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Notes of El Banco Minero in circulation

The Banco Minero had to publish a balance sheet every month, including the value of notes in circulationNotes in circulation excluded the issued notes held in the bank and its branches at the time of the count, and included any outstanding notes of the Banco Mexicano and Banco Comercial after the Banco Minero took over those banks..

  1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894
January 35,981·00 228,507·25 357,366·75 396,249·00 415,797·50 490,065·75
February 45,294·00 199,195·00 365,541·00 366,634·25 426,852·50 492,890·75
March 61,573·00 218,421·75 374,415·25 372,489·25 411,368·00 504,296·25
April 70,338·00 234,812·50 367,067·75 356,230·00 415,256·75 497,291·25
May 81,531·00 218,572·00 376,783·25 357,722·50 410,148·75 521,482·75
June 126,523·25 223,854·25 375,531·75 330,498·25 415,336·50 505,489·75
July 193,639·50 223,854·25 375,531·75 378,410·25 426,203·50 506,261·75
August 211,189·00 240,123·00 382,357·25 377,632·75 411,940·25 485,954·25
September 220,011·50 200,794·00 389,078·25 353,464·50 429,369·50 522,355·00
October 234,060·50 319,856·00 404,875·50 395,108·50 448,308·75 545,902·00
November 242,151·25 346,283·00 421,872·50 391,572·50 475,198·25  
December 227,035·25 339,337·50 423,785·25 414,680·50 477,841·50 538,429·25


  1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900
January 550,863·00 952,078·25 1,180,940·00 1,367,726·00 1,666,689·25 1,748,617·50
February 539,869·75 1,014,651.25 1,252,353·00 1,417,804·50 1,821,611·00 1,753,161·00
March 544,759·75 1,046,262·50 1,291,919·25 1,535,204·75 1,652,068.00 1,810,788·25
April   1,067,033·75 1,319,029.75 1,583,753·75 1,733,086·25 1,834,066·50
May 586,980·25 1,097,894·00 1,319,554·50 1,565,071·50 1,706,595·50 1,758,876·25
June 609,381·75 1,088,200·50 1,326,016·00 1,491,658·00 1,812,140·75 1,774,969·75
July 597,940·50 991,713·00 1,297,273·50 1,460,379·50 1,900,282·25 2,190,481·00
August 603,266·50 1,099,395·25 1,314,824·00 1,516,307·00 1,684,241·25 2,145,061·00
September 599,316·50 1,073,422·50 1,332,024·25 1,543,321,75 1,699,642·25 2,177,752·75
October 601,750·50 1,050,971·50 1,343,635·75 1,659,917·25 1,768,976·25 2,200,555·25
November 627,886·75 1,125,924·25 1,373,581·25 1,592,304·00 1,684,241·25  
December 639,169·00 1,133,362.00 1,363,971·00 1,640,320·75 1,720,571·50 2,180,054·75


  1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906
January 2,236,453·25 2,717,484·50 3,186,329·50 3,650,667·00 3,385,088·50 3,815,564·50
February 2,335,234·25 2,838,553·25 3,481,040·50 3,799,458·50 3,433,824.25 3,943,341·50
March 2,392,844·00 2,891,049.00 3,483,430·75 3,714,610·75 3,469,251·50 4,060,329·50
April 2,379,703·25 2,777,990·50 3,410,703·25 3,567,028.25 3,443,920·50 4,160,310·00
May 2,378,835·00 2,811,182·50 3,350,260·50 3,612,959·50 3,369,920·50 4,070,259·75
June 2,444,501.00 2,807,040·25 3,374,458·75 3,533,804·00 3,540,489·75 4,233,514·75
July 2,316,573·75 2,860,781·00 3,306,050·00 3,479,681·75 3,623,138·00 4,298,166·75
August 2,433,960·25 2,847,497·75 3,273,744·25 3,221,976·25 3,708,221.00 4,103,905·00
September 2,515,223·75 2,929,523·75 3,396,388·75 3,417,568·00 3,662,045·75 4,371,719·00
October 2,594,962·50 3,083,326·50 3,377,461·25 3,466,436·75 3,740,366·75 4,394,882·00
November 2,694,582·50 3,069,133·75 3,468,886·75 3,578,760·00 3,910,867·25 4,387,364·00
December 2,798,896·50 3,259,786·00 3,499,634·75 3,334,296.00 3,867,662·75 4,369,629·00


  1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912
January 4,297,526·25 3,922,119·00 2,980,305·00 3,816,505·00 4,306,246·00 3,952,775·00
February 4,428,821·50 3,914,063·00It should be remembered that the value of notes permitted in circulation was related to the value of cash and deposits held by the bank and all these figures might have been 'juggled' to ensure that the bank appeared to be maintaining the prescribed ratios. According to one of the El Correo de Chihuahua's informants on 29 February 1908 (the night of the robbery) the bank, after the close of business, borrowed money from the Banco Comercial Refaccionario, showed this money to the Interventor Ramón Cuellar when he came to make his monthly inspection, and then phoned the other bank and told it that it could come and collect its cash (El Correo de Chihuahua, 15 August 1911). In fact, the bank was still short, as it showed a total of $2,100,838.26 in its several branches (including $1,596,527.55 in Chihuahua) but had notes in circulation of $4,261,859.47 so needed to show $2,130,929.73 as 50% (extraordinary balance sheet as of 6 March 1908) 3,085,685·00 3,687,325·00 4,139,368·50 3,995,531·75
March 4,466,329·50 3,925,871·00 3,061,260·00 3,656,305·00 4,255,967·50 4,222,010·75
April 4,331,621·50 3,775,805·00 3,036,915·00 3,521,210·00 4,245,746·50 4,161,615·75
May 4,347,618·50 3,664,291·50 3,056,140·00 3,707,630·00 4,467,916·50According to the balance sheet of 31 May 1911 the bank had exceeded its permitted circulation and was to told to put it right. On 29 June it was still exceeding, and on 1 July it was told to stop making loans, and had until 30 July to come within the law. By 21 July it had managed to comply 4,437,044·75
June 4,629,449·00 3,654,686·50 3,070,805·00 3,707,630·00 4,330,910·50 4,380,989·75
July 4,544,979·00 3,484,991·50 3,091,565·00 3,713,720·00 4,140,422·00 4,338,199·75
August 4,512,756·00 3,217,388·00 3,052,800,00 3,713,720·00 4,017,881·00 4,225,874·75
September 4,419,942·75 3,171,303·00 3,193,473·00 3,786,980·00 3,939,926·00 3,877,629·75
October 4,410,484·25 3,139,430·00 3,379,863·00 3,962,860·00 4,085,987·50 3,967,296·75
November 4,213,073·00 3,107,330·00 3,631,303·00 4,017,111·00 4,227,087·50 4,081,636·75
December 4,085,125·00 3,040,096·00 3,758,805·00 4,027,671·00 4,106,750.00 4,094,146·75


  1913 1914        
February 4,119,536.75CEHM, Fondo Creel,          
March   6,335,320.00CEHM, Fondo Creel,        
May   8,155,390.00CEHM, Fondo Creel,        
June   12,755,390.00CEHM, Fondo Creel, 92, 23585        
July   13,655,390.00CEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22003        
August   13,955,390.00CEHM, Fondo Creel, 86, 22048        
October   14,405,390.00CEHM, Fondo Creel, 122, 31468        
November 4,796,449.95but this included $23,749.00 in Banco Mexicano notes and $19,964.75 in Banco Comercial notes. The balance was:
14,005 25c 3,501·25
10,010 50c 5,005·00
346,174 $5 1,730,870·00
103,137 $10 1,031,370·00
25,147 $20 502,940·00
6,203 $50 310,150·00
7,659 $100 768,900·00
400 $1000 400,000·00
total 4,752,736·00
(ST papers, Part I, box 84, account as of 25 November 1913 produced for Silvestre Terrazas by S. Goyenche, after studying what books he had of the Banco Minero, 23 November 1914)
14,405,390.00CEHM, Fondo Creel,        
December   14,405,390.00CEHM, Fondo Creel, 99, 25344        


The bank continued to redeem its notes after the revolution. In February 1928 it still has $2,649,972 outstandingThe Los Angeles Times, 16 February 1928. In September 1930 $2,411,342.50 was still out in circulationThe bank had issued $19,014,346.75, incinerated $16,593,004.25 and had $10,000.00 in its vaults. (AGN, Fondo Gonzalo Robles, Sección Bancos, Subsección Comisión Liquidadora, caja 8, exp. 234 informe of Inspector J. de J. Rodríguez, 19 September 1930).