriódico Oficial, Guanjuato , 9 March 1916. Salvatierra relayed the information in its own circular on 29 MarchASalvatierra, Municipal, caja 1915.

On 13 April 1916 the Jefe de Hacienda in Guanajuato noted that businesses were refusing to accept Gobierno Provisional notes that lacked the resello of the local Jefatura de Hacienda. In fact these notes did not need the resello, and any that had been so revalidated had been in error, when they were presented along with other notesibid..



'República Mexicana, Buenavista, Guerrero'


'Administración Subalterna del Timbre, Cocula'


On 1 January 1915 the governor Daniel Cerecedo Estrada reported that as the Convention’s period for revalidating had been extended the Gobierno Provisional notes which had been nullified remained valid until 20 JanuaryAH, Fondo Atotonilco el Grande, Sección Gobierno: Serie: Bandas y Decretos, Caja 77, Exp. 1.


The 17 December decree was published on 28 December El Estado de Jalisco, Tomo LXXX, No 1, 28 December 1914 but with some errors, so it was republished on 14 January 1915El Estado de Jalisco, Tomo LXXX, No. 16, 14 January 1915.

On 29 September 1915 Gabriel Vargas, the Jefe de Hacienda, issued a notice on how the exchange would be effectedBoletín Militar, Tomo III, Núm. 279, 29 September 1915. Although the public were warned that the deadline was 31 OctoberBoletín Militar, Tomo III, Núm. 296, 19 October 1915 the government sought an extension and on 2 January Vargas told the governor that the period for exchange had been extended until 25 JanuaryEl Estado de Jalisco, Tomo LXXX, No. 6, 2 January 1915: La República, Núm. 1, 6 January 1915.

On 5 January 1915 the governor, Medina, wrote to the Presidente Municipal that his government and the Secretaría de Guerra had received complaints and told him to make sure that people knew that the Gobierno Provisional de México notes were of forced circulation until 25 January, the last date for them to be revalidatedAHLagos, Presidencia Municipal, Secretaria General del Gobierno, exp. 246. The Presidente Municipal, Teniente Coronel Ismael S. Hurtado issued printed circularsibid. telegram Hurtado, Lagos de Moreno, to governor, Guadalajara, 5 March 1915. Probably people were making excuses not to accept notes as on 22 January, Hurtado warned people that notes in good condition included those are legible on the front, even if they are glued on the back AHLagos, Presidencia Municipal, COR, Año 1916, caja 150, exp. 44430.

On 12 November 1915 the Jefatura de Hacienda received instructions to start paying out on the deposits that had been made. The Jefe de Hacienda, Gabriel Vargas, said that as many poor people were holding certificates of deposits for small amounts on Mondays and Tuesdays they would pay out on $1 to $500, on Wednesdays and Thursdays from $500 to $5,000 and on Fridays and Saturdays on amounts over $5,000El Demócrata, Guadalajara, Tomo I, Núm, 13, 13 November 1915.

On 15 December Gabriel Vargas informed the public that Veracruz and Ejército Constitucionalista notes were valid even without resellosEl Demócrata, Guadalajara, Tomo I, Núm. 46, 16 December 1915. Vargas had to reinforce the message of Carranza’s circular núm. 48 again, a fortnight laterEl Demócrata, Guadalajara, Tomo I, Núm. 61, 31 December 1915.


GPM 1 OP Atoyac

OP Atoyac

A violet circular seal with 'AGENCIA DEL TIMBRE - ATOYAC, JAL.'


GPM 100 Autlan


A black oval seal with 'ADMON. SUBALTERNA DEL TIMBRE - AUTLAN'


GPM 5 B 875543 reverse

A purple oval seal with '[     ] SUBALTERNA [   ] - CHAPALA'.

Ciudad Guzmán

GPM 1 OP C Guzman

OP C Guzman



The Administración Principal del Timbre used a variety of seals.

GPM 5 B 669750 reverse

A circular violet seal with '[                     ] - GUADALAJARA, JAL.' with eagle in centreCNBanxico #2708.

'Adm. Pral. del Timbre-Timbre, Guadalajara'

'Adm. Principal del Timbre, Guadalajara' with eagle at centre

GPM 5 B 1151242 reverse


A circular violet seal with 'ADM. PRAL. DEL TIMBRE - GUADALAJARA'CNBanxico #2707.

'Admon. Principal del Timbre, Guadalajara'

Lagos de Moreno

On 28 February 1915 the substitute Presidente Municipal of Lagos de Moreno, Francisco Guerrero Ramírez published  Villa’s decree núm. 4 listing the issues of forced circulation, which included revalidated Gobierno Provisional de MéxicoAHLagos, Presidencia Municipal, COR, Año 1916, caja 150, exp. 44430.

San Gabriel

GPM 1 OP San Gabriel

OP San Gabriel

A black oval seal with 'AGENCIA DEL TIMBRE - SAN GABRIEL'

San Marcos

'Revalidado Conforme a la Circular de Hacienda de 17 de Febrero de 1915, San Marcos'

Again, this revalidation refers to Escudero's decree from the Departamento de Hacienda in Chihuahua of 17 February 1915.


GPM 1 OP Sayula

OP Sayula

A violet circular seal with '[                         ] SAYULA'



'Tamazula, Agencia del Timbre'


GPM 5 B 1120660 reverse



GPM 1 OP Zacoalco

OP Zacoalco